Amazing Highlights from around the World.

East Germany was divided into 15 districts (Bezirke). After the unification of Germany, 5 states (Lnder) were recreated roughly following the district border. Yet, some areas shifted due to historical and political reasons.



Faro di Cesenatico, lighthouse in Italy.

I love to draw my on paper with sharpies or on Pro with & Apple Pencil, usually while I watch a tv show. Here is todays old school effort

Football seems to have a universal name. Arabic "Kurat al-Qadam" despite the difference is a calque: ball & foot . Yet, some languages diverge significantly. English soccer is a shortening of "associated football, Italian "calcio," meaning "to kick", Hungarian' "labdargs" (ball+kick) & Slovenian "nogomet" (leg+throw).


Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year.

Russia. Published By G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 182 William St. New York.

The Guide on How to Find Gold Skull Rum in Skull and Bones

Day 17. Same map again, but this time it's the free commentary edition ! (To tell you the truth, I'm thinking maybe there's not enough text...)

Milnerton Lighthouse, lighthouse in South Africa.

San Francisco Scale Model L1

It's friday friends! You know what that means (or maybe not) another free map!

Full size available for free on:


lien #lostintranslation #gik #txt #map

is as frequently used by as it is polysemic.

For some or , mapping is simply identifying actors/concepts, for others is to assign values to variables, and for others, it means to situate something in their geographical coordinates (usually, but not always, accompanied by a visualisation in the form of a

What does mean for you What's your discipline

Kurrachee. (1886) (Indes). 4e Srie. Pl. XV. Ministre des Travaux Publics. Ecole des Ponts et Chausses. Lith. A. Simon, 13, R. du Val-de-Grce. Paris.

The idea of spring cleaning digital products is absurd but I need an opening line for this sale notification.

Get 30% off all my battlemaps this weekend!

A hand drawn, old school map time lapse video - check Vaults of Cephalon, a 50x50 square map I drew just for the heck of it lol.

Cayo Jutas Lighthouse, lighthouse in Cuba.

Romans used to say "caput aut navis" (head or ship) in Latin. In Spanish, "heads or tails" is translated in South America, "Cara o sello" (face or stamp) or "Cara o escudo" (face or emblem). In "Cara o Cruz" (face or cross) and in , "guila o sol" (eagle or sun).

Find out where these expressions come from:

San Francisco. (inset) San Francisco and Vicinity.

Ich bin voll damit beschftigt die neue Kampagne fr meine Gruppe zu planen.
Ich habe endlich die Karte meiner Fantasiewelt fertigstellt. Handgezeichnet von mir in Krita mit einem Wacom Intuos M tablet.

Ayr Harbour, Lighthouse, lighthouse in South Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.

Energeticheskiye resursy. (to accompany) Atlas Armianskoi Sovetskoi Sotsialisticheskoi Respubliki. Erevan - Moskva 1961.

Just discovered that Osher has this sweet chromo map from 1901 pan-American Exposition.

Dorussa island from Aponissos, Agistri.

De retour sur les reliefs, je progresse vers le nord et l'est du continent de Thuvar.

Back on topography, I'm going north and east of the continent of Thuvar.

Greece. London: Published by Henry Teesdale & Co. Drawn & Engraved by J. Dower, Pentonville, London. (1844)

Another quick thumbnail for .

Check out all of the fun articles right now at

Starting to take shape. Basically, I will try to get two illustrations out from the same scene:

1. A map/battle to describe the company scale combat rules.
2. Cover picture/ illustration of battle (with explosions hopefully - if I can pull it off).

Also, advertisement time, this stuff will be available after Kickstarter:

phare du cap Bnat, lighthouse at Bormes-les-Mimosas, in Var, France.

Interactive 's in Gaza

I just started a to ease choosing a hosting provider to run your .

Let's see how that goes.

Sinaloa. Lit. de Salazar. Imprenta de Lara, Entrega 24a, (1858)

Heres a hand drawn, old school map I drew today. Ill pop it up on soon

DER HEXEN CLAN GREIFT MICH AN! Minecraft Freunde 2 'sPlay

So if one were to start a , what platform(s) would you all in the fediverse recommend Posts would be centered around an image (a ).

Tahkuna Lighthouse, lighthouse in Estonia.

New book - Reitinger on the beginnings of engineer mapping in Central Europe


is this hidden power that governs almost everything that gets built in this country. each one of these local governments set out their own rules in massive texts, sometimes 150, 200, sometimes 3,000 pages that outline exactly what you can do in every lot in a city, + connect those rules to corresponding . is text & and put those 2 together, & it really is the blueprint for how most places in the U.S. develop

Heres a hand drawn map I digitally colored yesterday for a stretch goal in my latest kickstarter. I think it turned out very nicely
