Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Anyone affiliated with and/or Uni Erlangen The service currently seems down...

Its been some time since I posted a so, here comes :)

Bari Light, lighthouse in Italy.

Having fun with this one that I left aside for too long. A study in pink for my soon to be 7yo daughter

Les podcasts natifs dinformation en France : mthodologie pour un recensement de loffre Les Enjeux de l'information et de la communication

New feature on : End points of rivers, with upstream length total <>

In , we map waterways as lines. WWM: Ends uses the direction of river flow, showing points where waterways end. This is normal when it enters the sea, but could be a mistake!

Uniquely, it calculates the total length of all waterways that end at that point.

Have fun: <>

As you search for a location, Google Maps will suggest search terms, and then say "no results found" for the geographic location that it suggested.

Repeated 3 while using this Google Maps website on a smartphone:

Far de Tramuntana, lighthouse in Spain.

Taiwan and China: Prediction of the areas with climate in the 2080s similar to contemporary residential areas under RCP8.5.

One more ! Hanai'kol, the largest settlement in the , sits in the doab between two branches of the Len'ii. Purple and yellow area indicate respectively wintertime and summertime settlements.

Ancora una mappa! Hanai'kol, il pi grande villaggio nella Taiga, si trova nel doab tra i due rami del fiume Len'ii. Le aree viola e gialla indicano rispettivamente gli stanziamenti invernali ed estivi.

Variation On The Euler Diagram-Map Of The British Isles
<-- wiki page
<-- wiki background to euler diagrams
Helps in naming of certain groupings of islands, although it might be seen as a controversial groupings for some
An Euler diagram is a diagrammatic means of representing sets and their relationships. They are particularly useful for explaining complex hierarchies and overlapping definitions. They are similar to another set diagramming technique, Venn diagrams. Unlike Venn diagrams, which show all possible relations between different sets, the Euler diagram shows only relevant relationships

sterskr lighthouse, lighthouse in Vrmd Municipality, Baltic coast, Sweden.

Backyard of school of Theology, Zografou/Athens

Ilisos river going to the sea

Waiting the right moment to have a seat

Command-and-control IPv4 , 2024-01-16 to 2024-01-29


to those wondering this is how the maps link up.

For the purpose of , I went to .com to observe the of men with their big big living in . For those of you who don't know, is a with little circles marking where gay guys specifically are located. Each circle usually has a photo of their and for as little as $7.99 a week they can chat with each other! As totally fucked as the of their is, they also live in Texas. Run! Like WTF dudes run!

Hoy Sound High Light, lighthouse in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK.

Galactic Geography versus Habitability: The Best Neighborhoods for Starting a Life in the Galaxy

by Rebecca Boyle

The research paper by Jesper Nielsen and co-authors:

The Interactive Turbulence

"Most people are familiar with the large density centers around Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, but the concentration in central China is surprising. The cities of Chengdu and Chonqing, in the Sichuan Basin, are part of a massive population center."

Point of Ayre Lighthouse, lighthouse on the Isle of Man.

A map of part of Asia to illustrate the Old Testament and classical authors. Trely. W. Saunders, Geogr. Stanford's Geographical Estabt. London. John Murray. (to accompany) Dr. William Smith's Ancient atlas. 40. 1874. via

credit: David Rumsey Map Collection, David Rumsey Map Center, Stanford Libraries.



Phare de Morgat, lighthouse in Finistre, France.

Pretty cool: a site that shows places near to you (has to know your location, natch) that have associated Wikipedia articles:

According to some surveys, blue is people's favorite color. Or colors How many names for blue are there in your language

Colors in mapologies:

Auskerry Lighthouse, lighthouse in Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK.

Westhoofd Lighthouse, lighthouse in the Netherlands.

Ruins of the 2004 summer Olympics Games in Greece.
Glyfada, Athens area.

Current WIPs

Here is a map of the town planning of Kinshasa, the third largest city in Africa!

Here, we discover its streets and neighborhoods. Kinshasa is the largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it borders the Congo River

Une carte o l'eau adopte un aspect pastel. Les rues et les quartiers se dessinent nettement sur fond blanc

An interactive map to show climate analogs in Northern America: ht

Murales in Turro district, Milan, part III.

Murales in Turro district, Milan, part II.

Murales in Turro district, Milan, part I.

Hornby Lighthouse, lighthouse in New South Wales, Australia.
