Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Early South Pole Telescope data has found that Einstein was right again

by Jacinta Bowler for Cosmos Magazine

eROSITA new map of the Universe: black holes, filaments and clusters of galaxies

by Dr Maggie Lieu

Nash Point Lighthouse, lighthouse, Grade II listed building in St Donats, Wales situated on the cliff-top at Nash Point in a walled enclosure.

Erzurum Vilayeti. (to accompany) Memalik-i Mahruse-yi Shahaneye mahsus : Mukemmel ve mufassal atlas = Special Imperial complete and detailed atlas of the protected countries. Asar: Mehmet Nasrullah, Mehmet Rushtu, Mehmet Eshref. Kitaphane-yi Tefeyyuz. Istanbul: Shirket-i Murettibiye Matbaasi - 1325 (1909).

Some people might use the same word for feet & legs in Czech, Slovak, & Russian. In Greek & Albanian, there is only one word. In Finnish and Hungarian also, but it is possible to specify foot by referring to it as leg head.

Introducing PolGeoNow's new civil war control series! Painstakingly researched, it should be the most accurate available. Full Oct 2023 map & Apr-Oct timeline:

Farol do Ilhu dos Pssaros, lighthouse in Guinea-Bissau.


157. Africa, Communications. The World Atlas.

ELINA FALLEN TROLL Minecraft Freunde 2 'sPlay

Dear Writers,

If you feel a need to embellish a story with details, please consult a .

Yours sincerely,
Annoyed of Tunbridge Wells

This grump was brought to you on reading that a horse-rider left London after breakfast and galloped to Devon, arriving late that afternoon. The RSPCA would probably like a word, too.

La suite. Le relief de Tarsis et des les proches est termin.

The next step. The topography of Tarsis and surrounding islands is finished.

Charte von Australien oder Polynesien : nach den Zeichnungen, Reisebe Schreibungen und Tagebucher der vorzuglichsten Seefahrere entworffen im Jahr 1809. (to accompany) Neuer hand und elementar atlas ... Entworfen von I.E. Lange. Leipzig 1809.

Monument to sarakatsani sheperd

Mural by WD in Patras, Greece

Hooray! My first actual "product" is this GINORMOUS A3 rendition of my take on the classic B2 dungeon.
The Caves of Anti-Law await you! Dare you enter (it's only 5 bucks)

lighthouse in Lysekil Municipality, west coast, Sweden.

Oceanica or Oceania. (to accompany) A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical & Commercial. By T.G. Bradford. Boston: American Stationers' Company. Entered ... 1835, by Thos. G. Bradford ... Massachusetts.

Do you have a ... If you are a smoker or not, you might need sometimes a lighter:
In Spanish, encendedor, mechero, yesquero or fosforera.

Find more interesting words at

In 1971, Ray Tomlinson, an American computer programmer, adopted the symbol for the brand-new e-mail to separate the username from the host computer is located at.
Did he invent a new symbol The answer here:

Ttol: Plan de la ville de Cap de Quiers
Autor: Beaulieu, Sieur de.
Any: 1659.
56 x 69 cm
Setge i presa de Cadaqus per l'armada francesa comanada per Mr. le Prince de Conty, virrei de Catalunya, maig de 1655.

Day 10 already. Points are not the solution, Rainbow is the new black are not the solution... Maybe I need to add more colors

Ryssmasterna lighthouse, lighthouse in sterker Municipality, Baltic coast, Sweden.

15. France. London, Edward Stanford, 55, Charing Cross. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt. London.

The floating museum "Hellas Liberty" in Piraeus, Greece.

In either case, their (google based) is dead.

39. Nova et accurata delineatio Ingrin et Careliae.

Ruins of ancient churches on Hymettus mountains, east Athens

Bon, finalement je vais opter pour un style hachur aussi pour la/les cartes de mon monde d'Eldoran. Il me semble que j'ai chop le coup de patte pour cette chelle aussi.

I think I will finally opt for a hatched style for my Eldoran world map(s). Looks like I eventually catched it for this scale too.

Hey hey, it's Friday!

And that means it is time for another Friday Fun Map!

Please enjoy # 2/52

As always full size available free on my itch:

If you enjoy this, do give it a like and retweet so more folks can see it!

Punta Candelaria Lighthouse, lighthouse in Spain.

Arno Peters and his Work

: Walthamstow

Your daily of . In dark empire style because it's friday
16th century

Vues satellites (Sentinel 2 et 3 - Copernicus) hier. Le long bras de lave gauche mesure prs de 5 km.

Ttol: Manuscrit: Descripcion del Corregimiento de Gerona.
Autor: Darnius, comte de.
Any: 1716.
Altres autories: Taverner i d'Ardena i Darnius, Oleguer de (1676-1727)
Fol., 1 mapa plegat

Ttol: Plan de la ville de Barcelone
Autor: Vendme, Louis-Joseph de
Any: 1710
Louis-Joseph de Vendme va ser nomenat general de l'Arme d'Espagne el 1710 i va morir el 1712.
20 x 27 cm full 24 x 30 cm

Neat! Perhaps 'we' could get an Atlas of Babel added to the shelves of the Library of Babel.

Beacon of Punta Barca, beacon in Spain.

How much housing do we need to enable everyone in to live close to work (if they want to)

My own analysis. Plus a cool

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