Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Our History-themed Quiz has just been posted on our website!

How are you enjoying the
(aka )


Les premires explorations franaises de lAmrique se sont droules dans un monde bipolaire domin par les puissances maritimes du Portugal et de lEspagne.

Lanalyse de la carte de 1529 de Diego Ribeiro illustre cette situation (Atlas du Qubec en Amrique et dans le monde):

Image : source Gallica/BnF

1941 American Airlines Map Postcard

Good overview of for the coming days.

I have launched a map of the Jewish population in several towns in Czechia.

Created using

Et un (tout) petit peu plus.

And just a (little) more.

We all know that moment you need a public toilet at night and have no clue about the language there.... We have a quick menu that display's them all, just for these moments.

See for example Prague here

P.s. how do you like the graphics of our website We can't read minds (yet!) so feedback is always welcome. :)

Have a great weekend all!

Concupiscence du jour :
"Cartographie du temps, Des frises chronologiques aux nouvelles timelines"

An interesting of the .

I thought I would share as it contains various bits of information.

Athens Greece 1906

I love old city planning maps. Especially if they're from Helsinki.

This one by Otto Ehrstrm from 1888 is in the corridor of the department of geosciences and geography in the city center campus. Much of southern Helsinki is still unbuilt, Kallio and Vallila are still a forested area.

The Iconic Harry Beck But Make It Aeroplanes

New /#Palestine map #2: Territorial control at the height of the invasion into proper, last Saturday. Full-size map with timeline of the war so far:

Create a Bathymetric Using Pro

The October Solar Eclipse

Half the world away. (Relative to ). and . Assumes spherical Earth

Made unit vectors from each degree confluence point and Edinburgh, and drew those where the dot product < 0.

This creates a hemisphere centered on Edinburgh, then fills in everything outside that hemisphere.

This might be a good way to do proximity queries, it works at the poles and around the antemeridian

Apologies if that gave you an Oasis earworm...

"This paper demonstrates that the highly accurate depiction of the Indian Ocean on the Carta marina of Martin Waldseemueller from 1516 is mainly caused by the extremely powerful political and economic interests of the Portuguese Crown and the Upper German-trading companies in the conflict with the Kingdom of Castile over supremacy in the spice trade in India."

Martin Lehmann Peter Stanley Fosl (Reviewing editor) (2020) The Carta Marina of Martin Waldseemller from 1516 political geography in context of the struggle for the spices of Southeast India, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 7:1, DOI:


Un peu plus de fait l-dessus, et une planification en cours.

Some more on this one and planning things.

My daughter just reminded me of this one


Explore undiscovered places.
Enjoy wandering around nature on Mapilio.

Para tener una idea de lo largo y angosto que es continental.

Explication de la carte de la bande de Gaza.

Alors que le conflit dans cette partie du monde fait l'objet de nombreux titres et reportages, les faits les plus lmentaires concernant sont moins connus.

Cette vise combler certaines de ces lacunes, notamment en ce qui concerne la les etc.

Explainer: The Gaza Strip

Recent attacks on by have placed the Gaza Strip firmly in the spotlight of the global news cycle.

Anti-Trans Legislative Risk Assessment : New Adult Map:
This map shows the 2-year risk for anti-trans laws. For the first time, included in this release is a new adult map showing the risk for adults in the United States.

Any mappy folks here planning to join this years' :eartharctic:
I'd be happy to see some of the maps you created in the past years!
Here are my favourite challenge creations so far

Et je m'amuse aussi avec l'ide de faire un globe fantasy " la Stevenson" (un matre!), mais avec ma tablette graphique cette fois.

And I also try my hand at a fantasy globe in Stevenson's style (a master), but with a graphic tablet this time.

Happy belated 15th(!) anniversary to of a City! This was the very 1st I received, postmarked on this day in 2008. (This was also one of the 1st I made before I started using blank index cards, & back then, I called my labor of love Postcard Project // .) And get this: I was about to to myself. I considered this a good sign for my soon-to-be passion project, and it was.

For the uninformed:

Reaaliaikainen 3D-kartta Tokion julkisesta liikenteest. Hieno!

New world map for Elyden. I'm still tinkering away at it so some details might change!
Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages

Its taking shape

En Lleida, Keds.

Sneakers or trainers in from Spain. Which one do you use more often

Create a beautiful 3D with PyDeck, GeoPandas and Pandas

Maripis Euskal Herrian Bai, zera! - Sneakers or trainers in from Spain.  Which one do you use more often  


Using high-resolution commercial satellite images to help and monitor Yellowstones thermal areas

A shifting electoral map could boost Conservatives in the next election

Well, this is not good news out of Canada. From the article-

"Fred DeLorey, the Conservative strategist who ran former leader Erin O'Toole's 2021 campaign, is more enthusiastic about what the map means for Conservative support.

"I don't even know if I could have designed a better map for the Conservatives," he told CBC News.

"It's fantastic.""

Sneakers or trainers in from Spain. Which one do you use more often

Hey, its again !
My name is Fey and Im a freelance artist and illustrator from Berlin (Germany).My favorite thing to draw is rpg maps, characters and creatures. My illustrations are often related to the fantasy and role-playing genre.
Here is a small selection for you.
