Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Potential high speed rail routes in the US and Canada to connect 50% of the population

Find yourself getting lost using Google Maps Imagine using a 3D map of the universe which has the coordinates of millions of galaxies!

Thats exactly what an international team has recently unveiled. We asked key contributor Dr Cullan Howlett from the University of Queensland to explain its importance - this is 60 Seconds of Science.

Popular Local Beer Brands of Europe

Largest ethnic minorities in Poland: Silesians, Kashubians, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarusians and the English OC

if were brought away from and to another state

the shows

well, some part of it - i am sure you get the point

Estaca de Bares Lighthouse, lighthouse in Spain.

What would a theoretical map of the US look like if it was divided to a larger number of states of equal population 100 states 200 states And maybe set aside federal lands with no permanent residents.

1940s Japanese pictorial map of Africa

US Interstate system as train routes

1940s Map of Maine (Post Route Map)

J.P. Pinchon was a great artist, illustrator, painter and mapmaker. So great at conveying something of regional cultures, including this for Corsica. Always loved that shadow. The classic silhouette of Napoleon, leaning menacingly toward France.

Paganism In England And Wales, 2021

Emine lighthouse, lighthouse in Bulgaria.

Absolut Vodka Map of Mexico 991792

Nearly 50 countries now generate more than 50 per cent of their electricity from renewable energy sources (The Independent)


Wild World: a world map of nature with 1,642 animals took me 3 years to draw (coloured pencil and pen) OC

U.S. metropolitan areas by GDP (2022)

Percentage of ethnic German population according to the 2021 Polish National Census.

The evolution of high speed railway lines in China.

Countries that have become independent from the United Kingdom

Alsatia Inferior. (to accompany) Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica mundi et fabricati figura. De novo multis in locis emendatus novisque tabulis auctus. Amsterodami, apud Iohannem Ianssonium van Waesberge. Anno, 1673.

Ankh-Morpork map from the Discworld MUD via

Plum Beach Light, lighthouse in Rhode Island, United States.

The Largest Earthquakes in the New York Area (1970-2024)

Mappe-Monde our carte generale de la terre. Blondeau sculp.

Keri Lighthouse, lighthouse in Estonia.

Colorada. (to accompany) Bradstreet's Pocket Atlas Of The United States. Published Exclusively for Macullar, Parker & Company, Boston, Massachusetts ... New York: The Bradstreet Company, 1885. (on verso) Entered ... 1879, by The Bradstreet Company ... Washington.

The most overwhelming pin map ever.

Topographie de base faite sur Tianng, reste renforcer/nuancer.

Base topography done on Tianang, still shading/strenghtening to do.

Sheet 182. Brighton and Worthing.

( questioning part 2 )

So lately I've been questioning about if I'm another para or not and thought about if I'm a map / yap and to be honest other people have made it easy for me ( there is so many gooning maps I mean that in a good way lol ) so yea basically questioning about yap / map activities bye
#map #yap #para #propara

FlightRadar's New Jamming

Edward from Cowboy Bebop was and still is so hot to me the things I want to do to this lil cutie augh!! I can't take it
#cowboybebop #anime #shota #teenlove #taboo #aam #yap #map #teenshotaGood morning Kid Lovers, Knot Riders & Dead Touchers
#Para #paraphilia #taboo #teenlove #map #yap #necro #zoo #goodmorningI've shipped them since I played the game yrs ago but now that I have a PROPER place to talk about my lil walking dead pookies I can express how bad I wanted them to be together sigh it's tearing me apart, I might make a short fanfic of them idk yet
#pedo #pedooo #pedophile #map #aam #yap #Para #paraphile #thewalkingdead #necro #agegap #sizedifference

Cape Elizabeth Light, eastern of two lighthouses at Cape Elizabeth, Maine, United States.



- mapstranger, ru - , - . .

Osmand Organics Map:

, OSM . , , , .

Looks like the north of is much more active on than the south, according to Strava's own heatmap.

Poids des Animaux de L'Espece Porcine par Hectare du territoire total en 1882. (Weight of pigs per hectare of the total territory.)

Ayr Harbour, Lighthouse, lighthouse in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.

Porking Celebrities