Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Countries where you have to form an emergency lane

Filigree // 21 feb 2025 //

Deutschland's Gaue : V Schwaben. Von Th. Menke. Gezeichnet von F. Hein. Spruner-Menke Hist. Hand-Atlas No. 35. Gotha : Justus Perthes 1875.

Most Common Birthplace of U.S. Immigrants (Excluding Mexico)

Point Pedro Lighthouse, lighthouse in Sri Lanka.

Saumarez Park, park in Castel, Guernsey.

Northport Public Library, public library in New York, United States of America.

Create your own Highlights Map

Aurora Memorial National Park, protected area of the Philippines.

Title: Sub Base
Author(s): Andr04x
Date: 2021-06-08
Around medium-sized map with a Knave-textured courtyard, a blue subterranean church and a base. Comes with a custom skybox. The map source is included.

#base #bricks #church #knave #map

Hand-drawing a every day until I get better! Day 6:

Map of Africa if it was divided by tribes and races, and not countries that colonial powers recognised.

Shig Station, railway station in Toyota, Aichi prefecture, Japan.

Western Canada. The Edinburgh Geographical Institute, John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd. "The Times" atlas. (London: The Times, 1922)

Formal and informal trolling of Russia via maps in support of Ukraine

A map for my worldbuilding project. This is an eyeball planet a special type of tidally locked world. 1 is supposed to look like what people living there would use. 2 is just to visualize what direction the winds are blowing. 3 is with major shipping lanes overlayed (I wanted to include them with the first, but left them out because I didnt like the vibes)

Also thanks to Quanox, Shura, Dazze, Happy skies, Gotyoureyes and Remy for contributing one city name each.

The Graves Light, lighthouse in Massachusetts, United States.

Point Pleasant Park, large, partially forested municipal park at the southern tip of the Halifax peninsula.

Kran National Park, national park in Togo.

Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Public Library, public library in Hong Kong.

Niregi Station, railway station in Kanuma, Tochigi prefecture, Japan.

L' Inde De ca Le Gange, Suivant les nouvelles observations de Messrs ... A Leide, Chez Pierre Van der Aa. (to accompany) Nouvel Atlas, tres-exact et fort commode pour toutes sortes de personnes, Contenant les Principales Cartes Geographiques ...

Is your countrys president a DJ, Rapper and a rally driver

Percentage of those who say they are highly religious

Wakimoto Station, railway station in Oga, Akita Prefecture, Japan.

Puy de Dome.

Most popular soda by state why the difference between south and north

Pottawatomie Light, lighthouse in Wisconsin, United States.

George Washington Memorial Park, park in Jackson, Wyoming.

Walpole-Nornalup National Park, national park in Western Australia.

Hong Kong Central Library, public library in Hong Kong.

Check out an impromptu hand drawn, old school !

Montana is creeping me out.

Caister Camp Halt railway station, railway station in Norfolk, England, UK, now closed.

North Carolina. (to accompany) A Comprehensive Atlas, Geographical, Historical & Commercial. By T.G. Bradford. William D. Ticknor, Boston. Wiley & Long, New-York. Entered ... 1835, by Thos. G. Bradford ... Massachusetts.

3 new I drew today. I videoed each of them, so Ill debut them on & over the next few days

A new video! This time its a broken stone bridge across a river (sorry no pic below, Im brand new on that platform, so if youre on TikTok, please follow

US Rural Population Density

Pico da Neblina National Park, national Park in Brazil.

Point Prim Lighthouse, lighthouse built 1964 in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Nassau Nature Park, nature park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Using video for Promotion 78