Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Alfanzina Lighthouse, lighthouse in Portugal.

Make an Highlights Map

alas the foldouts always get overlooked, because they do not fit the workflow, requiring as they do the adjustment of the camera set up. It takes time and therefore money to reshoot and integrate the folded out pages.

Bane of my life as a .

(Carte de France levee par ordre du Roy). No. 173 (Philipsbourg. 1763)

Satamisaki Lighthouse, lighthouse on Cape Sata on the sumi Peninsula, Japan.

This is a single case, when I really would love to use a Quote-Post feature.

I'll do it by hand, though.

I almost fell over laughing at this post.

You have to view the whole image, not the cropped version, to get the joke.

Sheet 480. Malmedy. Karte des Deutschen Reiches.

Virtual Reality and the 'Virtual Wall'

lien #history #map #txt #wtf

Ar Men, lighthouse in Finistre, France.

Et un peu plus de fait sur les reliefs de Norumbega

And some more work on the shaded reliefs of Norumbega.

Tabula Islandi

As you search for a location, Google Maps will suggest search terms (see image 1) and then say "no results found" for the geographic location that it suggested (see image 2).

Repeated 3 while using this Google Maps website on a smartphone:

Ornsay Beacon, lighthouse in Highland, Scotland, UK.

Did you know that blue dragons hide under the sand in the deserts they inhabit and wait for adventurers to just come close enough to reach them with their breath
I made a map thinking about how they like to use their electric breath to dig their hideouts :)

Mouvement et Recettes des Voyageurs sur les Chemins de Fer Francais D'Interet General en 1889. (High speed in France in 1889 and 1890: Numbers and receipts of the travellers for all distances, by class and category of tariff in 1889 (absolute data).)


Rozewie Lighthouse, lighthouse in Poland.

Industria elettrica : Distribuzione geografica della potenza elettrica installata nel 1928 (kw. efficenti).

I had fun making a of the traffic around during the yesterday. I wrote a bit about it here.

A of all the in the . Blue are smallest. Red are the tallest.

update for the German basemap

Already planning my next eclipse trip: near Luxor, Egypt on August 2, 2027. 6 minutes of totality! Bookended by two lunar eclipses!

Quick Tip 01!
Need a world map Type WORLD into the Coordinate box.

"The Mar estate is a landscape of international significance but, inexplicably, no integrated survey of it has ever been undertaken by any official body in Scotland."

Sinon, je suis actuellement en train de refaire la carte physique d'Eldoran, monde imaginaire abritant la cit volante d'Argona.
Sur l'image, je dbute les reliefs du continent de Norumbega.

And I'm currently working on a new version of a map of Eldoran, fantasy world hosting the flying city of Argona.
I'm starting the shaded reliefs of the continent of Norumbega.

West Africa II. Published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Engraved by J. & C. Walker. London, published by Chapman & Hall, 186, Strand, April 15th. 1839 (1844)

Je fais des cartes et aussi quelques illustrations pour mes mondes imaginaires ou sur commande.

I'm doing maps and some illustrations for my fantasy worlds or commissions.

Well, this is fun ... if you're I to that sort of thing.

Almagrundet lighthouse, lighthouse outside Sandhamn, Sweden.

Le 26 mars 2019.
Il s'agit de la dernire photo concernant la Guadeloupe que j'ai publi. Il n'y en aura pas d'autres. Et c'est avec une petite boule au ventre que je vais appuyer sur le bouton publier.
Il y a des endroits qui nous marquent. Qui laissent une emprunte tout jamais marque en nous. Qui nous changent en profondeur.
Ces endroits exceptionnels qui nous ressemblent, au point de dcouvrir des morceaux de nous-mmes en les explorant.
Ibiza mavait touch, mais jamais aucun lieu ne mavait fait autant cet effet que la Guadeloupe. Sur cette carte, des centaines de souvenirs sont parpills. Jy ai trouv des parts de moi-mme et en ai laiss dautres.
Guadeloupe. Fantastique Guadeloupe. Tous tes trsors me manqueront.
Photo ralise dans la Jeep Renegade de Sixt Antilles.

Chart of the World on Mercator's Projection. Principal Cities of the Old World, (insets of vicinities of) London Paris Berlin St. Petersburg Vienna Cairo.

Polyam family (including the family dog)
#zoo #Para #paraphilia #incest #map #polyam

Isla Pingino Lighthouse, lighthouse in Argentina.

Augsbourg : Ville Imperiale d'Allemagne ... (to accompany) Les forces de l'Europe ... Le tout recueilli par les soins du Sr. de Fer ... Sixieme partie. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'Isle du palais. M. DC. XCV (1695).

is a new standard for 3D rendering in the browser
This podcast episode by gives a good insight
Also with some emphasis on web maps

Another cool I made a while back:

Is there a #map that shows 5G/4G/3G coverage all over the world
#cell #mobile

amnor tant globalement fini, je peux vous montrer l'ensemble d'Eingana achev (en dehors du texte).
J'attaque Norumbega, au NE.

Eamnor being done, I can show you a full view of Eingana. Starting Norumbega in the NE.

North and South Carolina. (with) Plan of Charleston. (with) Map of Charleston Harbor. Copyright by S. Augustus Mitchell 1884.

To reach the shop, is Google Maps telling us to SWIM across the canal

United States.