Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Freedom Park, park in Nigeria.

Huron Island Light, lighthouse in Michigan, United States.

Armagh Robinson Library, listed building in Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.

(Composite of) Sheet 659. Konstanz. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.

Chinese map of Great Britain in 19th century

Does anyone know what year this map is from

Masterplan map of Islamabad pakistan not oc

2010 Ukrainian presidential election vs 2024 Front line

Vice Presidential elections of the Philippines 1992 to 2022

Nouvelle Carte de Moscovie o sont representes les differents Etats de sa Maieste Czarienne en Europe et en Asie et le Chemin dun de ses Abassadeurs a Peking Ville Capitale de l'Empereur de la Chine et son Sejour Ordinaire. Tome 4. No. 29. (to accompany) Atlas Historique ... Tome IV. A Amsterdam, chez les Freres Chatelain Libraires. M DCC XIV (1714).

Map describing the origins of the 12 varieties of men from Lemuria (1876)

Poorly drawn CRYPTID map! Whats in your neck of the woods

I would think that West and East Yemen would have made more sense based off of this map

Brooklyn Park, park in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, United States.

Saybrook Breakwater Light, lighthouse in Connecticut, United States.

Mitchell Library, public library in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

The size of the waves of the tsunami that happened on the lac Leman in 563

Either I missed it in school or forgot about it, but TIL about the Province of Quebec that for a brief time extended to the Mississippi and Ohio rivers

How many people are going to vote in the European elections.

Wow check this out: the Martian rover Perseverance made a huge leap forward to reach its Sol 1162 location, right in the middle of Neretva Vallis, in the close vicinity of an island-like mound.

The biggest employer in each state of the USA

Chinese Debts in Africa Millions of USD


Johnson's Globular World, Published by A. J. Johnson, New York. 16. 17. Western Hemisphere. Eastern Hemisphere. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by A.J. Johnson in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.

Governments positions on Ukraines right to strike back against Russia

Slave population in the 13 Colonies, 1770

Topographie de base presque acheve sur la rgion d'Elysium. Aprs, il faudra ajouter les habituels nuances/ombrages.

Base topography almost done on Elysium region. Then, I'll add the usual shadings/shadows.

Travel-related diseases guide. Not sure if allowed but took a photo of this map in my doctors surgery.

Choose similar colors to similar things

Cape Moreton Light, lighthouse in Queensland, Australia.

Hong Kong Central Library, public library in Hong Kong.

Green Park, one of the Royal Parks of London.


African Countries GDP Per Capita Mapped

1922 High Res Map of World

Sheet 185. Woldegk. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.

Males outnumber females globally, but the reverse is true in some countries

Global bathymetry contours terence on X

Waddon Ponds, park and inland water in Croydon, UK.

Hatholmen Lighthouse, lighthouse in Norway.

City of Sydney Library Service, library system in New South Wales.

hotspot maps