Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Are you coming to US this week in Pittsburgh I am!

I put together a helpful custom with the recommended local places from the PyCon US website to help me navigate - hope it helps you too in some way.

Rokkosaki Lighthouse, lighthouse in Japan.

Park Glienicke, English landscape garden in the southwestern outskirts of Berlin, Germany.

Subdivision flag maps of the Old World

Make an Highlights Map

"IGN France now is climate cartographer. We the climate change and its impact on our territory. It is very important and a new paradigm for us. We also work on automatization process. And on tech mix and satellite imagery, we work with CNES
and the private sector."

"The second way, to work with the private sector through strategic partnership to reuse the and develop tools and services to help French public policy. It is very important for us given the climate change challenges."

A Very Personal Exhibition

Hawai is the state with the Highest Cost of living

My Country, If I Could Make It So

Another travel day, this one is a . Old train, full of people confused about which wagon are they in. Why does this always happen south of the Pyrenees

Lake Roland Park, park in Baltimore County, Maryland, United States.

Ukraine in difficult situation as Russian troops claim four more villages

French Map early 1800s

Great Green Wall

Miscou Island Lighthouse, lighthouse in New Brunswick, Canada.

Animation of the tsunami generated by the 9.5 magnitude earthquake that occurred in southern Chile in 1960

132 Empty Alcoves

Rocky Oaks, park in California, United States of America.

The Eurovision Public Vote 12 Points by Country:

How many cities with a population of 100k+ does each state have

The Nat. Library of Scotland have always been great for publishing open licenced historical maps.

And they've properly scanned in and rectified my favourite historical map series: The OS 1st Ed. 6 inch to the mile maps of Ireland from 1840-1880!


When is Mothers Day celebrated

Corran Point Lighthouse, lighthouse in Highland, Scotland, UK.

Oppenheimer Park, park in British Columbia, Canada.

Humid subtropical climate

Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945). U-boats sunk by different military forces (repost)

Public votes for Israel at Eurovision 2024

Trewartha vs Kppen US climate maps

I resume my train trip after a week of family and friends.
PS. I've been told a third of the trip will be by bus already

A map showing the percentage of Yamnaya related ancestry in french regions.

131 Typical Access Portal

Small stone doors give access to the highway at irregular intervals. Some are broken or absent. Others are stuck or wizard-locked ages ago.

One year later, Im picking up where I left off Because .

Moore Park, recreational facility in Klamath Falls, Oregon, US.

North Bank Lighthouse, Irish lighthouse.

The Empires of the Ancient World 200CE

Kppen Geiger Climate Classification from 1901 to 2100

Percentage of Each State Occupied by Corn Fields

Map of European number plates

% of people self identifying as indigenous in south american countries

Le test en cours sur les 4 vues. Cela me parat pas mal non J'ai aussi mis de l'inclinaison et un changement d'ombrage sur les vues des hmisphres.

The wip test of the 4 views. Looks fin, isn't it I also place the right angle and a different shading for the hemipheres views.

this is a part of a that i participated in. The lyrics are in russian but basically the song's about the friendship between us and our pets and how important it is to care for them! The boy is an of mine by the name of Max and the dog's name is Umka

Map of Aurora Borealis Visibility

american gothic portrait