Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Para tener una idea de lo largo y angosto que es continental.

Explication de la carte de la bande de Gaza.

Alors que le conflit dans cette partie du monde fait l'objet de nombreux titres et reportages, les faits les plus lmentaires concernant sont moins connus.

Cette vise combler certaines de ces lacunes, notamment en ce qui concerne la les etc.

Explainer: The Gaza Strip

Recent attacks on by have placed the Gaza Strip firmly in the spotlight of the global news cycle.

Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Assessment : New Adult Map:
This map shows the 2-year risk for anti-trans laws. For the first time, included in this release is a new adult map showing the risk for adults in the United States.

Any mappy folks here planning to join this years' :eartharctic:
I'd be happy to see some of the maps you created in the past years!
Here are my favourite challenge creations so far

Et je m'amuse aussi avec l'ide de faire un globe fantasy " la Stevenson" (un matre!), mais avec ma tablette graphique cette fois.

And I also try my hand at a fantasy globe in Stevenson's style (a master), but with a graphic tablet this time.

Happy belated 15th(!) anniversary to of a City! This was the very 1st I received, postmarked on this day in 2008. (This was also one of the 1st I made before I started using blank index cards, & back then, I called my labor of love Postcard Project // .) And get this: I was about to to myself. I considered this a good sign for my soon-to-be passion project, and it was.

For the uninformed:

Reaaliaikainen 3D-kartta Tokion julkisesta liikenteest. Hieno!

New world map for Elyden. I'm still tinkering away at it so some details might change!
Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages

Its taking shape

En Lleida, Keds.

Sneakers or trainers in from Spain. Which one do you use more often

Create a beautiful 3D with PyDeck, GeoPandas and Pandas

Maripis Euskal Herrian Bai, zera! - Sneakers or trainers in from Spain.  Which one do you use more often  


Using high-resolution commercial satellite images to help and monitor Yellowstones thermal areas

A shifting electoral map could boost Conservatives in the next election

Well, this is not good news out of Canada. From the article-

"Fred DeLorey, the Conservative strategist who ran former leader Erin O'Toole's 2021 campaign, is more enthusiastic about what the map means for Conservative support.

"I don't even know if I could have designed a better map for the Conservatives," he told CBC News.

"It's fantastic.""

Sneakers or trainers in from Spain. Which one do you use more often

Hey, its again !
My name is Fey and Im a freelance artist and illustrator from Berlin (Germany).My favorite thing to draw is rpg maps, characters and creatures. My illustrations are often related to the fantasy and role-playing genre.
Here is a small selection for you.

I invented my own method, and I'll try to explain the algorithm with the following image (to make it quicker, I didn't draw all the zones!)

Voil quoi ressemble un tout prier jet.
Heres what a rough first draft can look like.

Who needs a when you've got a Ever tried for the Elusive

Historical Topo Explorer (beta) in Living

Shit. I immediately thought of a map by an acquaintance (Guy Ottewell). I dig up a link to find that the map is currently out of print, but they're trying to find a way to reprint it. Anyway, just looking at the stuff underneath the link is impressive.

Command-and-control IPv4 , 2023-09-26 to 2023-10-09

i recently helped create a simple interactive map of public art in vancouver

made with svelte + maplibre

check it out here :)

Ralph Shane was a young graduate in engineering when the great depression hit, and he left Illinois for a potential job building roads and bridges in Montana. Aside from work and a new life, he also discovered his love and fascination for native history and did a series of maps that documented specific tribes and regions.
Here his map for the Northern Cheyenne in southeast Montana from 1960

J'ai desert rcemment ... enfin, si on peut dire :)
I've been deserting lately ... kinda :)

Mapilio is the easiest way to keep maps updated and more functional!
We have integrated with OpenStreetMap (OSM) Editor so you can update maps more easily and efficiently.
To keep maps more up to date, try now.

Cold is coming

An interesting map, presenting the AUKUS military cooperation created by the British think tank Council on Geostrategy. It is reminiscent of Nicholas John Spykman's Rilmand theory, in which naval powers oppose land powers in the maritime periphery of a Heartland

Website of Council on Geostrategy :

Il existe d'autres faons de visualiser les cartes Open Street Map, un exemple :

Ici, une carte hberge par Free en France : avec les noms des pays en franais :

et la plus connue :

The Roman Empire after its division into the eastern and the western empires. Drawn by Dr. Charles Muller. Engraved by Edwd. Weller. London : John Murray. 1873. (to accompany) Dr. William Smith's Ancient atlas. 8. 1874. (inset) Empire of the Parthians.

"(Composite of) Asia and its islands according to d'Anville divided into empires, kingdoms, states, regions, &c. &c. with the European possessions and settlements in the East Indies and an exact delineation of all the discoveries made in the eastern parts by the English under Captn. Cook, Vancouver & Peyrouse. London, Publish'd by Laurie & Whittle, No. 53, Fleet Street, Feby. 2d, 1799."

Working through a bit of a backlog! Day 5, "Map"

A mapping friend sent me this!

"Austrian Empire. By Sidney Hall. London, published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Paternoster Row, Jany. 1, 1828."

Ich habe hier noch eine alte Wehrmacht Karte vom Mittelmeer von 1939.

A wee of Islay and Jura, made for fun.

My illustration of the Kildalton Cross uses a fairly large amount of "artistic license"...!

The underlying data came mostly from via and everything else was done in

Black Kite Black Kite in Bangalore (Bengaluru), Karnataka, India

Why does time keep passing Who do I go to to complain about this

Day 3: to work
Day 4: this
Day 5: to nowhere
Day 6: corral

Gonna try to get Day 7 done later today hopefully.

Penciltober Day 5: Map

Frank's got a map pinpointing all of the places that he wants to go to in the future.

types of Sleep