Amazing Highlights from around the World.

The Byzantine Empire in 560 AD when it had reached its greatest territorial extent under the reign of Justinian, with an estimated population of around 20 million people.

Gare Montparnasse, Paris railway terminal.

Legal age for tattoos in each state


. .
For the next 2 weeks, I'll be running 3 miles every day no matter what:


I feel like it, or not
It's dark/raining/blowing a hoolie!
I have slept or not.

I'm raising money for Medical Aid for Palestinians who do amazing work, sending medical teams in to the country despite closed borders, rebuilding hospitals to the extent there's SOME functionality, in the middle of a genocide.

Please donate /share.


Ireland. ( (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1900).

Map of Europe in 1920, National Geographic

Italian cessions to France in 1947

Check out my hand drawn, old school for my improv map series

Columbus Park, park in Illinois, United States of America.

Boonoo Boonoo National Park, national park in Australia.

Diaz Point lighthouse, lighthouse in Namibia.

Lexington Public Library, public library in Lexington, Kentucky, United States.

Does anyone know of a tool for plotting / / that you can provide a relatively simple line drawing to (e.g. a Jack-o-lantern or a hand turkey) and a geographic area (e.g. your neighborhood), and it returns a for approximating that shape with your

Bonus points if it can feed that route to an .

If something like this doesnt exist, can it Someone take this idea and build an empire

(Sorry for all the obnoxious hashtags - trying to get reach.)

Shanwei railway station, railway station in Shanwei, Guangdong.


Map of the southern regions of Greece

Fall Flora

(1 Round-Leafed Dogwood)

(2 Purple Asters)

(3 Sphagnum and Haircap Moss)

(4 Small Water Lilies)

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Relief Map of Tennessee.

"Videtur et hoc mihi, Carthaginem non debere esse." Marcus Porcius Cato

Alta Murgia National Park, national park in Apulia, southern Italy.

New Rochelle Public Library, library in New Rochelle, New York.

"The First Printed Map from 's '', ... often referred to as the first . It contained information on a very wide range of topics. The 'Etymologies' were a hugely influential source of knowledge for many centuries. ... The use of stunning rubrication - applying red highlights by hand to significant printed capital letters - shows the intersection between and the newly invented . The T-O illustrating this page is the earliest printed European world map. ... Date of production : 1472."
This is one of the 120 maps of the collection, "... a investor and specialist in corporate finance ... began his professional career at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ... He subsequently joined ... ... In 1983 ... CEO of Finance and Investment Company in Melbourne ... returned to Switzerland in 1989 and acquired Adinvest AG ... Key investment themes included life sciences, e-commerce, fintech and the digital economy. ... a PhD ... addressed the stability of funds in the banking system."
That fascination for , the eye (gaze) and of wealthy men specialized in .
Thanks for the ref

US Senate vote on proposed amendment to the Lend-Lease Act to exclude aid to the Soviet Union (March 1941)

Macquarie Fields railway station, railway station in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Maps for Fantasy RPGs Vol 10 Kickstarter!
Hand drawn, royalty free, full-color maps for commercial & home projects! 3rd Stretch Goal Unlocked! FINAL DAYS!

Population density spike maps

Locations Johnny Cash claims to have been in Ive Been Everywhere

How The United States Congress voted on FEMA Funding Expansion

Gwanggyo Lake Park, park in Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.

Nobbys Head Light, lighthouse in New South Wales, Australia.

Is there a similar map depicting the 1990 era, please

Map of different Kaabas in the Middle East Pre-Islam

Midzyborw railway station, railway station in Midzyborw, Poland.

Lac Tchad. Afrique no. 22. (Dresse par Ph. Vandermaelen, lithographie par H. Ode. Troisieme partie. - Afrique. Bruxelles. 1827)

A in Search of a :

As & redefine sovereignty beyond -, power shifts to distributed paradigms.

It remains to be seen how / layers might merge.

Recent trip in the .

We hand a long first day (7 portages!) to get to Lake Ima. Then had some wind, some rain, and some cold weather. It was a great trip!

Follow for more!

Edit: Added Links

Troutdale Library, library.

The Mauryan Empire at its greatest extent under Ashoka the Great.( Map made by me).

Innsmouth 3D map coming along.

What do you think about this
