Amazing Highlights from around the World.

I know the point of is to do a a day but the mood just aint there. Still, some headspace needs freeing and this had to get out. Mashing and brings a for s (with ) in and with a type scenario.

twijfelde of ik het zelfs maar zou uploaden

Frank and Tom were excited about their trip and studied their new map with great interest
inktober #InktoberDay5

Turn the corner and head towards the sea. to Wirrina!

Navigate through mapilio to discover different places.



inktober day 5: map


Outstanding Etymological of tells you where place names came from. Love it! Source:

People think the Nether is where hell is, but hell is a fucking beach
dedicated to everyone who tore up a beach to find the goddamn treasure chest.

Da 5 mapita del rancho.

Today's top ten tag trends:


is now trending across Mastodon

Fnfter Tag

(Dass es hier keine Drachen und Seeungeheuer gibt, liegt in erster Linie daran dass das Gebirge so laut schreit, weshalb die Bewohner dieses noch namenlosen Landes auch selten das Haus verlassen, was wiederum das Fehlen von Wegen oder Straen erklrt.
Nur die Burgbewohner konnte mal irgendwann gnstig eine grere Menge Ohrenstpsel erwerben. Seitdem haben sie andere Probleme.)

Hay varios mapas de pelculas y videojuegos que me gustan, dado que el de los Goonies ya lo hice en otro Inktober, este ao me decid por el de Indiana Jones y la ltima Cruzada, sacado directamente de una pgina de la libreta de su padre


Entrada para el da 5 del MAP

(ltima actualizacin: perdiendo fuelle y quedndome sin tiempo vital, ser el punto final en este despiadado reto del diablo)


Dia 5, , hoy me he gustado.

Inktober "Map"

We're a cyberpunk-y scifi adventure comics and animation series!

Find out more at or read the webcomic at

Et voil !
6 cartes, donc j'ai un jour d'avance !
Aprs le promarker, le liner :)

Inktober Day5 - Map

Achei que iria ficar melhor meu mapinha, fazia varios (mais bonitinhos) quando mestrava RPG no sculo passado.
My map for Day 5 of inktober 2023

Day 5 of this time with color.

This time, the prompt "map" instantly took me to that map of Super Mario World. I don't know how many times I've seen the original map and played in that magical land...

Inktober day 5: "Map".
Not the most practical map in daily life but that's OK.

For the last one, Inktober!

Prompt was MAP so I sketched up a little doodle treasue map, while trying to fill it with little patterns here and there.

Inktober day 5! Today's theme is: map!
It's getting harder (already) to find inspiration
This is a war map of cats VS dogs

Day 5: "Map"
Geno and Mallow got a map to inform Mario and Luigi about missions and dangerous places to avoid in the rescuing of Princess Peach, but they have the wrong one. So, Mario and Luigi argued with them for the wrong map.

Inktober Day 5: Map

Additionally it's Pancake Thursday!

The pancakes came out a bit weird, but it tasted fine. The squiggles probably wasn't anything important.


Inktober Day 5.

N.5 -

Un peu tard (mais pas en retard), voil le dessin du jour !
J'espre que vous en avez pas dj marre des plantes et autres trucs dans le ciel car a a l'air d'tre mon thme de cette anne !

, Day 5: Prompt word:

Time for a little geography

Kaweco (KawecoGermany) fountain pens, de Atramentis ink

Quitte un suivre un chemin, celui de cette carte semble prometteur, en avant Pouic !
Mot du jour: Map

Make an Australian will online.