Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Let's slither into the curious of those slippery creatures called

Wer hier keine passende Karte findet, dann weis ich auch nicht weiter. hat sehr viele Karten fr den im petto.

Thank you! This makes 3 options I have so far. The Fediverse is a wonderful place. I never expected this sort of response. thank you all

some details of the Island-continent of Bror.

High-res version can be found here:

As a GM the bane of my existence when preparing for my of choice is figuring out the . Does anyone know of any resources out there that would allow me to take a visual map on a of and turn it into a or a . I would gladly accept something like but in great detail. I am also open to suggestions for alternative methods. I've run into this with quite a number of games. Boosts are welcome and hoped for.

Our Geography-themed Quiz has just been posted on our website!

Create your own Highlights Map

Nipah virus is a rare but deadly infectious disease affecting south and southeast Asia, and since August the Kerala state in India recorded six Nipah cases leading to two deaths.

My opinion about Mapcomplete after 1,2k edits most with pictures.

After a few sporadic edits i realised that Mapcomplete offers a new dimension of mapping. I feel like the beginning of OSM. Almost at every corner its possible to upload pictures=information. No pictures need to be boring. Neither the clock on the building, nor the bench with a view or bicycle parking with oldtown in background. Additionally add some details.

! , for (many articles are system agnostic) is available in PDF & PRINT at

And this of from BASNews deserves some more hashtags

Second post dedicated to the maps I made during my time at Rex Nouma ! This sensorial map represents the perception and uses of the center by its members. The qualitative data used are the result of the experiences, observations, discussions and testimonials I gathered during my spatial practice of place. The name of the map is the result of a discussion with dancer-performer Pascal Teouri, who told me that I was trying to show the Rex Energy.


Johnny Cash Has Been EVERYWHERE (Man)! - Music Hack Day London 2012
I've Been Everywhere on Covers FM
by Iain Mullan IainMullan

Every moment someone around the world is capturing for improved maps.
Be part of this beneficial community

Now, hes just shown a paper #map, again!
P.S.: Take a very close look, folks! #GreaterIsrael

This is very cool - interactive of the , showing - by local authority - declarations and plans, local emission sources and trends, and positive projects to support.

From The Legal Genealogist blog: great news from Judy G. Russell about the new text search at the David Rumsey historical collection. History

Ukraine has made advances behind the Russian defensive network west of Verbove.

For the first time since Ukraine initially breached the line with infantry, two weeks ago Ukrainian vehicles are now in use behind the anti-vehicle ditches and dragons teeth defences.

Very Expensive Maps : Lee France: It was fun to try to achieve those paper elements in this new digital space.

Gorgeous vintage (1936) shows where breeds originated. Sorry, I don't have one for you people...

Recently used this chart and it actually works! Wonderfully precise yet humorous flow chart allows to figure out the date of an undated world . via

All the places I've been in Europe. Still quite a bit to see.

On 1st October, Ill be transitioning the Thought Shrapnel newsletter to Substack. More about that here. Whats interesting is the ecosystem thats being created there including Substack Notes, which is where I came across this post.
Ive several things to say about this hand-drawn map of the social media

BROR! what do you think Many people have been looking forward to this one!


's adaption of an updated that includes and leaves out "Israel" has caused anger among Israelis. This significant move came amid the massive US efforts to start diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and

Does bring you out in

Heres the for you.

of the Best Restaurants

Like a , Check out this Lost Kingdom (Part 8) !

Am 20.Oktober startet unsere Weiterbildung "GIS und Webmapping".

Ihr kommt aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich, wollt Euch spezialisieren oder sogar neu orientieren und seid am Arbeiten mit Geodaten interessiert Dann ist diese Weiterbildung fr Euch!

Mehr Infos zum Kurs findet Ihr auf unserer Webseite. Da knnt Ihr Euch auch direkt anmelden:

Fragen Wir helfen Euch gern:
030 / 820 70 659

From an interesting series of regional literary maps that were done in the 1980's comes this overview for "Latin America". Great design.

and goes after :

(A bubble-like structure 1 billion light years in diameter was discovered and named "Ho'oleilana" after the Hawaiian creation myth.)


lien #miam #map

Zwischendurch ein kleines Lebenszeichen von mir. Die neue Karte Stadtviertel mit Basar ist mittlerweile fertig. Nach der Oase und der Tempelruine nun die dritte Karte mit dem Thema Wstensetting. Ich hoffe, sie gefllt euch. Meine Patreons knnen sich schon mal freuen, da sie die als digitale Version bekommen (ab Stufe 10$).

Swap coordinate display in the AllSource

I've been doing for fun (kind of a fantasy map) I'll drop more lore later

has liberated the settlement of Klishchiivka, south of Bakhmut.

The languages of and its codes in one

Like a , Check out this Lost Kingdom (Part 7) !

2/2 Commentary by Victorin Boewa, grandson of old Boesou all Boewa's documents and comments were collected during a survey by E. Kasarherou, Boewa's nephew, in 1986. More than a real plan (or figuration) of a real village, this sketch spatially represents the customary links uniting the various groups and chiefdoms present a kind of allegory of custom (Kasarherou) This drawing partly symbolizes the customary Kanak political world, as well as the power relationships existing within it

Australian wills