Amazing Highlights from around the World.

When a doodle made during a class council sparks an idea

Kermorvan lighthouse, lighthouse in Finistre, France.

Create your own Highlights Map

Asia Vetus (Old Asia).

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. La Mappa.
Ho iniziato a giocarci su GBAsp per curiosit e mi son ritrovato a bramare il momento in cui avrei potuto rigiocarci e progredire.
Non pensavo un gioco per gameboy potesse avere delle dinamiche di gioco cos belle e moderne, un ambiente cos ben caratterizzato, dal background ai nemici.
Ha i suoi difetti e non sono pochi, ma il tutto davvero godibilissimo.

New Hampshire. Published by A. Finley Philada. Young & Delleker Sc.

Two weeks ago we published a subscriber update to our overview of territorial administration in /#Palestine, with detailed timeline of events since December.

The map is still basically correct today, pending possible Israeli offensive on .

Full map & report:

lighthouse in Spain.

self-host the


Progression des reliefs sur Shrafel, la partie SO du continent d'Eingana.

Progress on the topography of Sherafel, the SW part of the Eingana continent.

Une carte du bonheur mondial par pays en 2024.

a donne toujours a pens ce genre de rapport.

! , for (many articles are system agnostic) is available in PDF & PRINT at

Ahrkap Feneri, lighthouse in Istanbul, Turkey.

Carte du Perou, ou se trouvent les Audiences de Quito, Lima et la Plata. Projettee et assujettie aux observations astronomiques par M. Bonne, Hydrographe du Roi. A Paris, Chez Lattre, rue St. Jacques a la Ville de Bordeaux, avec pr. du R. (1791)

Envie de dcouvrir

Les inscriptions pour la Nuit de la gographie sont ouvertes !

En ligne ou en prsentiel Paris, ce sera l'occasion de cartographier au profit de Mdecin sans frontires.

> 3 avril 18h30 avec CartONG

Inscriptions :

Attacks on the Press 2023

A continuation of the road from Bristol to Chester. (to accompany)The roads through England delineated, or, Ogilby's survey : revised, improved, and reduced to a size portable for the pocket by John Senex, F.R.S. ... Publish'd ... 1st May 1780, by R. Wilkinson ... Cornhill, London.

Orfordness Lighthouse, demolished lighthouse in the United Kingdom.

Jan Micker was inspired by Cornelis Anthonisz.' 1544 Map of Amsterdam. This painting thus portrays Amsterdam as it must have been around 1544, and not the enlarged Amsterdam of 1652.
Amster (nome del fiume)
dam (diga)
= la diga sul fiume Amster.

Nordostliches Frankreich. Druck und Verlag von Carl Flemming. (to accompany) Sohr-Berghaus Hand-Atlas ... von F. Handtke, 7. Auflage. Ausgabe. 1884.

I live near two junctions at which I can join the A40 trunk road. When I drive East, I use the Easternmost when I drive West, I use the Westernmost but I almost never drive the stretch of A40 between them!

A few years ago I generated heatmaps of my movements based on my long-running personal location log ( ) and these confirm my belief that I rarely use that segment.

It's inevitable I suppose that there should exist a "road (segment) less-travelled" right on my doorstep, but it still feels strange.

Maybe I'm missing out on something great! (Probably the commuters who use that road to get into and out of Oxford don't think so.)

Les reliefs de Trinacrine sont finis. Prochaine tape, le plus grand continent, au centre de la carte.

Reliefs of Trinacrine are done. Next step, the biggest continent, in the middle of the map.

A very large and very inspiring fantasy map Ive had the chance to create for the upcoming sequel to Dark Diety. It is featured on their latest developer blog at

"What Happens to Google Maps When Tectonic Plates Move"

Great question (think huge earthquakes) and an incredibly interesting read (to me at least!)

As I made my way through this, I couldn't help but think about the precision of weapon systems aiming at a specific spot on the ground, based on potentially faulty map data.

lighthouse in Spain.

Partie de la Kalmoukie. Asie no. 56. (Dresse par Ph. Vandermaelen, lithographie par H. Ode. Deuxieme partie. - Asie. Bruxelles. 1827)

A hand drawn, old school Dwarven Water Tomb dungeon map - check out this pen and paper map

Bressay Lighthouse, lighthouse in Shetland Islands, Scotland, UK.


Dpartement du Nord. Imp. Ad. Mertens, Paris-Bruxelles.

lien #map #net #gik #dns

Stavseng Lighthouse, lighthouse in Norway.

The remarkable career of Babur began during the month of Ramadan (1494), when he inherited the Timurid appanage of Fergana at the tender age of 12.

A map of Timurid Ferghana & its surrounding Timurid & Mongol neighbours at the time of Babur's accession.

Via : Timurid-Mughal Archives

"Slain Children Mourned: When will this end"

That's not a recent headline. It's from 1996. See my collection of stories at

"Slain Children Mourned: When will this end"

That's not a recent headline. It's from 1996. See my collection of stories at

"Slain Children Mourned: When will this end"

That's not a recent headline. It's from 1996. See my collection of stories at

lighthouse in Spain.

Physiographic Diagrams of Mount St. Helens, Washington, Showing Changes in its Summit Crater, Summer 1981.

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