Amazing Highlights from around the World.

by Kasey Klimes illustrates how apparent population density based on building height doesnt always jive with actual population density. Remember people live and work in different locations, and people move throughout the day.


Calling all geography enthusiasts andresearchers!

Locating Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) Base Stations Using Geographic Information System (GIS) A review of global positioning system (GPS) technology and its applications to geographic information systems (GIS) was done. DOI: Email: Managing

Gorgeous hand drawn of the Pacific Rim. Ive always loved these type of maps. Source:

I've made a first series of prints, and I'm glad to say it turned out really well!

Here is a first look at it:
58.45N 4.49W: Kyle of Tongue and Ben Hope - 10x15cm burin engraving.

Scarecrows of Necum Teuch

......... there is a village that is rarely mentioned in the tourism publications. About 30 miles past Sheet Harbour, Necum Teuch nestles between Moser River and Ecum Secum.

Photos taken Sept 2002 by Bob Marchand

creations of Angella Geddes.

Necum Teuch is a small town on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia on Route 7.

Hi, I'm a lecturer in and a librarian. I love having the opportunity to share my enthusiasm for maps with my geology and environmental science students. Converted to a couple of years ago, and no regrets.

Carte de la Palestine en 1915
War Office (Londres)

Microsoft Pledges $150k to support OpenStreetMap!

read more: <>

sometimes I struggle to come up with names. after lots of umming and ahing I usually figure it out

Illustrating the island of St Mary's, the largest of the is taking me as long as I thought it would - there are so many fascinating things to consider.

My profound interest in tea and cakes, birds, horses, burial chambers and flowers, appears to be hanging out quite markedly!

And there are more flowers to come. Daffodil field next!

Hey there, I've got something really captivating to share with you!
Let me introduce you to Mapilio, an incredible platform that lets you take your exploration to a whole new level. With Mapilio, you can upload photos of any place, and it transforms these visuals into an immersive map experience. It's like magic for mapping!
For all the exciting details, be sure to visit our website at

Season 3 Episode 2 "River of No Return: part 2"

I must say this, for the last two weeks I was in Accra and had internet only in the hotel so whenever I went out, I would have struggled to find directions and places if I didn't have Open Street Maps. Google maps would've shown me place offline, but without navigation.
With OSM, works offline just as if you were online, with navigation updating in real time! Very useful in cases like this when you can't access internet but still need to go somewhere.

La versione italiana di Missive pronta ad andare in stampa!

The italian version of Missives is ready for print proofs!

Map of Pelmoire, color

Finishing up the details on my final map contribution to the Animated History of Tibet project. This has definitely been one of the most interesting projects Ive worked on!

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bitte sendet mir gerne Bilder, die die in in , oder auch dokumentieren.
Ich bentige diese Bilder, um eine breite Analyse zu machen.

Es knnen gerne an gesendet werden.
Bitte Betreff "Bilder zugverlaessig" angeben. Danke.

:maxfahrplan: EDIT: Falls mglich, gerne Aufnahmejahr, Zugtyp, Zugstrecke, Zughersteller und Zugmodell nennen. Dankeschn.

:maxinfo: NEW EDIT 2: Es ist eine in Arbeit zur besseren geografischen bersicht. Hier ein erster kleiner Vorgeschmack. Ich werde sie demnchst mit mehr Daten fttern. Musste mich erstmal etwas reinarbeiten mit

Gerne boosten

Challenging the Idea of a Bad

CYHLAGHARR - land of ogre slavers - what do you think

The Hezbollah

:osm: Comment une carte peut aider apprhender la Quelles sont les atouts, obstacles et limites

> Paysages et pratiques de la transition environnementale : une cartographie OpenStreetMap pour documenter et acclrer la transition dans l'agglomration de Pau :

A parallel map viewer that maintains scale in both windows to make the distortion of projections and the actual size of territories more apparent


We often see maps of how was divided after but seldom do we see this of how was split between and . Source:

1000 followers on is a good chance to share the of one thousand in different languages and their .

Be the one thousand-one:

Map accompanying the second book of Jean-pierre Bonnefoy's science-fiction/fantasy cycle Polynesia. Centered on French Polynesia, the author focuses the book's geography on the various archipelagos and their "high places", represented by black circles.

Rapa Nui (Easter Island), the only external element in this enclosed space, focuses the eye thanks to the line of tension established with Papeete (Tahiti), prefiguring the main plot of one of the novel's temporal scenarios.

hello world

I just wanted to share something with y'all to say hi, so I found this in my folder of miscellaneous images collected from around the internet and thought I'd share it with you. Not sure where I found it but it comes with its original citation.

Would love to see a modern map that shows this. Being modern, it would do it from any place requested, and would let you set a budget and travel mode types.

Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year.

Takov krsa, e jsem podle toho v rmci postdoku vytvoil hexagonln kartogramy

Un peu plus sur mes wip persos en cours.

Some more on my current wips.

Check out this interesting interview of John "Jack" Eddy on the importance of astronomy in the culture of the Skidi Pawnee people. Love the star map presented at the end.

from the french documentary "Tours du Monde, tours du ciel" produced in 1991, on the history of astronomy.

"Eaglemount Road & Center Road"

We did a nice 14 mile bike ride this morning from Capitola to Santa Cruz and back along the coast. When we rode past the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park we found there was the annual school band competition.

From the web site, "Join us for an exciting musical parade as 55 Northern California high school and junior high school marching bands compete next to the iconic Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in the ONLY band review with warm sand, cool surf, and hot rides!

Marching bands will be judged in categories such as music, showmanship, and marching.
Junior high bands will be limited to the first 10 registered."

Kind of cool.

A lovely, vintage 1968 cover of Science Magazine to celebrate the international night, featuring a lunar gravimetric map of the earthside hemisphere, obtained by the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft tracking data.

here's a lovely map of Chicago in 1871, right before the great fire

map by W. Flint of the US Library of Congress - this image is hosted on wikipedia

I found this infographic highly involving. It shows how book lovers are called across Europe

Countries that use a reference to a worm are marked in pink. The ones that refer to moths are shown in purple. If the country is marked in brown, it implies that a reference to mouse or rat is the most popular

I finished engraving my second burin relief map. Can you guess which place it is

This is one of these projects where I can't honestly say how long it took, it just reached the absurdly long zone :) But it shows. I thought the first one was already complex, but this one is a whole new level. And although I can still point many mistakes, I see how my technique improved between the two.

Now I have to wait until Wednesday to see the first prints!

Cette carte montre les pistes cyclables dans la rgion mtropolitaine en 1897, poque o le vlo connat dj une grande popularit. Carte dtaille dans lAtlas du Qubec en Amrique et dans le monde :

J'avais oubli quel point ce style de carte prenait normment de temps... tout en tant paradoxalement trs plaisant faire.

I forgot how this style was so time-consuming, while being very pleasant to do in the same time.

Natural Hazard & Social Vulnerability Risk in the Appalachian Region

This is the final version of this map for now. No map is ever really done, but I need to move on to other projects.

For the smoothest shots

Here is Mapilio's shooting guide!

For more details check our website.

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