Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Where Pop artist are more popular in the USA

The Great Polish Map of Scotland in the snow, created by Jan Tomasik. Close to decent parking/bike locking in Eddlestone (a wee distance from Peebles) as well as a fine dug friendly pub wth decent food.

Medical Aid for Palestinians Statement


(Farm) map number nine (Santa Clara Co., California). (with) Plat of Los Gatos. (with) Plat of Lexington. (Thompson & West, San Francisco, Cala. 1876)

Kita-Kembuchi Station, former railway station in Kenbuchi, Kamikawa district, Hokkaid, Japan.

Bidwell Park, Municipal Park in Chico, California.

Reinheimen National Park, national park in Norway.

Sheep's Head Lighthouse, lighthouse in Ireland.

Hoboken Public Library, public library system in New Jersey, USA.

The Pacific (3D) - 2019
It's 3D Saturday! Rolling back to 2019, and specifically 6 months before the start of the pandemic, and 8 months before the lock-down here. This one here shot in my workplace (but another department) - the geology (or Earth sciences) department. They have many things hanging on the walls there and I loved this one REAL 3D model for the Pacific ocean floor. I remember in that period I wasn't a fan of phonography (that is, shooting with a phone), but I used the phone merely for quick snaps when I need to, and in this case, for quick 3D anaglyphs when my Canon wasn't with me.
Get those out and keep staring!

Hispania Nova. (to accompany) Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris.

Tullymurry railway station, Former railway station in Northern Ireland.

Countries which Germans feel are similar to Germany

Mount Carmel National Park, park in Israel.

Los Nevados National Natural Park, protected area.

Drum Point Light, lighthouse in Maryland, United States.

Halifax Central Library, public library in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Saza Station, railway station in Saza, Kitamatsuura district, Nagasaki prefecture, Japan.

Govvernement de Guise. (to accompany) Les plans et profils de tovtes les principales villes et lievx considerables de France ... Par le Sieur Tassin. A Paris, M. DC. XXXVI (1636).

Condom use among men who have sex with men.

Hand drawn. NO AI.
Professional Commissions.
Your project. Your maps.

Full text and map of two new national monuments via the Federal Register:

Chuckwalla National Monument

Stttla Highlands National Monument

Both monuments were established under the authority of the Antiquities Act. Chuckwalla National Monument will be managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Stttla Highlands National Monument will be managed by the U.S. Forest Service

An Ottoman Map of Canada, 1896 (North America, Alaska (Old Russia), Greenland)

Tavannes railway station, railway station in Switzerland.

Rome in the times of the emperors. Environs of Rome. Drawn by Dr. Charles Muller. Engraved by Edwd. Weller. London: John Murray. (to accompany) Dr. William Smith's Ancient atlas. 18,19. 1874. (insets) The forum Romanum under the empire and the imperial Fora. (with) Rome during the republic. (with) The Forum before the time of Julius Caesar.

Lets start of 2025 by looking at which gender the heads of states are for every country

White Point Gardens, Historic park in Charleston, South Carolina.

Cross River National Park, national park in Nigeria.

Anvil Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Swanage, Dorset, England, UK.

Richmond Hill Public Library, library in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.

First MRP model of 2025 German election

A new map of Suabia. Bu Cha. Price. Sold by G. Willdey and T. Brandreth ...

Netherlands if sea levels rises by 2 meters

Lake Eildon National Park, national park in Australia.

Punta Imperatore Lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

Bronx Library Center, public library in the Bronx, New York, USA.

Sommerroparken, park in Oslo, Norway.

Which areas of Saskatoon are best for car-free living A U of S student decided to figure it out
Monique Poisson-Fast, a geography and planning student at the University of Saskatchewan, has created a map identifying the best spots to live in Saskatoon if you don't own a car.

Countries where the capital is not the most populated city

Faversham railway station, railway station in Faversham, Swale, Kent, England, UK.

Canadian wills free