Amazing Highlights from around the World.

this is fascinating - thank you

Toro Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Panama.

USGS shows where damaging earthquakes are most likely to occur in US

Connectable Dungeons & Caves.

Suitable for 25mm .

Going out for the weekend Remember we have a great function for meeting up in new places!

Imagine you're in Tokyo and you're meeting at 'Kanda Station', which has over 20 exists...

Use the 'meet' button, drag the marker, create the link and send it! The receiver can use gps to track them there.

Have a great weekend. :)

Example Kanda station, Tokyo:

Books of 2024

Visualizing 3D Population Density

Va ser un lingista i matemtic, que inicialment va ensenyar hebreu a Heidelberg. Va publicar la seva primera cartografia d'Alemanya el 1529, rebent una acollida immensa dels seus companys arreu d'Europa.

Its been a mad week. Its all gone a bit tabloid! But its been . Heres reporting live from my house!

On a more serious front, the has produced new sightings from across . If you think you have seen one, do get in contact with me. We are already changing the distribution and chronology of this .

Faro de Torres, lighthouse in Spain.

Hsavk Lighthouse, lighthouse in Iceland.

Athens and murales,
Athens and cats.
Map 2016: the international airport of Athens area, placed in Elliniko, was dismissed by years. Just some photos before the works.
One hut, four windows,

Filothei hill, north Athens, Galatsi side.

more photo mapping on

Climatic analogs for some US urban areas in the late 21st century:

Thimble Shoal Light, lighthouse in Virginia, United States.

Its success must have felt inevitable at the time.
In the early 20th century, Buenos Aires had such momentum. A population of almost a million people (keep in mind Madrid was almost half that), business was booming and the city's infrastructure was growing. It was said that it had a faster pace of life than other "tropical cities". Here a map from 1911 by a Argentinian mapmaker, includes notations for neighborhoods and comisarias.

There's just over a week to go before pre-ordering closes on my .

Order before 5 Feb and get your in early March.

Fancy one Go here:

(1000 pieces, superb quality, and made in the UK of sustainable materials, the price INCLUDES P&P to UK addresses.)

My new side project lets you explore original color photos from the early 1900s on a world map. The first batch consists of over 60,000 Autochromes commissioned by Albert Kahn. More collections coming soon!

I think i already done this one, but... Can we doubt of the beauty of Rio de Janeiro Obviously not :)

Je crois l'avoir dj fait celui-l, mais... Peut-on douter de la beaut de Rio de Janeiro videmment pas :)

Tourin Lighthouse, lighthouse in Spain.

In 1942, MacArthur and his family fled the Philippines, due to the advancing Japanese forces saying, "... I shall return". And by January of 1945 he did return and was pressing the front into Manila. A newspaper map from the time giving the update.

Wicklow Head Lighthouse, lighthouse in Ireland.

While looking for a settlement called "Jastrovi" somewhere on the road between Nova Varo and Novi Pazar (some historical fun), I stumbled across this gem of a historical :
"Courants mtanastasiques dans le peuplement des pays serbes" by a certain Jovan Cviji, available at .

The Bike

The Year of the Game

PyQGIS Tutorial: Adding Images to

Back to France ! Two maps (again), of Paris, one of the most populated city of the world. One map is full of colors, the other... is more classical

Retour en France avec ces carte de Paris. On reste, avec la premire, sur une thmatique colore, la seconde est plus sage, plus classique :)

Red pin on New York City on map


By PatriciaPhotosn

Satelliten: Wo fliegen sie denn / Satellites: Where do they fly pls RT via dcf21

Neist Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Highland, Scotland, UK.

A Live Map Display In A 1960s Airliner

I am building a map for 20 minute excursion in a long running campaign.

I know it needn't be very detailled or great. Yet, here I am, 2 1/2 hours in and still a good hour left to go.

lien #map

Ovii lighthouse, lighthouse in Latvia.

Map, maps, map, mapping, again and again, because why not

Today, Johannesburg, South Africa , its streets and town planning on a simple map

Johannesburg, la capitale d'Afrique du Sud, se dcouvre ici dans une carte en nuances de gris et de bleu
La ville s'est dveloppe aprs la dcouverte d'or sur place au XIXe sicle :)

Kinsa healthweather site is no more

still linked to from the redirected site:

El Estacio Lighthouse, lighthouse in Spain.

.. love the map projection

Osmussaar Lighthouse, lighthouse in Estonia.

Revision made Easy!