Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Archipelagi Meridionalis seu Cycladum.

Full map from Mork Borg.

Highway and Byways Paul Klee, 1929

Stuart's map of the timber lands of Maine. No. 3. (1894)

Drawing the map from Mork Borg. Just for something to do before bed time. the online GPX file editor

lien #lostintranslation #america #map #txt #usa

Details of KASPIA

You can see the full map at

Update der Karten.

Con i dati del Ministero (Masaf) ho fatto una mappa degli alberi monumentali censiti a settembre 2023.
Si possono cercare per specie e per provincia... per andarli ad ammirare!

Con i dati del Ministero (Masaf) ho fatto una mappa degli alberi monumentali censiti a settembre 2023.
Si possono cercare per specie e per provincia... per andarli ad ammirare!

(Vol. 3, Page 299-300. San Francisco Sanborn Insurance Maps.)


Quelques petites cartes sur des cartes... comme on est en octobre, est-ce que je vais russir en faire une par jour (Je prends de l'avance car je suis pas chez moi et je peux pas le encrer ici)

Paraqvaria Vulgo Paragvay

"Quotation marks" change shape, position, and orientation from one language to another. In this map, we show the symbols to quote direct speech.

Stadtplan (Street Map) von Sheffield mit Militargeographische-Eintragungen (Military-Geographic Features) G.B. 6, BB 13c. 1:10,000.

Bosquejo Geologico Del E. De Aguascalientes. Secretaria de Agricultura y Fomento : Direccion de Estadios Geograficos y Climatologicos ... Mexico. 2a. Edicion, 1922. ( to accompany) Atlas geografico de la Republica Mexicana 1919-1921. (on upper margin) No. 2.:

So sieht es aus, wenn ich mittels eines Lichttischs die Vorzeichnung auf das Originalpapier bertrage. Ich bin gerade dabei einen Gebudeplan fr meine Patreons zu zeichnen. Es wird nur eine Lineartkarte und ist Teil des Themensets Hafenstadt. Eventuell werde ich spter davon Prints erstellen (insgesamt wren das dann vier Karten)

Big Project: Random Dungeon Maps (rebuild)
1) decide a data structure to hold the map data. Screen is split into a grid, with each square being Room, Corridor, Wall or Rock. Currently held inside the Dungeon Class as a 2D Array of Strings (for height/width).

Any advice

Plan of Lot Forty Eight, Queens Co., P.E.I. (inset) Southpoint or Stratford, Lot 48.:

residents & alumni, what are your favourite aspects of your Any quirks to highlight after seeing the , or the new overlay from Ghostly, evocative, thoughts on green space & a

Ice Chart, Okhotsk Sea Region, March.:

The in 8.5 has a new context menu with some very helpful options, like you can use it to quickly move GeoTags, or show locations in OpenStreetMap and Google Maps, among other things.

The in 8.5 has a new context menu with some very helpful options, like you can use it to quickly move GeoTags, or show locations in OpenStreetMap and Google Maps, among other things.

Please enjoy .

These are based on those of the which also has an excellent new website. Here's the HTT post:

Terrific material for a , , or !

How to Use Pro to Watersheds

A nice collection of lesser known tools that are also useful for OSINT investigations based on geolocation

to draw new congressional , bolstering voters -- Could this be a big for in the #2024

An 1894 map of Palestine from the late Syria Ottoman Railway Company's archive

Map I made during recent convention.

a map

Info box for my next map, which details the Brori nation of Grest,

Finally got around to remaking my map and naming all main factions and major settlements!

The City Game

Urban Caffeine on the NYC Subway

Saudi Arabia announces official of Kingdoms borders

From the late 1670's comes a great "strip" map by John Ogilby. Here, to get from Presteigne to Carmathen, in Wales it's a practical method to keep one on the correct route to a destination, reference landmarks & stay on the route.
It's interesting that when automobiles became popular, early roads atlases used this same route method to get drivers to their next destination, by identifying landmarks and keeping them on a solitary path.

Am I the only one who sees this kind of clock in a shop and the first thing that comes to mind is: I wonder what kind of projection they used. //

Hi I have been 14 days and 352 km in National Park and nearby areas.

This cropped photo is a willow ptarmigan along the track. I was surprised I could approach the bird so close.

Geo-tagged , high-res downloads, interactive , and full story here:

I uploaded only one photo of this trip but I plan to publish one more every week until I run out of good photos.

Problems Making a Will where to keep your last will and testament