Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Viking Exploration

El Londres de Ian Fleming Nuevo mapa-gua de Herb Lester Herb Lester

Luna Park Hamburg-Altona, amusement park in Hamburg, Germany.

Pirin National Park, national park in Bulgaria.

Queen's Wharf Lighthouse, lighthouse in Ontario, Canada.

The Dick Institute, public library and museum in East Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.

Very cool of grocery chain territories created by the Washington Post using data:

Handdrawn map of the most popular and important German football clubs

Quite happy with this color ramp for a 3D map. Here, we have a terrain in Ohio, in Holmes County. Very surprising landscape

Assez content de ce dgrad de couleurs pour une carte 3D. Ici, nous avons un terrain dans lOhio, dans le comt de Holmes. Paysage trs surprenant

Aprs une aprs-midi TMF, et une visio de rseau rgional ce jeune () mdecin retrouvera t il la route de son domicile


The Muslim World

Die Oesterreichische Niederlande : verfertiget J. G. Schreibern in Leipzig. (to accompany) Atlas selectus von allen Konigreichen und Landern der Welt ...

Uffington and Barnack railway station, railway station in Peterborough, the UK.

Im a teacher, I use visuals like this to explain how remote Oceania is.I have two friends in AUS (one I met in US,the other in Europe) but its the last place Id visit since its so remote

Serrana La Neblina National Park, national park in Venezuela.

Capo Colonne Lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

Portland Public Library, public library in Portland, Maine, United States.

Shilin Official Residence, Chiang Kai-shek's house in Taipei.

Maps for Fantasy RPGs Vol 10 Kickstarter just launched!
Hand drawn, royalty free, full-color maps for commercial & home projects!

US Bombing of Laos, 1964-1973

In diesem Monat habe ich mir eine besondere Battle Map fr meine lieben Untersttzer auf Patreon berlegt. Ein uralter Drachenschdel aus lngst vergangener Zeit regt die Fantasie an. Wer hat den Drachen erlegt Woher stammt er Wo ist sein Drachenhort Und gibt es noch mehr Drachen Wie wrdet ihr die Karte einsetzen

Studen BE railway station, railway station in Switzerland.

Palestine. 1,1000,000. Asie. Chine et Japon. 1:15,000,000. (with inset map) Le Suisse. Kartographia Winterthur S.A. Conference des Chefs des Depart. Cant. de l'Instruction Publique. Atlas Scolaire 2e. Edition.

Proposed Unions of the world:

Minority Languages in France

The notable people really surprised me with many details (interactive)

Lighthouse map of Spain

Colored two of my scanned, hand drawn maps in photoshop. Bonus maps for my Kickstarter!

N Pali Coast State Park, State park in Hawaii, United States.

Mount Binga National Park, national park in Australia.

Minnesota Point Light, lighthouse in Minnesota, United States.

Vancouver Community Library, library.

Dungog railway station, Australian railway station.

France Divisee en 89 Departements.

Maps for Fantasy RPGs Vol 10 Kickstarter just launched!
Hand drawn, royalty free, full-color maps for commercial & home projects!

Birth per woman 2021. Source WB

Afro-Eurasia at the Time of Jesus of Nazareths Crucifixion

Asinara National Park, national park.

Punta Tuna Light, lighthouse in Maunabo, Puerto Rico.

Irish will