Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Beef Production in India

Paklenica, protected area.

Hooper Strait Light, lighthouse in Maryland, United States.

Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, public library in Buffalo New York.

Poverty in India (last 15 years)

Rvssie blanche ou Moscovie. Par N. Sanson le fils Geog. du Roy. A. Peyrounin sculp. (to accompany) L'Evrope. Dediee a Monseigneur. Monseigneur le Tellier, secret. d'estat &c. Par N. Sanson le fils Geographe du Roy. A Paris chez l'autheur avec privilege pour 20 ans.

Check this map to see the sun's shadows at any location and any time.

Useful when it's so hot that you can only go outside when there's enough shade.


Current situation in Somalia (since an incorrectly labelled, outdated map was posted earlier today)

Heres my one final map to this sub. Mount Shasta in California with satellite texture. QGIS, Blender, Photoshop. Using satellite texture is damn hard because sat images have harsh shadows. I was lucky with this one though. Thank you!

The map of European champions so far this year

Every mountain, building and tree shadow in the world simulated for any time

Carte Generale du Monde Connu des Anciens. Atlas Universel en 67 feuilles No. 3. Dresse par A. Brue, Geographe. Reoue par E. Levasseur, Membre de l'Institut, Institut Geographique de Paris. Ch. Delagrave & Cie. Editeurs de la Societe de Geographie. 58 Rue des Ecoles. (insets) (Systemes des Aristotle, Ephore, Eratosthene, Strabon, Herodote, Democrite, Crates, et Ptolemee).

Somalia cvl War april 2024

Lordsburg-Hidalgo County Library, library.

Lincoln Park, public park in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Capo Spartivento Calabro Lighthouse, lighthouse in Brancaleone, Calabria, Italy.

Felony conviction and its impact on voting

Your WiFi router is leaking its precise location but you can easily change that.

Recently, researchers discovered that Apple was leaking every WiFi routers precise latitude and longitude to anyone who would ask. They even send you the location of the 400 closest WiFi routers around it.

If you are interested in the technical details and the reason for it, you can read this .

Fortunately, we have a rather simple way to remove our WiFi Access Points out of this massive collection by Apple and Google (Yes, Google does it too, although they dont leak your location to anyone that asks).

The method to opt-out, that both tech companies propose, is they will ignore any WiFi that has a name that ends with nomap.

The owner of a Wi-Fi access point can opt it out of Apples Location Services which prevents its location from being sent to Apple to include in Apples crowd-sourced location database by changing the access points SSID (name) to end with nomap. For example, AccessPoint would be changed to AccessPointnomap.

Now, I guess we have to trust they actually do this, but not doing it would expose them to be caught lying about respecting peoples privacy. Thatd be too damaging to their brand.

So now, the hardest part is, youll probably have to find the way to login into your router again (its probably sitting at or ), change the name of the WiFI that was probably set by default by your Internet provider and, at the minimum, add nomap at the end of it.

Then youll have to reconnect every piece of smart home equipment you own, from your Roomba to your dishwasher, to your new WiFi network. And congratulate yourself for that hard work, because here is one bit of private information Big North American Tech is not capitalizing on anymore.

If you regularly set your mobile phone as a hotspot, youll probably want to do the same with the name of that network. Apple does provide a mechanism by default to protect iPhone users from tracking, but Android doesnt.

While your changing your WiFi name, you might want to put in a funny one. So Ive compiled for you a list of puns that end with nomap.

Youre welcome.

#Apple #Google #map #privacy #WiFi

its an Albany expression

Typus Orbis Universalis. (to accompany) Geographia universalis, vetus et nova, complectens Claudii Ptolemaei Alexandrini enarrationis libros VIII ... Basileae apud Henricum Petrum Mense Martio anno M.D. XL (1540).

Every mountain, building and tree shadow in the world simulated for any date and time

KHOU: "Why is the CenterPoint outage tracker map still down Here's their answer."

Kimmell Park, historic public park in Knox County, Indiana.

Countries named in my history book

Most Polluted Cities in the U.S

Pas beaucoup plus, je me suis chop une bonne crve... Mais bon, a progresse.

Not much more, I caught a cold... but still, it's progressing.

Most followed religion in India by district

Visualising Loch Lomond Rescue Boat Incident Data with Folium - Rhys Wells
Using Folium to create an interactive map of incident data collected by the Loch Lomond Rescue Boat.

Loch Lomond Rescue Boat

Coats of Arms of European countries.

Daugavgrva lighthouse, lighthouse in Latvia.

Easton Area Public Library, Public library system in Easton, Pennsylvania.

XVIe. Flle. L'Indicateur Fidele du Voyageur Francois. Qui donne la continuation des routes occid.le et merid.le des grandes routes de Paris a Toulouse et Bordeaux ... Par Mr. Michel. (to accompany) L' indicateur fidele ou guide des voyageurs ... A Paris, M. D.CC.LXV. (1765). (to accompany) Coup d'oeil general sur la France, par M. Brion ... A Paris Grange Imprimeur-Libraire u2026 M. DCC. LXV. (1765).

What if English football was organised by county like cricket I have made a map of the highest ranked club in each historic county now that the 23/24 football season is over.

Average Home Electricity Usage Per State

The hottest temperatures recorded in all 50 states

Larceny theft rate per 100,000 inhabitants in the United States in 2022, by state

No. 2. Europe Physique.

Map of Canadian Travel Advisories

Overall Sex Ratio of India Latest Figures

A hand drawn, old school dungeon map

Death Clock