Amazing Highlights from around the World.

The Hezbollah

:osm: Comment une carte peut aider apprhender la Quelles sont les atouts, obstacles et limites

> Paysages et pratiques de la transition environnementale : une cartographie OpenStreetMap pour documenter et acclrer la transition dans l'agglomration de Pau :


A parallel map viewer that maintains scale in both windows to make the distortion of projections and the actual size of territories more apparent


We often see maps of how was divided after but seldom do we see this of how was split between and . Source:

1000 followers on is a good chance to share the of one thousand in different languages and their .

Be the one thousand-one:

Map accompanying the second book of Jean-pierre Bonnefoy's science-fiction/fantasy cycle Polynesia. Centered on French Polynesia, the author focuses the book's geography on the various archipelagos and their "high places", represented by black circles.

Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the only external element in this enclosed space, focuses the eye thanks to the line of tension established with Papeete (Tahiti), prefiguring the main plot of one of the novel's temporal scenarios.

hello world

I just wanted to share something with y'all to say hi, so I found this in my folder of miscellaneous images collected from around the internet and thought I'd share it with you. Not sure where I found it but it comes with its original citation.

Would love to see a modern map that shows this. Being modern, it would do it from any place requested, and would let you set a budget and travel mode types.

Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year.

Takov krsa, e jsem podle toho v rmci postdoku vytvoil hexagonln kartogramy

Un peu plus sur mes wip persos en cours.

Some more on my current wips.

Check out this interesting interview of John "Jack" Eddy on the importance of astronomy in the culture of the Skidi Pawnee people. Love the star map presented at the end.

from the french documentary "Tours du Monde, tours du ciel" produced in 1991, on the history of astronomy.

"Eaglemount Road & Center Road"

We did a nice 14 mile bike ride this morning from Capitola to Santa Cruz and back along the coast. When we rode past the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park we found there was the annual school band competition.

From the web site, "Join us for an exciting musical parade as 55 Northern California high school and junior high school marching bands compete next to the iconic Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in the ONLY band review with warm sand, cool surf, and hot rides!

Marching bands will be judged in categories such as music, showmanship, and marching.
Junior high bands will be limited to the first 10 registered."

Kind of cool.

A lovely, vintage 1968 cover of Science Magazine to celebrate the international night, featuring a lunar gravimetric map of the earthside hemisphere, obtained by the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft tracking data.

here's a lovely map of Chicago in 1871, right before the great fire

map by W. Flint of the US Library of Congress - this image is hosted on wikipedia

I found this infographic highly involving. It shows how book lovers are called across Europe

Countries that use a reference to a worm are marked in pink. The ones that refer to moths are shown in purple. If the country is marked in brown, it implies that a reference to mouse or rat is the most popular

I finished engraving my second burin relief map. Can you guess which place it is

This is one of these projects where I can't honestly say how long it took, it just reached the absurdly long zone :) But it shows. I thought the first one was already complex, but this one is a whole new level. And although I can still point many mistakes, I see how my technique improved between the two.

Now I have to wait until Wednesday to see the first prints!

Cette carte montre les pistes cyclables dans la rgion mtropolitaine en 1897, poque o le vlo connat dj une grande popularit. Carte dtaille dans lAtlas du Qubec en Amrique et dans le monde :

J'avais oubli quel point ce style de carte prenait normment de temps... tout en tant paradoxalement trs plaisant faire.

I forgot how this style was so time-consuming, while being very pleasant to do in the same time.

Natural Hazard & Social Vulnerability Risk in the Appalachian Region

This is the final version of this map for now. No map is ever really done, but I need to move on to other projects.

For the smoothest shots

Here is Mapilio's shooting guide!

For more details check our website.

ist eine atypische Form der Umweltverschmutzung, die in der Theorie sofort reversibel ist. Neben unerwnschten Auswirkungen auf Flora, Fauna und Mensch beeintrchtigt sie auch die astronomische Beobachtung und Forschung.

Mit Hilfe der Light Pollution Map kann der Grad der Lichtverschmutzung einem Ort zugeordnet werden. Europa ist besonders betroffen.

Rishi Village Map for the italian edition of Missives

Boundaries of historical ethnicities before colonization premodern Africa

Handbook of Tyranny
Theo Deutinger

WRITER FUEL: NASA animations highlight emissions from different human and natural sources, with the main contribution coming from the burning of fossil fuels, showing how CO2 is choking the planet.

Da ustria Austrlia, as atividades da decorrem por todo o mundo. Veja o desempenho do seu pas no nosso mapa especial. Se ainda no registou a sua atividade no nosso mapa, faa-o aqui:

Comma, the symbolic space between words

More symbols on:

Map for the italian edition of Missives

In der Zwischenzeit habe ich fr meine lieben Untersttzer auf Patreon eine neue s/w Karte einer Stadt am Wasserfall gezeichnet. Jeden Monat gibt es eine neue Lineart Karte als digitale Version fr alle ab der Stufe Warrior ($8).
Wer mich ein wenig untersttzen mchte, findet mich sowohl auf Patreon als auch auf Ko-Fi unter FeyTiane.

Does someone know what Application/Software window can be seen in the Background on this Screenshot from 1990 of Tim Berners-Lee's NeXT computer at Or was it indeed a (maybe first) website including a digital map


across the globe are polluted with flame retardants: Map

The that tracks peer-reviewed studies from around the world illustrates the global consequences of repeatedly replacing harmful flame retardants with others that turn out to be similarly harmful scientist Lydia Jahl


Looking at an old map of , courtesy of NLS Maps

Lots of interesting details...

There's a bleachfield (communal area to for people to lay fabric out to bleach in sunlight. Now a car park)

And a Myre (bogland/marsh, as in 'mired').

Notice how church, post office and school buildings are shown in a darker hatching.

Day 5:

"Furnishing a palpable proof of the daily rotation of the earth..."

a favorite frontispiece from 1860 showing the practical wonder of time and how it could be illustrated around the world. The Geographical Clock, also notes how the new technology of telegraphy confirms it!

Cosmography archives

The Nebra Sky Disk - dated 1600 BCE it is the oldest known depiction of the Cosmos, featuring a star map with the Pleiades cluster, a crescent moon, a sun or full moon arcs mark the angle between solstices.

Today, the HistoricNYC account on Instagram posted a stunning photo from the top of the Flatiron Building, showing old streetcar tracks that ran in front of the building. I posted an excerpt from one of my transit maps in progress from the same perspective and offered a brief history of these streetcar lines.

Oklahoma DMA (Designated Market Area) Map

> DMA region: Generally a group of counties in which the commercial TV stations in the Metro/Central area achieve the largest audience share.

Many are preparing for the . Day 4 is "A Bad Map." Given our community's history of toxic critique & gatekeeping, I invite you consider novel ways to approach this prompt. Perhaps explore: "what makes something a " Instead of choosing colors, fonts, etc. that can accidentally mock others at the start of their mapping journey (pushing them away from our community), here's an approach that I tried last year: a map that pushes back against being seen as a map.

La base des montagnes est trace. Reste entrer dans le dtail.

The mountains are mostly there. No it needs more details.

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