Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Interesting borders and land distribution between UAE and Oman


Bean Rock Lighthouse, lighthouse in New Zealand.

U.S. President Biden has Signed into Law the Foreign Aid Bill which was Approved last night by the Senate and will see upwards of $95 Billion in Military Assistance provided to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.

btw, I failed to brag -- my ongoing historiographical and conceptual work means that my bibliography on and all sorts of other stuff -- every thing I've seen or encountered since 1995 -- to just over 22,000 records. Of these 14,800 are flagged as being about maps in some way. Here's a wodge of entries for my academic grandfather. I still need to work to get this stuff organized consistently and online!!

Portugal and its African Overseas Territories before the Carnation Revolution, which occurred 50 years ago today.

lien #gaa #cho #map

Alternate Anglo-Saxon language family

Humour United States Congressional Voting Halloween Costume.

Dubai, Before & After Recent Floods

Stanford Libraries
Barry Lawrence Ruderman Map Collection


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Countries with a smaller population than the state of So Paulo, Brazil

What the middle east would look like if the Kurds got a country

Anyone know of geocoding services that allow you to cache the place categories and names for future use
Google maps, mapbox, etc dont allow for that in their terms of service.
Open street map is what Im using now, but its data is not very good.

Querand Lighthouse, lighthouse in Argentina.

Population change of the US over the last 10 years

She was literally in a 1 minute trailer for Overwatch 1 back in 2016 but I still think about her often and I want to hold her hand while I babysit her and play games with her and just have soft kisses UGH I'm overloading with cute aggression
#aam #map #pedo #pedophile #pedophilia #yap #agegap #teen #preteen

The difficulty of Arabic dialects

Population Projections for the Six Most Populated Countries

Ouiiiii ! Une nouvelle vido de ma chane prfreee !

Yay, new episode of Men! Undiscovering the world - in the age of satellite photography, we now know some islands on maps don't actually exist.

America's Drunkest Counties

"The map is based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which defines excessive drinking as either binge drinking (men 5 drinks in a single session, women 4 drinks in a single session) or heavy drinking (men drinking more than 15 drinks in a week, women drinking 8 drinks in a week)."

Sometime in the past few months somebody shared a really cool implementation of that included 3D buildings, trees, even construction cranes & little moving cars in the streets - and now I can't for the life of me remember what it was called...

Does anyone know what I'm talking about

Command-and-control IPv4 , 2024-04-11 to 2024-04-24

Eastern cities on the west coast (latitude)

Somalia control map (2024) and clan map (1998)

Ple Sud plus ou moins fini galement. Maintenant, du taf sur le texte et le cadre.

South Pole more or less finished. Now, work on the labels and the frame.

Cartographier toutes les haies de : la mthode

Comprendre l'volution des haies l'chelle d'un territoire est crucial. laide dimages haute rsolution, nous les avons toutes cartographies.

Mapping all hedges in France, using high resolution images

Understanding the spatial distribution and temporal changes of landscape features such as hedges is crucial. Using high resolution images, we mapped all of them.

The D-Day Memorial

Countries with a smaller population than Java


of the Far East at the BNF: Construction and composition of a national collection

Initial seminar to mark the beginning of new project, 28 June 2024 (2-6 pm). Presentations by Julie Garel-Grislin, Catherine Hofmann, and Eve Netchine

BNF, Site Richelieu, salle Emilie du Chtelet, 5 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris

Register (in person or zoom):
before June 10, 2024

The US Foreign Assistance

How Safe Do People Feel to Walk Alone at Night in Europe (2024)

A map of the world as one interconnected ocean

Sule Skerry Lighthouse, lighthouse in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK.

Waiting needs:

Feel .
See bus coming.
Next-bus .
Route info.
Dry, clean .
A .

FAILURE: Uncomfortable, anti-homeless perches. Seating that faces the street rather than angled toward approaching buses. No bin. An overflowing bin. that blocks views of buses and strangers.

SUCCESS: Transparent, well-lit . Live and , posted -and-event and .

Map of Armenian Genocide and Deportation from the Ottoman Empire. It started 109 years ago today.

Deportations and massacres in the East Ottoman Empire during the Armenian Genocide

Evolution of Shanghai Metro between 1993-2018. Largest one in the world based on annual ridership

My horoscope