Amazing Highlights from around the World.

GDP real growth rate in South America, 2023 Change from 2022

Overview of the slave trade out of Africa (1500-1900)

Ready to enjoy the night
Find more info about the map here:

Map of Bolivian territorial losses between 1867 and 1938


You've heard of the weird names for groups of things: flock of birds, school of fish, murder of crows.

Today we're headed up an effing of locks.

people living in colder climates drink more alcohol than those living in warmer climates

Entrance Island Lighthouse, lighthouse in British Columbia, Canada.

Map of Japan from Shgun


Campus protests in the US since April 17

In Guadalajara municipal garbage collection service trucks have GPS/GNSS navigators. Processed in :qgis: Here in real time:

A hand drawn, old school dungeon temple map - check it out

Celtic placenames frequency

Where are immigrants in Berlin from Ive worked on this map for 2 weeks, its finally complete! (HD Re-upload)

Petit Manan Light, lighthouse in Maine, United States.

The worlds most popular 25 islands with maps

Population density in Egypt

Mid-America Panorama (1969)

Murales at Egaleo stadium, Athens area

Hand-drawn map of Celtic nations

Holy Roman Empire 1444 flag map (i made it myself)

How maps are used and abused in times of conflict

"The dehumanising effect of maps stems from their inherent abstraction. Maps simplify reality by reducing a complex landscape teeming with life and history into lines, symbols and colours. While necessary for clarity, this simplification often has the consequence of stripping away the human element."

Que c'est long de nommer... Surtout quand on a pas tout dtermin .
Et je ne sais pas ce que je vais mettre dans les blancs (), sans doute du texte.

Labelling is a long task... even more when some places have not been named yet.
And I don't know what I'm gonna place in the blanks (), probably some text.

La Nouvelle MAP BR DISTRICT d'Apex Legends

Where pro-Palestine student protests and encampments are happening and where police have crackdowned on and arrested protestors.

New geological moon map "reveals a total of 12,341 craters, 81 basins and 17 rock types...made at the unprecedented scale of 1:2,500,000."

More detail at the link below. Not sure if there is a public facing link to the map data (if you know of one, please ping me).

Distribution of radiation in Europe after the Chernobyl disaster (April 26 1986)

sterskr lighthouse, lighthouse in Vrmd Municipality, Baltic coast, Sweden.

The 2024 Submarine Cable

Old World Great Powers (4th-5th Century AD) OC


Population density by country (in the UK and US, it is by state)

Top countries with most gold reserves

( brain thoughts )
Ya know there is some people I see with a certain " type " and I be like are you sure ya aren't a map because it sounds like you describe little girl or little boy pedo type things even if they do like adults there is definitely a piece of that brain thinking " I like little girl pussy or little boy dick " like fam just come out already so I can share my map content with you lol
#map #yap #propara #para

Whats the shortest border of every state (Including other countries, but excluding maritime borders)

Nevada Bedrock Geology in Cross Stitch

Baltimore Harbor Light, lighthouse in Maryland, United States.

Western Front (WW2) Real Time Animated map w/ added PoW count
