Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Un changement de font et quelques rglages. Cela devrait tre un peu plus lisible maintenant.

Changed a font and some different settings. It should be a bit more legible now.

This app is so simple, beautiful and powerful!
I'm looking for a FOSS map app, but I would like it to have a route feature.

Create your own Highlights Map

Day 3 map #3 of "Espaa Poligonera"

A day at has yielded a far better for with interactive selection of individual bridges.

I'm updating the work I presented last week.

lien #dontbeevil #gik #map

Day3 Polygons

Pubs in London per square km. Higher density in the center obvs but also some hotspots outside.

Data from . Made with .

If you want to know how to make this kind of fishnet grid for any polygon, Ive documented the process a little bit in this notebook:


day 3: Polygons
french protected areas / natural parks seen as islands
original idea


"Using formal analysis, statistical methodology, and computer processing, we present the cartographic characteristics of each one and relate them to their historical context, updating the scarce information available until now."

Pablo-Mart, F., Lpez-Requena, J. The Spanish Gough maps: first pre-postal maps of the Iberian Peninsula in its European context. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 716 (2023).


Et un peu plus. La partie basse est sans doute amliorer (notamment le globe), j'ai juste repris un ancien test.

Some more. The lower part need probably some improvements, I just took an old test.

The NYT put up this overkill with all the neighborhoods. Parts of it are funny like these SIMPLE fools who think Marble Hill is Riverdale (just jump in the river.)

But, I also look at the parts of the city with no names. Dark water, dark islands. They are places too. They have names: Rikers, Bronx Kill, Helle Gate, N. Brother Island places we ignore water, the wilds, the prison boat.

Day 2 map #2 of "Borderlines" are the boundaries between two countries.

- B comme

mme si c'est trs littoral, ceci n'est pas la carte des zones touches par la

I really enjoyed seeing all of the Day 1 toots and data viz! For Day 2, Im getting out of my comfort zone to explore hydrological data. The map shows streams and reaches from the USGS National Hydrography Dataset (Hydrological Unit 8) in the upper Potomac River Watershed.

Day2 Lines.

Elevation map of the UK and Ireland.

Made with one of my most favourite libraries: ridge-map. Super easy to use. You can create stunning visuals with just a few lines of code. Checkout the documenation:

Code behind this map:


day 2: lines
travel time from Paris by roads
calculated with IGNFrance


New Release
FG Haunted Interiors Map Pack
SmiteWorks USA, LLC

This map pack consists of nearly 100 images that can be used to create or enhance existing maps to more classic haunted interiors. Such as haunted houses, forbidden crypts, and so on.

jour 1: Points

Une X Radio France avec des indications de genre.

A aller dcouvrir, et surtout couter ici :

(patience, il y a 10 000 points, il y a 10 secondes de chargement)

Toujours pas finie, mais cela commence ressembler quelque chose non

Still unfinished, but it starts to look like it, right

for press release:
and the Royal Academy of launch a new Tube design celebrating the achievements of worldwide

Some work from me back in 2018

My first time participating in the . Using this time to learn to create new styles and viz based on John Nelson's map hacks for ArcPro. Im also working on creating more meaningful ALT text for accessibility. Happy Mapping all!

Day 1 (Points): EV Charging Stations and Gas Stations in Reston, VA

Nelson's Map Hack: Make Glowing Firefly Symbols in ArcGIS Pro

Let's start: Day 1 map #1 of
"The European tripoint constelation "
A is a geographical point at which the boundaries of 3countries.

Aujourd'hui j'ai fini mes 30 cartes pour octobre !


day 1: Points
An interactive map of lighthouses of France IGNFrance data Wikipediafr original idea researchremora


That's the start of the 30 day map challenge I don't think I'll take part this year: too much to do, too much to worry about. Maybe I'll share a few maps anyway.

Good luck to all those who take up the challenge!

Stand Out with REBLIE's Retail Map Generator

Make your listing shine with REBLIE's for Our property mapping automatically creates an aerial view map populated with surrounding so buyers can visualize the area. Listing maps made easy.

View for more info :

What is that POI Click on any point-of-interest in the of 8.5 and see what hides behind the nice icon.

What is that POI Click on any point-of-interest in the of 8.5 and see what hides behind the nice icon.

New /#Palestine map #3: Territorial control between end of invasion and start of Israeli ground invasion of . Full-size map with explanations and timeline:

Wer hat Lust auf ein gruseliges Abenteuer in einem schaurigen Wald mit eigenwilligen Bewohnern Wer traut sich den bsen Waldgeist zu wecken und in seinem Innern die dunkle Hhle zu erkunden Und was ist eigentlich dort in dem tiefen Loch versteckt
Happy Halloween euch allen!

To Takarajima, Japan.
We will spread our wings.
Starting from the station, the nest.
To discover Japan that you haven't seen yet.
Either alone or in pairs.
Some birds travel far, while others stroll nearby.
Now, where shall we travel today

NASA Is Locating Ice On Mars With This New Map
<-- shared technical article
<-- shared paper
<-- web mapping
The map could help the agency decide where the first astronauts to the Red Planet should land. The more available water, the less missions will need to bring.
Buried ice will be a vital resource for the first people to set foot on Mars, serving as drinking water and a key ingredient for rocket fuel. But it would also be a major scientific target: Astronauts or robots could one day drill ice cores much as scientists do on Earth, uncovering the climate history of Mars and exploring potential habitats (past or present) for microbial life.


Probably I should post more content :)

Finalmente abbiamo mapporn su Lemmy!!!

la fine

La carte des trains en temps rel.


Trying something different: starting posts of quotes related to geography, cartography and geopolitics, primarily from genre literature (Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Urban-Fantasy or other). Don't know if these posts will be regular.

A quote on the practice of cartography and geographic cataloging.

Source: BRUSSOLO, Serge, (2004), -, Saint-Amand, ditions Gallimard, collection Folio Science-Fiction, 160p.

Any nerds have tips on new mapping machines My laptop is on its way out.

Death Explained.