Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Ich habe hier noch eine alte Wehrmacht Karte vom Mittelmeer von 1939.

A wee of Islay and Jura, made for fun.

My illustration of the Kildalton Cross uses a fairly large amount of "artistic license"...!

The underlying data came mostly from via and everything else was done in

Make an Highlights Map

Black Kite Black Kite in Bangalore (Bengaluru), Karnataka, India

Why does time keep passing Who do I go to to complain about this

Day 3: to work
Day 4: this
Day 5: to nowhere
Day 6: corral

Gonna try to get Day 7 done later today hopefully.

Penciltober Day 5: Map

Frank's got a map pinpointing all of the places that he wants to go to in the future.

Randomly selected image:

Neuer Blog von Locus

Inktober day 4-7: Dodge - Map - Golden - Drip

There's a new online map where you can find shops and locations, but without a corporation behind it. That means no pesky zoomlevels showing corporations first and -if you zoom in really close- the normal shops.

It's called Lokjo, find them here

I highly support it since there is no competitor for corporate maps in europe, until now!

J'ai ralis hier que je n'avais plus de vieilles cartes de visites comme les premires... mais j'en ai trouv d'autres, mais pas textures de la mme manire, d'o une petite diffrence de rendu

Golden Brown ist ein wunderbarer Song von den Stranglers. Fr mich hatte der Inhalt niemals etwas mit Drogen zu tun, sondern (wie in dem Video gezeigt) mit Nostalgie und der Sehnsucht nach fernen Lndern.
"Golden Brown" is a wonderful song by the Stranglers. For me, the content never had anything to do with drugs, but (as shown in the video) with nostalgia and longing for distant lands.

I wonder what projection they were using for that!

Revealed: scale of forever chemical pollution across UK and Europe The Guardian
This has some problems. Consider that it only shows places that were tested. Other places they tested that came back negative Are they places that they didnt test

Lambert equal area cylindrical But then wrapped around a cylinder. 2.5 dimensional projection

The app very nicely displays your geotagged photos and gps-tracks that you have in your home-cloud.

Also illustrates what all this accumulated data can tell others about you.
- All the locations you are interested in
- What kind of locations you frequent and when
- How often you go there and when you started
- How far you usually travel
- How long you spend there
- How much hiking you do, etc
- Where you live, where you work

None of which is 's business.


I uploaded a new beginner Inkscape Tutorial on "Working with Outlines and Outlined Shapes, Strokes, Power and Taper Strokes". Enjoy!


Map (Inktober 2023)

Wow, Im already late after only five days,

#Inktober #Lego #Map

La rcolte du jour, 2/2: la Tunisie.
Je trouve que les figurs manuels des cartes anciennes sont encore plus beaux quand on les regarde de trs trs prs!

(Promis si j'y repasse je prends des notes pour situer les cartes!)

La rcolte du jour, 1/2: le Larzac.
C'est une carte de Cassini. Dans le feu de l'action, je n'ai pas pens vrifier la source et les dtails de la carte, trop absorb par ces figurs magnifiques :)

Third and final production during my time at Rex Nouma ! This dataviz represents all the direct and indirect links/relationships that the cultural center has.

In order to show the complexity and richness of these relationships, the dataviz is built on colors and on the very organization of the actors in the visualization.

Something different from me this time.
A physical map of a fantasy continent in atlas style.
Unlabelled version on my patreon if anyone would like to adapt it to any game )

BTW. This is mall map. Mastodon did not allow me to post full size (

See the full size map below

And here is patreon link with unlabelled version

control has been expanded south of Avdiivka, along the rail lines up to the highway.

Control west of Krasnohorivka has been updated.

control has been expanded northwest of Pryyutne, on the southern front.

Some orthographic projections of Elyden
Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year

Zonas del mundo donde ms tiempo han permanecido imperios de ms de 500 000 km2 (aproximadamente el tamao de Espaa), contando desde el 1000 a.C.

documents murders from the medieval era that took place in London, York, and Oxford.

Nos comportements et des risques associs sont corrls avec notre environnement relationnel (R) et gographique (G).

Cela a donn naissance la gomedecine.

La carte montre le surpoids (rouge) parmi les habitants.
Sans surprise, l'ouest est moins riche que l'est.
L'autoroute, les barres d'immeubles sont autant d'obstacles la pratique du footing.
Les commerces alimentaires moins varis jouent galement.


Day 5: Map

- : /

La petite sorcire consulte la carte pour connatre la route qui la mnera vers la contre des rves DreamLand.

From 1652 comes Seile's map for the new world with a distinct instance of insular California. It's interesting to watch the evolution of California as an island, as rumors and hopes continue to build a mythological land... even in the face of first hand reports that said it's very connected to the continent.

Let's do some historical today!

*11 - 12th century trade routes*

More info here:

Soundcheck para mais logo: Ustad Fazel Sapand no alade.
Subimos a palco s 19h15. Parque dos Anjos, .

Inktober 23 Day 5 -Map

Its a map of the world from my fantasy novel.

day 5: the making of a !

With all the adventure and all the peril that leads to the legendary hidden gold, the dreaded pirate captain finally finds it, and there it lies.

Maybe the real gold is was inside himself all along, or maybe the one who hid this treasure just wanted to mess with them and the reaction is more worth than gold for them.  Who knows



I know the point of is to do a a day but the mood just aint there. Still, some headspace needs freeing and this had to get out. Mashing and brings a for s (with ) in and with a type scenario.

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