Amazing Highlights from around the World.

I dunno. Maybe I'm having a little fun making these.

Clayton, railway station in Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Countries with higher GDP per capita than Poland, 1990/2018

Carte exacte de toutes les provinces, villes, bourgs, villages et rivieeres du vaste et puissant empire de la Chine, faite par les ambassadeurs hollandois dans leur voyage de Batavia a Peking. dressee par Jean Nieuhof, ... presentement mise a jour par Pierre Vander Aa. (to accompany) La galerie agreable du monde ... Cette partie comprend le tome premier de Chine & Grand Tartarie. Le tout mis en ordre & execute a Leide, par Pierre Vander Aa.

Easy data downloads for graphic designers

Brower Park, public park in Brooklyn, New York.

Rock Island Public Library, public library system of the city of Rock Island, Illinois.

Lizard Lighthouse, lighthouse in Landewednack, Cornwall, England, UK.

Rohkunborri National Park, national part in Bardu, Norway.

Map Title: REoL TOUGH: Demise! (watervised)
Author(s): George J. Fiffy II
Date: 1997-11-30

#metal #super secret #mapA 1970's wall map, two-sided, looking at the World, Africa and U.S. migration of Africans. With some notable vignettes for important figures, including Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X.

A 1970's wall map, two-sided, looking at the World, Africa and U.S. migration of Africans. With some notable vignettes for important figures, including Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X.

A town in Norway is in shadow for six months a year

Not too late to sign up for tonight's night

Please join us!

Mareppu Station, railway station in Date, Hokkaido, Japan.

Homeric Greece and the neighboring lands. (with) Kingdom of the successors of Alexander. B.C. 300. (with) The Mediterranean Lands at the beginning of the second Punic War. (with) The Rome Dominions at the end of the Mithridatic War. B.C. 84. (to accompany) Cram's atlas of the world, ancient and modern : new census edition -- indexed.

Good old times. Polish-Lithunian Commonwealth

Geografische kaart van Nederland - Geographical map of the Netherlands 1898
schoolatlas R. Bos, 1898, tweede zeer vermeerderde druk

ten tijde van - at the time of
R. Bos, 1898, tweede zeer vermeerderde druk

New of protected NSW coastal lands

WiGLE: Wireless Network Mapping

Stanley Park, botanical garden in Westfield, United States.

Fitzgerald River National Park, national park in Western Australia.

Upper Norwood Library, public library in Upper Norwood, South London.

US vs. Europe population density

St. Johns Light, lighthouse in Florida, United States.

Cable Sanj Station, railway station in Japan.

Etiopia, Somalia, Kenia, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi. Atlas Swiata. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe : Warszawa 1962.


This might be just a small thing BUT - I get to draw human eating plants to the map I am working on for a client, and I find that really exciting. :D

State-Wise Railway Electrification in India

Sheet 18.

Shin-Kiry Station, railway station in Kiryu, Gunma prefecture, Japan.

Population Density of US/Canada (NASA, 2006)

Look Park, park in Massachusetts, United States of America.

Stonington Harbor Light, lighthouse in Stonington, Connecticut, United States.

Cotton Free Library, public library in Weybridge, Vermont.

Broadwater National Park, national park in Australia.

India holds populations of all these countries in that space.

Laven station, railway station in Silkeborg Municipality, Denmark.

Prize Pigs