Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Day 5 of Inktober.
Thinking nothing more of... whatever that thing was... Mort continues along the path through the woods, consulting his map.

Music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi

J'ai pris un peu de retard mais c'est pas grave !

lien #asia #gik #map

Produced by Philippe Rekacewicz in 2012 and published in Le Monde Diplomatique, this map represents the worldview of the many private players in the space industry (particularly in the USA), who gave birth to the "New Space" movement.

Despite its 10 years of age, it remains highly relevant for characterizing the spatial (and geopolitical) representation of these players in regards to outer space.

Cette carte anime des phares et balises dEurope est juste une tuerie !

Tous les phares, les signaux cals sur les chronogrammes, les couleurs qui vont bien. Juste wow !

Et merci pour linfo

Disappointed that bananas aren't more popular in Scotland.

z3z - Just a quick today...

Western Europe's favourite fruits. Made in

(No idea how accurate this data is, but it was a fun exercise for a quick map)


Just a quick today...

Western Europe's favourite fruits. Made in

(No idea how accurate this data is, but it was a fun exercise for a quick map)

Create your own Highlights Map

Est-ce que j'ai pass 2 jours a rcuprer et nettoyer la liste des phares et balises au Japon

Est-ce que j'ai l'intention d'en faire quelque chose
Non. Mais voila une carte, histoire de dire que je n'ai pas perdu mon weekend.

Real-time electricity map: how countries are generating their electricity. Fascinating to watch Norway's wind and hydro spread round Europe, how fragmented the US appears, and how green South America is.

3 days left!

Call for Maps: State of the Map Europe 2023

What's it going to be
Map of your country or city Bike trails Mini libraries Wind turbines

Submit your -based map by Oct. 18th to be displayed in Antwerp on Nov. 10-12!

I finished another custom in , this time zooming in on the previous map to one of its most iconic landmarks, the . It's most certainly inspired by , , and from . It's not necessarily a place of evil, but travelers beware treading its seemingly desolate streets at night...

1986 Pan Am Route Map Postcard

Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year.

This is the largest of the ever made

Day 5: .

"Fascinating. The notes and the walls keep changing, but everything revolves around the inkwell leylines. These are the right clues!"

Salut la Commu, je partage avec vous le travail de mon pote Armakis et de son frre Ol. a fait un moment quil bosse par amiti sur mes cartes, il a ralis un super truc Bon cest le premier jet et a va samliorer. Je suis juste super content et je voulais vous montrer la premire bauche de son travail pro. Quen pensez-vous, a vous donne envie de dcouvrir Barok )

from 1941 shows empires throughout . Source:

Our History-themed Quiz has just been posted on our website!

How are you enjoying the
(aka )


Les premires explorations franaises de lAmrique se sont droules dans un monde bipolaire domin par les puissances maritimes du Portugal et de lEspagne.

Lanalyse de la carte de 1529 de Diego Ribeiro illustre cette situation (Atlas du Qubec en Amrique et dans le monde):

Image : source Gallica/BnF

1941 American Airlines Map Postcard

Good overview of for the coming days. Added a map of the evacuation area.

I have launched a map of the Jewish population in several towns in Czechia.

Created using

Et un (tout) petit peu plus.

And just a (little) more.

We all know that moment you need a public toilet at night and have no clue about the language there.... We have a quick menu that display's them all, just for these moments.

See for example Prague here

P.s. how do you like the graphics of our website We can't read minds (yet!) so feedback is always welcome. :)

Have a great weekend all!

Concupiscence du jour :
"Cartographie du temps, Des frises chronologiques aux nouvelles timelines"

An interesting of the .

I thought I would share as it contains various bits of information.

Athens Greece 1906

I love old city planning maps. Especially if they're from Helsinki.

This one by Otto Ehrstrm from 1888 is in the corridor of the department of geosciences and geography in the city center campus. Much of southern Helsinki is still unbuilt, Kallio and Vallila are still a forested area.

The Iconic Harry Beck But Make It Aeroplanes

New /#Palestine map #2: Territorial control at the height of the invasion into proper, last Saturday. Full-size map with timeline of the war so far:

Create a Bathymetric Using Pro

The October Solar Eclipse

Half the world away. (Relative to ). and . Assumes spherical Earth

Made unit vectors from each degree confluence point and Edinburgh, and drew those where the dot product < 0.

This creates a hemisphere centered on Edinburgh, then fills in everything outside that hemisphere.

This might be a good way to do proximity queries, it works at the poles and around the antemeridian

Apologies if that gave you an Oasis earworm...

"This paper demonstrates that the highly accurate depiction of the Indian Ocean on the Carta marina of Martin Waldseemueller from 1516 is mainly caused by the extremely powerful political and economic interests of the Portuguese Crown and the Upper German-trading companies in the conflict with the Kingdom of Castile over supremacy in the spice trade in India."

Martin Lehmann Peter Stanley Fosl (Reviewing editor) (2020) The Carta Marina of Martin Waldseemller from 1516 political geography in context of the struggle for the spices of Southeast India, Cogent Arts & Humanities, 7:1, DOI:


Un peu plus de fait l-dessus, et une planification en cours.

Some more on this one and planning things.

My daughter just reminded me of this one
