Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Jiangsu Province

Fujian Province

I recently worked on the art project "Itinrances" by Felix Goulard. He walks between Saint-Denis and Avranches, without any map nor GPS, and we have the ability to follow his path live,drawn as a pure stroke.

It was a fun project to do, if you want to watch it :

I couldn't help generating a few images, we'll see where it leads!

+for the code, check my website!

126 Tunnel

A hundred-fifty winding feet further on, the tunnel leads to a secret door along the road near the entrance (107 Caved-In Tunnel, Furys Deep).

The medieval mapmaker remembered for the wrong

Blumenvase / flower vase as (white) open on top

Advanced Tips in - Best Time To Renown & Best Farm ! + Animation Canceling!


Make an Highlights Map

How to make this animated of blue whale migration

125 Hobgoblin Kings Throne Room

In the east alcove, an old oak chair sits on a table top. One intact leg and stacked rubble support the table top. This serves as the hobgoblin kings throne. 3 Hobgoblin bodyguards: 1 either side the throne, 3rd posted between the north and west doors.

On his person, the king carries 8 gems (50 gp x 3, 100 x 2, 500 x 3), potion/levitation, amulet vs crystal ball and ESP, sword +1 flames on command.

Vor einigen Tagen habe ich die Karte fr mein zuknftiges Werbebanner fertiggestellt. Ich finde, der Kontrast zwischen schwarz weien und farbigen Bereichen ist sehr spannend geworden. Mal sehen, wie es aussieht, wenn ich meinen Knstlernamen einfge. Noch ist nicht sicher, ob sich die Karte berhaupt eignet. Ich lass mich berraschen.
Wie gefllt sie euch soweit

The AI Diplomacy

Made a little fantasy mostly because I liked the font! Made in as usual with a little grunge added in at the end.

124 Unstable Ceiling

Any violent vibration (e.g. combat) in this room causes ceiling to collapse. Any creature in this or the room above (113) takes 4d6 damage and is trapped beneath the rubble. Save vs. Turn to Stone for 1/2 damage and Save vs Turn to Stone again to be not trapped. 1-4 turns to dig out a creature safely. Can be done in 1 turn but victim takes d6 damage. 4 hobgoblin spearmen, unaware of ceilings state, stand guard.

of complete primary search (black dots) on structures.

One more, plus an old one that I tried to figure out tectonic patterns for after-the-fact. ()/ I was taking a geography class at the time. :dasweat: :cccc: :cczero:

More old creative stuff in college I used to keep some blank paper at the back of my binders, and I'd scribble random geographic map shapes to keep me focused during lectures.

Here's a few of them. If any of them can be useful to you, feel free to use them! :cccc: :cczero:

Terra Australis was a hypothetical continent found on maps in the 1400-1700s -- proposed b/c ofc the hemispheres *ought* to be balanced


MAPS for FANTASY RPGs 8, a digital maps package with amazing hand drawn, full-color grid/grid-less & VTT maps, includes a Royalty Free License for use in commercial print/digital/streaming projects! 

Coming to !
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Tips and Tricks for Selecting Subsets of Data for Analysis in Online Viewer

The Meteor Shower

A new progress GIF of my Earth !

Adding more islands (in the Indian, Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans), sea ice, lakes & natural wonders, plus various minor adjustments

I'm quite happy with how it's turning out :D I don't think there is a civ6 earth map yet that shows both poles and so many islands.

I really want this map to be a tribute to our beautiful planet and our diversity :D

One of the 1st suggestions of my Ecosia search engine :

Guizhou Province

Anhui Province

Pour vos ballades pied, vlo , en caisse, des alternatives a Waze, Google map existe ici:

Enjoy! :)

Reimagining a classic Cheysson thematic

Many of us have a hard time differentiating and . Is it so confusing in other languages It is. Even more complicated.

More countries here:

Jiangxi Province

Hubei Province

These 5 tools will let you master projections

I think watercolour with data looks lovely. Don't you agree

this was my long run on Sunday

This article shows why I created Tutor/Mentor Connection in in 1993 and why I've continued to lead it via Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC since 2011.

The in the graphic could be any major city that has areas of concentrated poverty. The strategy I've piloted could be adopted in any city, too.

Interesting, mainstream article on symbols on the

Maps for Fantasy RPGs 8 kickstarter starts soon!

Gemtlicher Art-Stream ab 19:30 Uhr auf meinem Twitchkanal.
Heute sogar mit einem Chatgast zur Untersttzung! Schaut gerne vorbei! Wahrscheinlich arbeite ich an der RPG Karte einer Ruine in der Wste weiter.

Hunan Province

Royalty free, hand drawn maps, suitable for commercial and streaming projects.

Need I say more

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' ...

A preview of a new I'm working on - "Saph's Earth: Atlantis Projection"!

Many players have requested an Earth map from me but you know there are already so many. So I decided I didn't want to make an Earth map unless it can offer something new.

The moment I saw a world map in the Atlantis projection I knew it'd be perfect for my project. I especially love how you can sail from South America / South Africa to Antarctica and then Australia when world wrap is on :)

New Zealand