Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Map of Aurora Borealis Visibility


Shoogenlifty are playing a charity fundraiser for Medical Aid for Palestinians at the Traverse. Should be a good evening!

Carranza lighthouse, lighthouse in Chile.

Willesden Green Library, public library in London.

Cofton Park, park in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

A map depicting what areas from and around Manchester do Manchester City (blue) and Manchester United (red) fans come from

I didnt know Russia was so mountainous

UN General Assembly voting on Palestines full membership and statehood (May 10)

The Percentage of Each State
that Identifies as Asian

France anamorphosis

J.C.J. van Speijk Lighthouse, lighthouse in the Netherlands.

The second pandemic of the Black Death in Europe (134751). One key reason often attributed to the low rates of contagion in Poland was the decision by Polish king, Casimir the Great, to close the countrys borders shortly after the initial reports from the west and set up internal quarantines.

Opioid death rates per 100k in 2019

Only 3 dams could turn half of Czechia into a gigantic reservoir at 500m asl

Dufferin Grove Park, park in Ontario, Canada.

Lighthouse of Cefal, lighthouse in Italy.

New York Public Library, public library system in New York City.

Russia attempts to open new front around Kharkiv Ukraine War

in :
how it will




- YouTube

Size comparison of Canada and the contiguous United States

Countries with highest HDI in 2022

Ukraine says it has repelled Russian attack in Kharkiv region Ukraine War

Failed states of the world

Its snide, and yet it made me laugh

Every European NUTS3 region with a mosque

Quelques progrs. J'ai du faire un nouveau fichier un peu plus "soft" en calques/masques pour qu'il soit grable.
Je pense peut-tre remplacer la carte des continents/ocans par 4 vue orthographiques (avec la mme fonction).

Some advances. I had to do a more manageable file with less layers/masks.
I'm thinking about replacing the mini-map with four orthographic views (with the same objective).

Members of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

it's not the version that will be used, but i kind of like what i did with this one.

Wedge Island lighthouse, lighthouse in South Australia.

Rondebosch Library, public library in Cape Town.

Nassau Nature Park, nature park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

How did the word for stomach spread through Indian languages

Total fertility rate in Europe, 2023-4 data OC

GDP Per Capita of Southeast Asian countries

Eurovision Who gave us the most points in the last 20 years

Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, public library in Buffalo New York.

I bought this for $12 at the thrift store. Not accurate but alot of fun.

A type of alcoholic beverage dominantly consumed daily in 20 countries around the world on various continents. Research published by Statista

West Virginias missing panhandle

NOAA just issued the Severe (G4) level geomagnetic storm watch for May 11, 2024

executor duties