Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Licencia para desembalar 0089 Te presentamos el Londres de Ian Fleming, gracias a Herb Lester

Percentage of individuals who have never accessed the internet

Kenilworth Park, park in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, United States.

Europe Before the Fall of Constantinople

One to rule them all.

Create your own Highlights Map

Soga Station, railway station in Chiba, Chiba prefecture, Japan.

Cartes des Royaumes de Hollande et Belgique.

In Oct.01,a statement from Defense Forces of referred to ground operations against as "limited, localized and targeted"
Better to call it invasion of and if u remember,I posted and explained things that questioned what Israel was trying to sell to us

Oldest continuously used national flags

Where Britons think Chagos Islands are.

Cerro El Copey National Park, national park in Venezuela.

Hooper Strait Light, lighthouse in Maryland, United States.

Gateway National Recreation Area, parks and beaches in New York City and New Jersey.

Jeongdok Public Library, public library in Seoul.


Video map of every rocket alarm in Israel over the past year



Nichinan Station, railway station in Nichinan, Miyazaki prefecture, Japan.

Map of Federal and State recognized American Indian Reservations

Percentage of 1 Person Households Around The World

At the turn of a page, a sudden comment about the non-realism of ancient maps and their fantasies a most surprising mention for a dark-fantasy book! High fantasy has largely been built around the imaginary construction of various historical periods, particularly the Middle Ages. But her, the author openly criticised these additions in maps: there are allegories and approximations, a shared myth at the service of the society producing the map

I love stuff like this...

NASA created a really cool interactive 3D map of near-Earth objects.

Check it out here:

The Travels of Ibn Battuta 1325-1354

The 20 Countries with the Most Bald Man Percentage of Male Population That Has Male Pattern Baldness

The Lakes National Park, national park in Australia.

Bsum Lighthouse, lighthouse in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library, historical inn converted into a public library.

Kearny Riverbank Park, park in Kearny, New Jersey, US.

Eastern Half of Texas, Engraved Expressly for the Standard Atlas of the World.

How certain House Representatives voted for H.R. 41 (113th): Hurricane Sandy relief bill.

The Byzantine Empire in 560 AD when it had reached its greatest territorial extent under the reign of Justinian, with an estimated population of around 20 million people.

Gare Montparnasse, Paris railway terminal.

Legal age for tattoos in each state

. .
For the next 2 weeks, I'll be running 3 miles every day no matter what:


I feel like it, or not
It's dark/raining/blowing a hoolie!
I have slept or not.

I'm raising money for Medical Aid for Palestinians who do amazing work, sending medical teams in to the country despite closed borders, rebuilding hospitals to the extent there's SOME functionality, in the middle of a genocide.

Please donate /share.


Ireland. ( (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1900).

Map of Europe in 1920, National Geographic

Italian cessions to France in 1947

Check out my hand drawn, old school for my improv map series

Columbus Park, park in Illinois, United States of America.

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