Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Salins. Chateau de Joux.

Fall or Conquest The title map of the relevant Wikipedia pages in different languages

Wedi creu rhyngweithiol newydd o ddata : o'r aelwydydd phlant dibynnol, y ganran lle mae'r oedolion i gyd yn gallu siarad

Defnyddiwyd .

A MapShowing Lithology coverage of Africa Continent, Dataset is from RCMRD 's Open Data site

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Emu Plains railway station, railway station in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

The Scandinavian Kingdoms, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Where in the World do People Use Metric and Imperial

Te Urewera National Park, former national park of New Zealand.

Tater Du Lighthouse, lighthouse in Cornwall, England.

Carmel Clay Public Library, public library in Carmel, Indiana, USA.

When is Christmas cleberated in European countries

Carte D'Une Partie De L'Allemagne Et Des Etats Voisins : Pour servir a l'intelligence des campagnes du Maal. de Turenne en 1672 et 1673. Par le Cher. de Beaurain. Geographe du Roi. (to accompany) Histoire des quatre dernieres campagnes du marechal de Turenne en 1672, 1673, 1674 & 1675 ... MDCCXXXII (1782).

Aigestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park, national park in Catalonia, Spain.

Hinchinbrook Shire Library, public library in Ingham, Queensland, Australia.

Port Pnocny Lighthouse, lighthouse in Poland.

Frazier Park, urban park in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Millbrae station, railway station in Millbrae, California.

Plate 155. Federal Income Taxes. Federal Income Taxes, 1866. Federal Income Taxes, 1866 (Capital). Federal Income and Profits Taxes, 1928. Federal Income and Profits Taxes, 1928 (per Capita).

Echizen-Tano Station, railway station in no, Fukui prefecture, Japan.

Franklin County. (H.F. Walling & O.W. Gray, Boston, 1871)

Suicide Rates by US counties

Wyrrabalong National Park, national park in Australia.

Amrum Lighthouse, lighthouse in Amrum, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Nassau Nature Park, nature park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Darvel Town Hall and Community Library, town hall and public library in East Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.

Angular Observables and Promises: A Practical Guide to Asynchronous Programming by Abdelfattah Ragab

Available on and

Napoleons Egypt Campaign using Google Earth, each Flag represents 1,000 Soldiers

Khurda Road Junction railway station, railway station in Odisha.

A New Map of Virginia and the Improved Parts of Pennsylvania & New Jersey.

Europes big and little brother pairs (semi-vague and for fun only)

Hazelwood Park, historic park in New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA.

Takoma Park Neighborhood Library, public library in Washington, D.C., United States.

Mount Kaputar National Park, national park in Australia.

Alappuzha lighthouse, lighthouse in India.

Battle Field of Gettysburg. (No. 6., 12:30 p.m., July 1, 1863).

Cartogram comparing the British and Chinese Empires in 1916

I've updated Xenoblade 2's maps with a bunch of locations. Jump, Warp, Climbing locations, Interactive objects (fallen trees, switches etc.), Heart-to-hearts, Doors, Elevators, Named tombstones, Inns, Exchanges, Aux Core shops/refineries, (some) Quest start locations.

Biggest Religion in South American Countries after Christianity

Matraman railway station, railway station in East Jakarta, Indonesia.

Londres (1885). 2e Srie. Pl. IV. Ministre des Travaux Publics. Ecole des Ponts et Chausses. Grav par A. Simon, 13, R. du Val-de-Grce. Paris.

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