Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Brough of Birsay Lighthouse, lighthouse in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK.

Speaking of which, have you seen my last map
I over did it again and it has 50 variants with weather, ship and everything!

36. Schottland. Scotland. (insets) (Glasgow. Edinburgh. Shetland. Orkney.)

Hake (Merlucius vulgaris). The Piscatorial Atlas. Compiled and published by O. T. Olsen. Hanhart Litho. London. (to accompany) The Piscatorial Atlas of the North Sea, English and St. George's channels. 1883.

Bari Light, lighthouse in Italy.

A New Map of Denmark and Sweden. (insets) Five scenes of the life of the Laplanders. North Part of Norway, Lapland, and Greenland. via

credit: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.

Any nerds out there Check out the app, it's incredible! So many free maps (including USGS maps) and other highly detailed one available for free. Plus it works offline, pinpointing your location on the map in realtime even without a cell signal.

Part of ward 10, city of Providence. Vol. 3, plate V. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1875 by G.M. Hopkins, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D.C.

As our routes have built up over time, I've thought it'd be cool to print out a big map of them all.

Last week I finally finished tweaking it and printed it out.

There's a write-up of how I made it at

lighthouse in Iceland.

London Sheet VII.38

Hello! Finally I can share with you all the places where you can get my last for
The Frost Giant Outpost has 50 variants including weather, time of day and gridless options. But you better bring a coat! Get the bundle here:
:dnd: DM'sGuild:
:kofi: Ko-fi:
RTs are appreciated!

Mosaic of Delft

Terrible Invasive Story

I had a real treat the other day when a Green Tree Frog visited me in the hot tub. I used to see these almost every day, but no more. Spring used to bring a cacophony of frogs chirping, but no more.

The reason is "The Beast" aka the which EATS OTHER TREE FROGS! They are huge and toad-like. I kill them when I find them, but the battle is already lost where I live in north .

As you can see from the , these invaders are moving north and are now in my area (red circle).

This ghost sign is also pinned to the London map that accompanies our book. The map includes a number of walking iteneraries that allow you to visit areas with a good density of signs.

Aniou. Per Gerardum Mercatorem Cum privilegio.

Cape D'Aguilar Lighthouse, lighthouse in Hong Kong.

Double Page 4. (Atlas of the rural country district north of New York City embracing the entire Westchester County, New York, also a portion of Connecticut ... Published by E. Belcher Hyde, 1908)

Topographie de base sur Shrafel faite. Vont suivre les ombrages supplmentaires.

Base topography of Sherafel done. Next, additional shading, as per usual.

Want to write about and history = Join the editors of Imago Mundi: The International Journal for the History of Cartography for an information session.

"We especially welcome scholars who are new to the field."

April 15 noon EST, 5pm London, 6pm Paris

April 22 7am EST, noon London, 1pm Paris


Questions Please contact

Katie Parker and Jordana Dym, Editors-in-Chief

When a doodle made during a class council sparks an idea

Kermorvan lighthouse, lighthouse in Finistre, France.

Asia Vetus (Old Asia).

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. La Mappa.
Ho iniziato a giocarci su GBAsp per curiosit e mi son ritrovato a bramare il momento in cui avrei potuto rigiocarci e progredire.
Non pensavo un gioco per gameboy potesse avere delle dinamiche di gioco cos belle e moderne, un ambiente cos ben caratterizzato, dal background ai nemici.
Ha i suoi difetti e non sono pochi, ma il tutto davvero godibilissimo.

New Hampshire. Published by A. Finley Philada. Young & Delleker Sc.

Two weeks ago we published a subscriber update to our overview of territorial administration in /#Palestine, with detailed timeline of events since December.

The map is still basically correct today, pending possible Israeli offensive on .

Full map & report:

lighthouse in Spain.

self-host the


Progression des reliefs sur Shrafel, la partie SO du continent d'Eingana.

Progress on the topography of Sherafel, the SW part of the Eingana continent.

Une carte du bonheur mondial par pays en 2024.

a donne toujours a pens ce genre de rapport.

! , for (many articles are system agnostic) is available in PDF & PRINT at

Ahrkap Feneri, lighthouse in Istanbul, Turkey.

Carte du Perou, ou se trouvent les Audiences de Quito, Lima et la Plata. Projettee et assujettie aux observations astronomiques par M. Bonne, Hydrographe du Roi. A Paris, Chez Lattre, rue St. Jacques a la Ville de Bordeaux, avec pr. du R. (1791)

Make an Highlights Map

Envie de dcouvrir

Les inscriptions pour la Nuit de la gographie sont ouvertes !

En ligne ou en prsentiel Paris, ce sera l'occasion de cartographier au profit de Mdecin sans frontires.

> 3 avril 18h30 avec CartONG

Inscriptions :

Attacks on the Press 2023

A continuation of the road from Bristol to Chester. (to accompany)The roads through England delineated, or, Ogilby's survey : revised, improved, and reduced to a size portable for the pocket by John Senex, F.R.S. ... Publish'd ... 1st May 1780, by R. Wilkinson ... Cornhill, London.

Orfordness Lighthouse, demolished lighthouse in the United Kingdom.

Ride my horse