Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Narkoola National Park, national park in Australia.

Hodbarrow Beacon, lighthouse in Cumbria, England, UK.

Capitol Hill Branch Library, branch library in Seattle.

Haneo Station, railway station in Naganohara, Agatsuma district, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.

How Europes Population Has Changed (1990-2023)

Map of protests from the far-right in the uk

Where Europes Nuclear Weapons are stored

City map for Mike Sheas City of Arches, now at Kickstarter, I did this a while back, so it was fun to come back to colour it. I used two point perspective, which gives a feeling of depth and scale, and has some really challenging features to draw like the giant statues. Its so good to see this map in the sample pdf for the Kickstarter, I love seeing my maps in use, the link can be found from s profile.

Patavini Territorii Corographia, Iac. Castaldo Auct. (with) Tarvisini Agri Typus. Auctore Io. Pinadello Phil. et I.C. Tarvisino. Cum privilegio decennali.

Zur Zeit arbeite ich an einer neuen Battle Map. Dieses Mal ist das Thema ein Kanal mit Booten, die teilweise miteinander verbunden sind. Ideal fr eine Verfolgungsjagd quer ber das Wasser.

Countries with state religion

Seismicity map of the region of todays M5.2 Lamont reverse faulting earthquake and its active aftershock sequence (blue outline, 130+ recorded events so far). This sequence started the end of June with a M4.1 event very similar to todays mainshock.

Friedrichsplatz, square in Mannheim, Germany.

Nation, Paris RER station.

Personal name order in Europe

Todays Hispanic-American population overlaid on Mexico in 1836

Brgefjell National Park, national park in Northern Norway.

St Agnes Lighthouse, lighthouse in Cornwall, England, UK.


Tsing Yi Promenade, A promenade on Tsing Yi Island.

Felipe De Neve Branch, public library in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Brabantiae Ducatus.

Share of European households owning at least one dog

Zip Code Zones

Another Ive been working on and almost, but not quite done.
18x24, oil on Masonite.

Please consider supporting my art.

States and territories in which dinosaur species have been discovered.

Stockbridge railway station, railway station in Hampshire, England, UK.

New view from Serpentine Rapids captured 7 hours ago

August 6, 2024 (Sol 1231)
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Rucker Park, park in the United States of America.

Global Life Expectancy Rate in Relation to the U.S.

Countries that have issued a travel advisory (red) for UK in light of recent riots

Kyoto, Japan. (to accompany) Shomitsu Nippon chizu. (Atlas of Japan). Nippon Shoin. (Tokyo, 1956).

Who needs a Schengen Visa

thanks to this move, we're getting a better viewing angle on what lies around the corner upward in the valley.

August 5, 2024 (Sol 1230)
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Perseverance rover new moves, southward, across Neretva Vallis. Percy is about to reach her new target, a site called Serpentine Rapids.


(see map)

if you dont come to Brazil, Brazil will come to you

Salonga National Park, national park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Emery Point Light, lighthouse in Australia.

Louisville Free Public Library (Main Branch), main branch of the public library system of Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Garswood railway station, railway station in Merseyside, England, UK.

Countries that have reached 50C and/or -50C
