Amazing Highlights from around the World.

wow cool that's where I grew up, as mapped in the Cassini Map of the Kingdom of France, by the Cassini family in the 1700s. Four generations of the Cassini carried out the work, taking more than 6 decades to complete.

The whole map, 180 plates, was just made open access:

This looks neat.

"Tiny Static Map" is a lightweight library (1 kB) that creates a static image centered on a specified latitude and longitude.

Shimsa-Nakayama Station, railway station in Funabashi, Chiba prefecture, Japan.

Ethnographische Karte von Europa, oder Darstellung der Haputvertheilung der europaischer Volker nach ihren Sprachen und Religions-Verschiedenheiten der Jugend gewidmet von C. Desjardins, mit erklarendem Text von J.H. Diese Karte ist zu haben in Wien bei dem Herausgeber, Salvatorgasse Nr. 368, und in allen soliden Kunsthandlungen. (1837)

Munroe Lighthouse, lighthouse in Kerala, India.

Superkilen, public park in Copenhagen.

Danbulla National Park, national park in Australia.

Kenton Library, library.


Merstham railway station, railway station in Merstham, Surrey, England, UK.

Your make me think who can feel a cry:

- activists:

- who are attracted to and don't hurt anyone: and BTW most are heterosexual:

- People who are afraid that our can't survive Trump:

!!No one should feel a lost cry!!

Maps for Fantasy RPGs Workbooks 5 & 6: full-color 128-page workbooks with hand drawn maps for you to stock & store YOUR adventures! Now on sale at Drivethrurpg!

Frnebofjrden National Park, national park.

Louisbourg Lighthouse, lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Hong Kong Central Library, public library in Hong Kong.

Moseley Park, park in Birmingham, England.

No. 29-30: Map Of The Ohio River, Reduced from the following surveys ... 1837-8, Lieut. Sanders ... 1844, C.A. Fuller ... 1867-8, W.M. Roberts ... Made under the direction of Major W.E. Merrill, Corps of Engineers, By C. Moser.

A map of the Kingdom of Denmark, with the Dutchy of Holstein. By William Faden, Geographer to the King. MDCCXC. London. Printed for Willm. Faden, Charing Cross, August 2, 1790.

Crowle railway station, railway station in North Lincolnshire, Lincolnshire, England, UK.

Topiary Park, park in Columbus, Ohio that replicates a George Seurat painting.


Liuwa Plain National Park, national park of Zambia.

Zhongjiang Pagoda, building in People's Republic of China.

Sellwood-Moreland Library, library.

Stieler's Hand-Atlas ... No. 22. Sud-westliches Deutschland und die Schweiz.

Avigliana railway station, railway station in Italy.

We appreciate something about the title for this map by Bonne ( c. 1780) that shows a good portion of northwest Africa with the almost reverential title of "De L'Ancien Continent" (The Old Continent). Interesting that it's not using terms of exoticism by calling a region "the Far East" or a "Far flung part of the empire", but it's the "ancient land".
Yes, that is the ancient continent in which human history is anchored over millennia

Challenger Park, park in Simi Valley, United States of America.

Penedo da Saudade Lighthouse, lighthouse in Portugal.

Florence Public Library, historic library building located at Florence, Florence County, South Carolina.

Rondane National Park, national park in Innlandet county, Norway.

Queretaro. Publicado por Debray Sucs. Imprenta Litografica, Mexico. Copyright, 1884, by S. Voisin. (1886)

Momonokawa Station, railway station in Imari, Saga prefecture, Japan.


Vavuniya railway station, railway station in Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

City of Springfield. Revised by Charles M. Slocum, C.E.

A map of my setting, Dorn. Just a lil sketch.

GitHub - hyperknot/openfreemap: Free and open-source map hosting solution with custom styles for websites and apps, using OpenStreetMap data

An initiative to enhance local data collection across Ethiopia

in Ethiopia


Gorky Park (Rostov-on-Don), urban park in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.

Slovak Paradise National Park, national park.

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