Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Results of 2024 German state elections in Saxony and Thuringia

Steigerwald Nature Park, nature park in Bavaria, Germany.

Great Otway National Park, national park in Australia.

East Lake Library, public library in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Vizhinjam Lighthouse, lighthouse in India.

: 1.2.1

(MGRS, UTM, WGS84, 2000)



Annual average precipitation in Europe

Cosmography archives

1934, the double supergalaxy in Hercules, by Harlow Shapley

An early evidence of the Hercules Supercluster of galaxies

Great Overland Station, railway station in Topeka, the United States of America.

Ive started adding colour to my space horror spaceship, and this time Im not going down the blueprint vibe like I often do however, Its still fun to take a quick look at what the schematic would look like. Its on my long todo list to try real blueprint printing, it doesnt look that hard, and would be a fun. For this map the colour is going to be quite strong graphic look, matching other artwork in the product. Im also having fun drawing a dramatic space background

Most watched porn genre by country

Some images of the sensorial maps made during the These last three months workshop at Rex Nouma on 29/08/2024, talking about 2024 unrest in NC (french version)

NATO soldiers killed in the War in Afghanistan, 2001-2021

Alexander Clark Park, Loganholme, park in Logan City (Queensland, Australia).

Orango Islands National Park, protected area in Guinea-Bissau.

South Manitou Island Lighthouse, lighthouse in Michigan, United States.

If US States used an Electoral College to elect their governors pt. 2

Washburn Library, public library in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Share of Europeans working from home

The Web needs a slippy-map element and nobody ever talks about it!

The state of high-speed rail projects in the United States

Heatley & Warburton railway station, railway station in Warrington, the UK.

Chinese Nuclear Ballistic Missile Strike Ranges

Writing Systems of the World

Greme National Park, national park in Turkey.

Create your own Highlights Map

Top 50 drunkest US Counties

How bad maps win elections - Gerrymandering explained

Why does the USA draw district maps with absolutely bonkers shapes And how do squiggly districts help the wrong politicians win elections And have we been pronouncing Gerrymandering wrong for 200 years

length: eleven minutes and thrity nine seconds.

One man decided to take on , 20 years later is still going strong
Two decades ago, I knew that a of the world would work, originator wrote. It seemed obvious in light of the success of Wikipedia and Linux. But I didnt know that OpenStreetMap would work until much later.
Today, OSM claims over 10 million contributors who map out and fine-tune everything from streets and buildings, rivers, canyons & everything else.

The Shire English counties ending in shire

Work in progress on a space ship for a space horror themed TTRPG. Ive taken inspiration from dead space and made the ship with more than a passing resemblance to a humanoid cadaver, which is pleasingly disconcerting. The ship itself has the usual places to explore, med bays, engineering and a dangerous looking reactor core. Should be fun for players. The map will have colour next which will allow me to visually separate the interior and exterior surfaces.

The Percentage of Homes With Air Conditioning Across The World

Galpagos National Park, national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Ecuador.

Matagorda Island Lighthouse, structure in Port O'Connor (vicinity), Calhoun County, Texas.

Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park, Illinois, archive organization in Oak Park, United States.

Capitol Park and Lagoon, park in Bacolod, Philippines.

Klosters Dorf railway station, second Rhaetian railway station in the village of Klosters, Switzerland.

Thalassios, drawn for a former client. Its a continent with lots of pirate activity. Sharing much appreciated, COMMISSIONS OPEN !

The word "comma" comes from the Greek ** (kmma), meaning "a piece cut off." However, in French and Italian, the term is different it derives from the Latin word *virgula,* meaning "a little rod."

Taverne-Torricella railway station, railway station in Switzerland.

If US States used an Electoral Collage to decide their governors
