Amazing Highlights from around the World.

The US Road Fatality

Lego map of the Moon

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Sakhalin Oblast when it was under Japanese rule as Karafuto Prefecture (1907-1945)

Clanton Park, park in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Campos Gerais National Park, Brazilian national park.

Wolf Trap Light, lighthouse in Virginia, United States.

Make an Highlights Map

Wellington Central Library, public library in Wellington, New Zealand, closed in 2019 because of earthquake risk.

How to make a Soviet style. Part two.

Niitsuki Station, railway station in Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.

Minimum wages for incarcerated labor in each U.S. state can be up to 5% of the federal minimum wage (best case scenario). This is less than the average 15% to 30% of the minimum wage paid in USSR Gulags after 1950

Plate 36, Los Angeles, California.

Cross section for an art deco hotel, as part of some concept work for a client. This was super fun, I enjoyed creating a vision for the building, a boutique and quirky city centre hotel. I went for a strong art deco style, and imagined the building had started as maybe a small department store, then been used as offices before eventually being converted to a hotel by an essentric and well travelled gentleman. 1/2

Faro di Capo Ferro, lighthouse in Italy.

1/2 The Water run-off sensorial map, on display at the Tjibaou cultural center, showing a mountain stream running from Nur to the x and Kat islets.

Carved on wood by a member of the Mono tribe (Ponrihouen). Poem in A'ji by riyux Bw Clment (Clment Eurisouk)

Eagle Farm railway station, railway station in Queensland, Australia.

The first profession of all the Chief Ministers of India, July 2022

A lovely read for lovers

Trekking across Switzerland, guided by local's hand-drawn maps

Map of prisons in the US

Map of the four main heraldic categories of Europe source in the comments

Karlsaue, park in Kassel, Germany.

Bandipur National Park, national park in Karnataka, India.

Cardiff Central Library, main public library in Cardiff.

(Title Page to) No. 2. (Fiume Tronto). Atlante geografico del regno di Napoli : compito e rettificato sotto I felici auspicj di Giuseppe Napoleone I, re di Napoli, e di Sicilia, Principe francese e grand' elettore dell' impero da Gio. Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni. Direttore del Gabinetto Topografico della M.S. Nel 1808. Gius. Guerra Inc. Nap. 1806.

Verifiable results of the 2024 presidential election of Venezuela by Municipality

DER KRIEG BEGINNT in Minecraft Helden 'sPlay

map of viking settlement from the 8th 11th century

Map of gulags in the Soviet Union

LaTrace / Bretagne Trop bien un site qui propose des vacances vlo avec tapes et potentiellement hbergement

Iriake Station, railway station in Kochi, Kochi prefecture, Japan.

New in progress.

Tiritiri Matangi Lighthouse, lighthouse in New Zealand.

Brockman National Park, national park in Western Australia.

Highest temperature ever recorded in European Countries

Vol IV (37) Bergen.

Authentic Geological Map of Scotland

Iwatayama Monkey Park, park in Kyoto.

Lyngr Lighthouse, lighthouse in Norway.

Sheffield Central Library, public library in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, UK.

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