Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Produkte 2 : Getreide usw. -- Produkte 3 : Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel usw. -- Produkte 4 : Industriepflanzen usw.

Da 17, diario personal. Hay que llevar registro de tus aventuras.

Stadtpark, park in Vienna.

Charlevoix South Pier Light Station, lighthouse in Michigan, United States.

Rivers in Africa

Indian States by Human Development Index (2022)

US states by Human Development Index (HDI)

Effects of the Immigration Act of 1924

Woko National Park, national park in Australia.

Tudor Sports Ground, park in the United Kingdom.

Mason City Public Library, public library.

Make an Highlights Map

(Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina).

Buxton railway station, New South Wales, railway station in New South Wales, Australia.

Muelle Osmea Lighthouse, lighthouse in Poblacion, Lapu Lapu, Philippines.

Serra dos rgos National Park, national park in Brazil.

Carte du Gouvernement de Guienne et Gascogne, avec celui de Bearn et Basse Navarre. Projettee et assujettie au ciel par M. Bonne. A Paris, chez Lattre, rue St. Jacq. a la Ville de Bord(eau)x. Avec priv. du Roi. 1785. Arrivet inv. & sculp.

I had a 500+ mile adventure on Monday. My third stop was the Montana - South Dakota Corner, which is due to survey error. The surveyor "disregarded the position of the Wyoming corner" by 3/4 of a mile.

Kurume-Kkmae Station, railway station in Kurume, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan.

The Muslim World

I had a 500+ mile adventure on Monday. My second stop was Three Corners, where Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota meet. I didn't earn my "Wild Thing" nickname in high school fer nothin'...

Ottoman colonialism

Washington Park Arboretum, arboretum at the University of Washington.

Euro Countries that use the 1 Cent and 2 Cent coin vs Rounding

Low Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Simon Fairfield Public Library, library in Douglas, Massachusetts..

1972 map of a dystopian USA in 2000

Countries recognised by Bhutan

(Verso) California State Highways, December 1979. Supplement to the 1979 Traffic Volumes Book.

Nationality of Nikola Tesla according to Wikipedia in Europe.

Check out my hand drawn, old school for my improv map series

Whitsunday Islands National Park, national park in Australia.

Population distribution in the Roman Empire

Sassafras Point Light, lighthouse in Rhode Island, United States.

Ne manque que les cits en Tharrjn avant de partir pour Aonoma.

Only the cities are missing in Tharrjn before going to Aonoma.


Google Maps said to take the pedestrian bridge, but the bridge doesn't connect with the roadway it says to take next.

What happened to ISIS territory in Syria

Green Springs Park, park and artesian spring in Enterprise, Florida.

Ormtjernkampen National Park, former National park in Norway.

Newport Public Library, Newport, Rhode Island, United States.

Du Ruisseau, railway station in Canada.

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