Amazing Highlights from around the World.

I call him "truJD"


Hiratach Station, railway station in Suzuka, Mie Prefecture, Japan.

Carte des Cercles du Haut et du Bas Rhin ou se trouvent dans le premier, le Duche de Deux-Ponts, les Echeves de Worms, et de Spire, les Etats de Nassau et de Hesse, les Comtes de Hanaw, de Solms, d'Isenburg, les Abbeyes de Fulde et d'Hirchfeld &c., et dans le second, les Electorats de Mayence, de Treves, de Cologne, et le Palatinat du Rhin, avec leurs enclaves. Par le Sr. Robert de Vaugondy Geog ord. du Roy 1753. Avec Privilege. (Elisabeth) Hau(ssard, sculp.)

298100 #202501

Sugar House Park, park in the Sugar House neighborhood of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Nymboida National Park, national park in Australia.

Scarborough Public Library, public library in Scarborough, Maine, USA.

Christiana Light, lighthouse in Delaware, United States.

Pas la grosse motivation ces derniers temps, mais je me suis remis l-dessus avec un rendu que je trouve assez efficace...

Il va de soi que c'est pour une uchronie d'un setting perso o Mars, la Lune et Vnus sont habitables (mais pas forcment trs hosptalires), donc rien voir avec le dlire d'un milliardaire fasciste d'aller vivre sur un mode atrocement hostile.


Need a distraction Can you match each U.S. state with its nickname Test yourself!Quiz: (or just have a look at the below)

Map of discovered lands in 1881

Bleasby railway station, railway station in Nottinghamshire, England, UK.

Road Map of the State of California, 1918.

Create your own Highlights Map

Countries with Birth right citizenship

Alton Baker Park, park in Eugene, Oregon, United States.

Karijini National Park, national park in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Goodrich Memorial Library, public library in Newport, Vermont.

Round Island Passage Light, lighthouse in Michigan, United States.

Rand McNally junior auto road map Mississippi. Copyright by Rand McNally & Co., Chicago, Ill. (1927)

Two Lithuanias

Japanese stereotypes about Europeans

Aphricae tabula II. (to accompany) Geographia universalis, vetus et nozva, complectens Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini enarrationis libros VIII ... Basileae apud Henricum Petrum Mense Martio anno M.D. XL (1540).

Kent History and Library Centre, public library and county record office in Maidstone.

Walpole-Nornalup National Park, national park in Western Australia.

Waglan Lighthouse, lighthouse on Waglan Island, Hong Kong.

Tarrywile, park in Danbury, United States of America.

Americas Digital Dialects: How Reddit reveals the geography of American English

Les Deux Poles: Arcticque ou Septentrional, et Antarcticque ou Meridional (Two Poles: Arctic and Antarctica).

Gare de Buzy, railway station.

Highest Degree of every current U.S. Governor

Minerva Hills National Park, national park in Australia.

Spring Point Ledge Light, lighthouse in Maine, United States.

Nassau Nature Park, nature park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Old Library, former public library in Wrexham.

9 Me. Arrondissement : Quartier de l'Ile St. Louis. No. 33. A 2 sous la feuille colorice chez E. Garnot. (to accompany) Petit atlas pittoresque des quarante-huit quartiers de la ville de Paris Par A. M. Perrot ... 1834. (inset view) Eglise St. Louis.

Womens Share of National Parliaments Across the Middle East

Countries that have or had communist governments

Bian railway station, a station on the South Main Line ("Southrail") of the Philippine National Railways.

Lengths of the Principal Rivers in the World. Heights of the Principal Mountains in the World. F. Humphreys, Sculpt. Entered ... 1856 by Charles Desilver ... Pennsylvania.