Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Charles Fort Lighthouse, lighthouse in Ireland.

'Soda,' 'Pop,' Or 'Coke' - More Than 400,000 Americans Weighed In, And A Map Of Their Answers Is Exactly What You'd Expect
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I grew up calling it soft drink
Americans have different words for soft drink depending on which region of the United States they're from.
The three most popular terms are soda, pop, and coke, according to data collected by the site Pop Vs. Soda.
Linguists have noted other terms people from certain regions use for soft drinks, including tonic and cocola

Gray's Atlas Map of Europe: Gray, Ormando Willis via

credit: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.

Map of the Territory of Alaska (Russian America) Ceded by Russia to the United States: Gray, Ormando Willis via

credit: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.


Port of Almera Lighthouse, undefined.

Organic Maps sur Linux :

Going to the throne of Odysseus

The port, the boats, the cat

Bike and train

Building the building

Inside the building

Beacon of Punta Pesebre, beacon on Fuerteventura in Pjara, Canary Islands, Spain.

Haulbowline Lighthouse, lighthouse in County Down, Northern Ireland.

The trade-free app of the day:

Organic Maps

Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation

Made a diddy map when I was waiting for dinner to cook.

It is a tiny hidy-hole in the rocky dales obscured by several jagged outcrops. It has been used as a hideout for several notorious bandits ranging from thieves to merciless rebels and murders. In recent years it has been used to store outlawed items to soon be smuggled beyond the borders of the realm.

Will the location be discovered and if so why

A 2,500-year-old celestial carved on the surface of a circular stone found in - Arkeonews

When Denmark changed elevation colour thresholds on the map to emphasize its highest points (source: )

We are approaching the "Tropic of Indulgence"
Wishing all our friends and followers happy holidays and a safe journey.

We wish all of you a plesant holiday time

Bathurst Lighthouse, lighthouse on Rottnest Island, Western Australia.

Ghostwire: Tokyo is now free on Epic Games Store
. .1 .0 ...

Dreaming of crossing from South to North that would connect to ... Switzerland looks like a hole on this

Faro de Suances, lighthouse in Spain.

Hop, et une autre carte pour Seven Silver Spheres.

Le scnario est disponible sur :

So much work to di but day by day it is going on:

Ioannina, the lake
On top of Lycabettus
Bus stop in Aegina island

For a quick holiday ornament.
Cut, paste (tape) assemble globe.

Murales in Turro distric, Milano
Murales in Turro distric, Milano

Trafik Younluk Haritas: Trafik Younluk Haritas le Akll Seyahatin Keyfini karn.

So, it's Christmas... And so, a map. Do you know Rovaniemi, a town in Laponia It's particularity is that the town itself looks like a deer :) Not sure if you can see the animal on that map but...

The back story is much more dramatic becouse the city was destroyed during WWII, but it had been rebuild in that way


A panorama of the INNER SEA

Topologic of the of

Une carte des plus intressantes sur la prvalence du daltonisme dans le monde, rgion par rgion et pays par pays.

(Source : compte X terribleMaps)

Bedok Lighthouse, lighthouse in Singapore.

So often Soviet era publications were about the latest public works project, or some future infrastructure potential. But here, a map of Azerbaijan, its historical and architectural points of interest.

Everything about Sleep paralysis