Amazing Highlights from around the World.

St Catherine's Point light, lighthouse in Cornwall, England.

I got bored looking at a blank wall while working, so I got myself this huge poster of the sea and ocean floor. It is absolutely stunning.This gives a complete new view of our planet, showing things I have never seen before. It is humbling to see the spectacular reliefs north east of Australia, where the deepest point of earth is, the Mariana Trench. The Himalaya looks like some tiny insignificant hills in comparison.

Ventspils lighthouses, lighthouses in Ventspils, Latvia.

Company - Publisher. City of Central Telephone Offices & Communities, 1934, General Maps. Retrieved from

Hmm, I only count 8 lines. But whoever though to put dashed lines off the coast of China was just asking for it (or meant to include it to meet Censor approval to distribute in a gigantic market)

tree density!

Grand Jardin lighthouse, lighthouse in Ille-et-Vilaine, France.

lien #space #gik #map

Check out my hand drawn, old school Lost Kingdom map time lapse (part 14) Unplanned, improv map project

The term "maz" is directly derived from the Tano word "mahiz".

"Elote" has its origins in Nahuatl, spoken by the Aztecs in Mesoamerica.

In South America, "choclo", comes from the Quechua language, spoken in the Andes.

Create your own Highlights Map

We do this all the time, trying to imagine the terrain in an urban area, and what might have been the draw for settlement. Where would we have gone Maybe Holyrood.
Here in 1893 Edinburgh reduced back to "ancient" times.

The trace of my Thursday's forest hike looks pretty close to a map of South America and parts of Central America.

Map source:

Long awaited and finally here: One to show them all!

Thanks to From this day on we have a map on the that shows all upcoming# events that have a

(so don't miss to add your geo location in future )

La plupart du texte est l priori. J'ai ajout un peu de neige sur les plus hauts sommets. On est proche d'un travail fini.

Most of the labels are there. I added some snow on the higher summits. Probably close to the final map.

Got you a nice non-descript sort of generic forest path battle for your adventure - possibly on a !

It's unbranded full size and entirely free over on my ko-fi, if you're interested.

Punta Tagliamento Lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

Weekly blog post #2

New Beirut Lighthouse, lighthouse in Lebanon.

A Homebrew GPS Correction System for DIY Land Surveying -timekinematics

Dear Friends,

The (United States Department of Agriculture) has released an updated, and interactive, hardiness . See it here:


battle map of a two level city guard keep

This is the city guard keep with two levels, a ground level for regular guard business and a cellar with cells, etc.

My party never went down there, they only saw bits of the ground floor, when they turned someone over. Shame... They might have prevented the city from being destroyed, had they gone back.

Get the full resolution unbranded versions over on ko-fi for free:

I'll be trying to work through my battle maps from bast campaigns and make the available for free in full unbranded resolution over at Ko-Fi.

Here's an armorers shop merchant and smithy who protected their shop with some spikes. It's in a winter city setting.

It's called Ariel's Hauberks and Ariel has a cat. She's a bit distrusting, but if her cats likes someone, she trusts them, too.

The Historical Movie

Et un peu plus. J'affine la couleur.

Some more. Improving slightly the colors.

What Does Look Like in
This interactive of Mars sets a new standard for planetary mapping.

Muchos estamos en modo invernal, pero para los mas aventureros, aqui una nueva edicion del mapa de aventura para GPS Garmin, Basecamp y celular con OsmAnd. Gratis, sin garantias.

Wat een mooie langgerekte binnenzee. Ik hou van dit kantelend perspectief.

The Dutch rail eases all my travel worries, especially when Im ready to go on a bike tour.

Sciara Biscari lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

lighthouse in Chile.

First illustration I'm posting this year: my Stone giants lair map bundle!
This year I want to make more maps that hopefully, you'd like to have for your games!
In this one you'll have to climb to the top of the mountain to find out who lives in the strange cavern with the purple crystal growths.
Link to DM's Guild:
Link to my ko-fi shop:

Aprs celle poste la veille, cette autre carte montrant les frontires internationales (hors enclaves), et rien d'autre, est crative et fascinante.

Wien, Vienna, Viena... what about Bcs, Be & Dunaj Are we still talking about the same city
YES, we do.

A hand drawn, old school map time lapse video - check out part 16 of the unplanned Lost Kingdom

Start Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Stokenham, South Hams, Devon, England.

Santa Clara Lighthouse, lighthouse in Portugal.

Sevenstones, lightvessel station.


Ekren lighthouse, lighthouse in sterker Municipality, Baltic coast, Sweden.

On vient de me montrer cette carte de topologue montrant les frontires internationales, et rien d'autre. Unique et fascinante. J'adore.

PS : toutefois, il y a au moins 2 erreurs :
- Paraguay et Chili ne sont pas voisins.
- Argentine et Bolivie sont voisins.

Vous en voyez d'autres

dition :
Non il n'y a pas d'erreur entre la France et le Brsil : la lgende de la carte prcise bien que les enclaves sont exclues (et c'est comprhensible pour une telle carte).
