Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Physically locating an address in Tokyo the old-fashioned way

I grew up in Australia and I always thought of an address as the following: property number, street name, suburb, state, postcode.
Well all that went out the window when I first set eyes on a Japanese address for one thing, it was all written in Japanese.
Everything seemed to be in the reverse order and there were a lot of hyphens and numbers

#2002 #address #Japan #Map #Tokyo #YouTube

Last week's blog post:
"A Map for Each Purpose - Sometimes Purpose Changes"

I often write about my writing journey, but here's a post about my map journey.

More specifically, this is the tale of how a map came full circle, how the past inspired the present just when I needed it.

distinguishing between success and failure results is useful for monadic operations. For example, both Failure and Success could implement . In the case of a Success, the result value is mapped. In the case of Failure, its a no-op.

class Success < Result
def map
newvalue = yield(value)

class Failure < Result
def map = self

Napoli Molo San Vincenzo lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico & Arizona to accompany the Annual Report of the Commissioner of the General Land Office for 1866. Department of the Interior, General Land Office, October 2nd 1866. Jo. S. Wilson, Commissioner. The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co., 71 Broadway, New York. Ho. Reps. Ex. Doc. No. 1, 37th Cong. 3d. Sess.

The instructions were simple: I just wanted a map of the world where the states with the highest GDP were in red and those with the lowest GDP were in blue. I used 3 different AIs on Poe to compare their production. Well, I results...

Create your own Highlights Map

Map of the Seat of War among the Creek Indians From the Original Drawing in the War Department.

St John's Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Down District Council, Northern Ireland.

Ducks, lakes, rail track and path in Antonis Tritsis park in Ilion, Athens area.

Another cartographic experiment with and . This time, using repeated applications of GIMP's Photocopy filter to thin out polygons.

I quite like the blobby, cellular look. Looks almost leaf-like.


Asher & Adams' North Carolina and South Carolina. Entered according to Act of Congress 1874 by Asher & Adams in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.

Map time!

Show me one group that never has an encounter in the caves below a volcano.

Right, you can't! That's because a volcano lair is the most iconic evil cultist showdown location there is.

This is a map I made for my group and you can now use it as well. For free. Just like that. Isn't that nice Have fun!


"Me boys, this map surely leads to long lost Spanish gold!"

"What do you mean it doesn't look real I've been alive 70 years and undead for another 90, I know a map when i see one."

Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle County Map.

Vila Real de Santo Antnio Lighthouse, lighthouse in Portugal.

Illinois And Missouri. (engraved by) J. Knight. Sc. (inset) Missouri River, West Part. (to accompany) A New Pocket Atlas of the United States With The Roads and Distances, Designed For the Use of Travelers. By H.S. Tanner. Philadelphia: Published by the Author. 1828. (on verso) ...on the seventeenth day of November ... 1828, Henry S. Tanner ... hath deposited ... a book ... Pennsylvania.

Just a word of if youre making or any kind of art for - please do not use of Palestine that features . I see this all the time and its getting really frustrating. Golan Heights is -occupied land, it is not part of Palestine.

No.15. Karta Evropeyskaia Rossiia. List 1-j. prof. E. Iu. Petri Iu. M. Shokalskago. 1903 g. Izdanie i sobstven, tva. A.F. Marks V. Peterburgi. Pechat. v kartogr. art. zav. A. F. Marksa. (to accompany) Bolshoi vsemirnyi nastolny atlas Marksa. Depechatka 1916 goda. (with inset)

Maspalomas Lighthouse, lighthouse in Spain.


Mappe Monde ... Hemispheres (Western Hemisphere).

A lovely map of the Salish Sea from an unusual perspective, found at


"Cartography has become one of the most successful technologies we have developed for understanding the world around us. At the same time, maps have become important cultural and artistic objects that we value greatly."

Les reliefs de Thuvar sont termins, je teste un peu les couleurs & le texte pour la carte physique.

Topography is done for Thuvar. I'm testing colors & labels for the physical map.


Do you know the number four-twenties nineteen What about the number nine and ninety numbers can look very different in other languages

Before going full color

Cape of Gjuhza Lighthouse, lighthouse in Cape of Gjuhza, Albania.

Johnson's Ocean Currents and the Great River Basins of the World. Entered ... 1870.Johnson's World Showing the Distribution of the Temperature of the Air. Entered ... 1870.

Day 27 - worst decorations !
It's almost the end of this challenge, and this will most certainly be the last mapfail I produce on this theme! I think that, after all this experimentation, I've almost reached a definitive version. Just a few decorations, and it'll be perfect!

New book arrival #1 - Juna Furtado on the complex history of DAnvilles mid-18c map of Africa, explaining why it was not the totem of a supposedly new scientific cartography (whatever that is)

Find your hometown on Pangea, but don't stop there, look at it during the Cretaceous, or once the first primates appeared... so fun...

Ponta da Piedade Lighthouse, lighthouse in Portugal.

The Roads from London to Barnstable. (continued.)

Peristeri park, Athens area


diy house renovation