Probably one of my favorite collections of etymological maps is the one about colors. Today: color green, the color of nature, of spring, of
Spring Green Park, park in the United States of America.
Cape Ray Lighthouse, lighthouse in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
The most common blood types by country
Population Density in Europe
The US Heat Risk
Using Artificial Intelligence to the Earth's Forests
Recognition of Israel by country
Genders suicide ratio by country.
Make an Highlights MapA hand drawn, old school dungeon temple map - check it out
Countries with Pitbull restrictions
Indigenous population in Canadian provinces.
Ban of communist symbols in Europe
Taiping Island Lighthouse,
Support For Sharia To Be The Official Law Of The Land Among Muslims In Various Countries
The Impossible Map video, 1947
<--link to video
still an excellent teaching aid, and who doesnt like the idea of mangling a grapefruit with a rolling pin! (turnips not so much) wink
Development in long-range travel and the growing importance of the Arctic and Antarctic regions make it necessary to understand how maps may be misleading. Experiments with a grapefruit illustrate the difficulty of presenting a true picture of the world on a flat surface and it is concluded that the globe is the most accurate way of representing the earth...
I also love this image from 1921 (!), still useful today, and when I used to teach a little it was part of my coursework we are so visual
Charles H. Deetz, Elements of Map Projection With Applications to Map and Chart Construction (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921)
Raufarhfn Lighthouse, lighthouse in Iceland.
creating 2nd .
have ruled old , despite this and work to keep for 2024.
Au milieu du plaage des noms de rivires, montagnes et rgions sur la carte physique, j'ai refait un test sur la future carte politique.
J'essaie de reprsenter les "blancs" sur la carte et donc limite les frontires celles connues.
Pausing from the labelling of rivers, mountains, regions on the physical map, I'm redoing a little test on the future political map.
I'm trying to figure the blanks on the map and thus, only the known borders.
With QGIS, we can create a 3D view, and a video. You have it here.
There's 600 images generatded by QGIS then assembled with GIMP. Quite... hardtime again.
I don't know why i have map 3d map, and a second map just in the back. If someone can help :)
Mars world map if its surface area was covered by 70% water. Place names are based on existing names. Credit to A.R. Battarai for the original map.
: 2024 .
come to both the and transgender as we prepare for the 2024 cycle.
Europe: An Illustrative Hand-drawn Map of a Continent Major Milestone Reached
But, here's the result :) And it's quite satisfying to have a result :D
But we have a solution. Not a good one if you want my opinion but...
We can pick an orthophoto of our terrain and use it to color all our points in the lidar file. Hard time using ...
Here, you can see the image. I downloaded it from IGN again, extract the right size from the lidar
Here is a link to CloudCompare
Today, i tried something special : playing with lidar datas from IGN (Institut national de l'information gographique et forestire)
First of all, you can see here a standard lidar file. Nice and creepy
Swiss Population Density Map source: RTS
How sugar got its name in the Indian subcontinent
Putting children on the in West and Central Africa through geo-spatial analysis
New Spain, c. 1800
Gamedev feels like drawing a map to draw a map to draw a map to draw a level
Tiny World
Island Font
Punta Fenaio lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.
Distance to the nearest abortion clinic in USA (Includes clinics in Canada & Mexico)
's of Ukraine
- YouTube
Weird counter terrorism designations
The creator of this has a sense of direction that makes Mark Thatcher look like Magellan.
Live interactive map of Gaza Solidarity Encampments around the world.