Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Zapopan Centro railway station, light rail station in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Create your own Highlights Map

Grande partie des gouv. de Languedoc, et de Guienne et Gascogne. (to accompany) Atlas geographique et militaire de la France divise en 2 parties. A Paris : Chez R.J. Julien ... 1751. Carte de France ... par Mr. Cassini de Thury. Par ... R. J. Julien ... Augmentee en 1754.

Quirimbas National Park, national park.

Plum Island Light, lighthouse in New York, United States.

Woodstock Library, library branch in Portland, Oregon.

Municipal Park, park in Luxembourg.

Cits du Sultanat termines. Je commence les Principauts Eutectiques.

Cities of the Sultanate are done, I'm starting the Eutectic Princedoms.

Colton's Arkansas. Published by G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.

Norman station, railway station in Norman, Oklahoma, US.

There are (so far) only 6 in :

* Schulim Brger
* Walter Gerson
* Siegfried Gutmann

* Hans Eduard Szybilski
* Curt Moses
* Erich Holewa

All on this :

lol "Dry Rottingham" - a German propaganda designed to show Americans what the world would look like if the Allies won WW2

(plus the insightful idea of the victorious British Empire torturing the yanks by renaming Utah as unpronouncable "Worcestershire")

Amazing propaganda from Russian War Relief visualising imaginary invasion of USA in WW2 to help Americans 'map' what was happening in the East


Street Light Map

day 19: Typography
Carte des toponymes qui font peur french scary toponymy
des places et de France avec un toponyme effrayant (ne pas regarder seul le soir)
online - sound on :

Warrumbungle National Park, national park in Australia.

Capo Spartivento Calabro Lighthouse, lighthouse in Brancaleone, Calabria, Italy.

State Library of Queensland, main research and reference library in Queensland.

Jack Block Park, park in Seattle.

Hand drew & painted this today in & finished it in . I wanted a smaller world map for a future project


Olaine, railway station in Olaine, Latvia.

Eine neue Auftragskarte ist fertig geworden. Sie zeigt eine Burg an einem Wasserfall mit einer Siedlung im Tal. Die Karte ist fr , der sie fr ein Homebrew Setting fr DSA und Midgard verwenden mchte.

Clinton Sherman Municipal Airport : Clinton Oklahoma : Vicinity map. Wind analysis, airfield pavement. (to accompany) USAF Installations : Master plans : Zone of interior. Volume number 329. Date of issue, printed April 1953.

Renton railway station, railway station in Renton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, UK.

Grindel Point Light, lighthouse in Maine, United States.

Sint-Donatus Park, park in Leuven, Belgium.

Broadwater National Park, national park in Australia.

Mannix Library, Theological library located in East Melbourne, Australia.

Telopea railway station, railway station in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Kivikauden lydt. = Trouvailles de l'ge de la pierre. = Stenldersfynd. Aktiebolaget F. Tilgmann, Helsingfors 1910.

Do you use Do you have dark mode on and don't like the newly greyed out tiles

Here's a quick and hacky userContent.css definition to undo the greying:

/* */
media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)
.leaflet-pane .leaflet-tile-container .leaflet-tile, .mapkey-table-entry td:first-child > *
filter: brightness(1.0) !important

(The selectors I added to mimic openstreetmap dot orgs DOM structure. It might still catch some other websites, but would make no difference unless they use CSS filters too.)

Quick howto on userContent.css in Firefox here:

Maiden's Tower, lighthouse at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus in Turkey.

Fremont Central Park, park in California, United States of America, United States of America.

Curonian Spit National Park, national park, Neringa, Lithuania.

Old Strathcona Branch, building in Alberta, Canada.

Warrington Central railway station, railway station in Warrington, England.

Louisiana (inset) Vicinity of New Orleans.

One of my fave
I've made is the Stone Giant Lair: a mountain top with purple crystal formations, some vegetation, and a looong looong way down. Perspective is a bit stretched, but I love how it looks nonetheless.

Nice simple looking at near the in the area

That obfuscates links by shortening geographic coordinates with some cryptic string, I understand. I don't like it, but I understand. It's their shitty business m.o.

That people don't care enough to share *two numbers*, I also understand. General laziness.

But this takes a toll on the basic, general comprehension of how simple things work, like maps, and this pisses me off. This makes society worse.
