Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Reykjanesviti, lighthouse in Iceland.

Map Showing the Position of the Forest, Prairie & Treeless Regions of North America exclusive of Mexico. Prepared under the direction of C.S. Sargent, Special Agent. (inset) Aleutian Islands. Julius Bien & Co. lith. N.Y. Compiled under the Direction of Henry Gannett, E.M. Harry King, Draughtsman.

actual country sizes...

actual country sizes...

actual country sizes...

Award-winning flyer Michael Smith is recreating Australias first solo circumnavigation of the continent to celebrate the milestones centenary.

Michael will fly out of Point Cook in Victoria tomorrow morning before retracing the historic journey (following its exact path and dates as closely as possible) in his beloved seaplane.

You can follow the journey live and perhaps arrange to catch up with Michael along the way

Sheet 660. Lindau. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.

Rua Reidh Lighthouse, lighthouse near the entrance to Loch Ewe in Wester Ross, Scotland.

Physicists have deduced subtle hints that the that drives the universe to expand faster and faster may be slightly with time.

If true, it would be the first real clue we have gotten about the nature of dark energy in 25 years, said , an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University who won the Nobel Prize for co-discovering dark energy in 1998.

The new observations come from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument ( ) team, which today unveiled a of the cosmos of unprecedented scope, along with a bonanza of measurements derived from the map.

To many researchers, the highlight is a plot showing that three different combinations of observations all insinuate that the influence of dark energy may have eroded over the eons.

Its possible were seeing hints of dark energy evolving, said Dillon Brout of Boston University, a member of the DESI team.

Researchers inside and outside of the collaboration all stress that the evidence is not strong enough to claim a discovery.

The observations favor the erosion of dark energy with the sort of middling statistical significance that could easily vanish with additional data.

But researchers also note that three distinct sets of observations all point in the same intriguing direction, one thats at odds with the standard picture of dark energy as the intrinsic energy of the vacuum of space
the quantity that Albert Einstein dubbed the cosmological constant due to its unvarying nature.

Its exciting, said Sesh Nadathur, a cosmologist at the University of Portsmouth who worked on the DESI analysis. If dark energy is not a cosmological constant, thats going to be a huge discovery.

The City of San Francisco used to have a Pumping District and no further elaboration was required.

This is the William P. Humphreys & Co. map of 1876, plat 9, in Rumsey's collection.

United States. (with) Southern Part of Florida.

4 Apr 1527: Abraham Ortelius -maker b. in Antwerp

This animation in the Guardian gives a Startrek feeling:
"Researchers say findings from map with three times more galaxies than previous efforts could challenge standard idea of dark energy."
For a longer flight take your seat here:

Gythio Lighthouse, lighthouse in Greece.

Seine Inferieure (Maritime).

Interesting visualization of the possible railway speed.

I drew the smallest possible convex polygon that encircles all the geocaches/geohashpoints I've found! (And learned a little about convex hull algorithms.)


Kau Yi Chau lighthouse, navigation light in Hong Kong.

Nhny rucikk budapesti felhozatala vastvonalankint. (Vge.) = Budapester Zufhur einiger Wichtigeren waren nach Eisenbahnstrecken. (Schluss.) (2) ...

Finished making some eclipse overlays, and wrote up some of the nonobvious steps I struggled with in . I wish I could find an easier way of converting a vector layer to geotiff.

Geographisch-statistische und historische Charte von Maine.

Viareggio lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

Make an Highlights Map

Cartographie en cours sur pour la nuit de la gographie !

Atterrissage en douceur en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guine pour les 60 cartographes de le soire, la mission avance bien !

Topographie de base de Mliantsa : fait.

Base topography of Meliantsa : done.

Getting lost often has rewards. Today's rewards: new hills to climb! #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #map

Tete de Galantry Lighthouse, lighthouse in Saint Pierre and Miquelon, France.

Shell Central Washington (D.C.) 12-DD-1956-1. (Verso to) Shell Washington D.C. and Vicinity.

Sheet 492. Hof. Herausgegeben vom topogr. Bureau des Konigl. Sachs. Generalstabes. 1881. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.

Kaohsiung Lighthouse, lighthouse in Kaohsiung.

Prohibamos ya los sobrevuelos exploratorios sobre los barrios Pues SACRAMENTO EXECUTIVE HELICOPTERS INC no nos aporta nada de valor. Y volvieron otra vez!

Nakoyashi, Japan. (to accompany) Shomitsu Nippon chizu. (Atlas of Japan). Nippon Shoin. (Tokyo, 1956).

Et voil lisharan de fait. J'ai attaqu Mliantsa ( l'Est de Shrafel). Pour info, tout le grand continent d'Eingana fait entre 75 et 80 millions de km carrs.

And here is Elisharan. I've started Meliantsa (East of Sherafel). For your information, the big continent of Eingana is about 75-80 millions of sq km.

le Vierge lighthouse, lighthouse in Finistre, France.

Maryland and Delaware. (with) District of Columbia. (By Sidney E. Morse and Samuel Breese. New York: Published by Harper & Brothers, 1845)

Long ago, a fragrant root from Southeast Asia journeyed to England via Eurasia: Known as "icivr"(meaning ginger + root) in South India, it spread to the North as "sigivera" in Prakrit, and finally arrived to the West, (zingberis) in Greek & later in Latin gingiber.
It was such a long trip

Stolen from face-book

Svezia e Norvegia, Sverige och Norge. Propr. Artistico-letteraria del T.C.I. Ufficio cartografico del T.C.I. (1929)

Bedok Lighthouse, lighthouse in Singapore.

Finally a good sized battle map!

last will and testament kits