Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Abandoned and haunted cells A thieves den a crypt just how much trouble can a sewer hold!

Find out in this week's friday fun map!

Full-size free on itch:

Le Phare de Nice, lighthouse in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

(31) Il circolo di Svevia delineato sulle ultime osservazioni. Roma, presso la Calcografia Camerale, 1797.

Make an Highlights Map

Day 23. After so much hard work, I'm slowly putting the finishing touches to this map! The figures are almost right, all I need to do now is work on the fonts

Scogliu Longu Lighthouse, lighthouse in Corse-du-Sud, France.

(Vol. 3, Page 367-368. San Francisco Sanborn Insurance Maps.)

I love to recirculate old forgotten vintage maps to be repurposed as wall art or home decor gifts. Here is one I recently added to my from the public domain. It is one of the prettiest ones I have seen yet!

Is your Sure, dont forget to bring your dice, character sheet and minis, but by Crom, do take a map on your travels!

Heres a tip:
If you need a , I can help!


Quelques menus progrs sur les prmices du relief de Thuvar.

Some little advances on the future topography of Thuvar.



Rinns of Islay Lighthouse, lighthouse in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK.

A hand drawn, old school map time lapse video - check out this pen and paper tomb map I drew just for the heck of it lol.

Statistical & general map of Canada. No. 4. Letts's popular atlas. Letts, Son & Co. Limited, London. (1883)

How Bengalurus is a true showcase of art for the People, by the people

The latest initiative by Museum of Art and Photography is a celebration of their first anniversary

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Narva-Jesuu Lighthouse, lighthouse in Estonia.

Taken from the most celebrated modern geographers : Africa. Corrected to present period by astronomical observations. D. Lizars script. et sculpt. Published by T. Brown & W. & D. Lizars, Edinbr. (to accompany) New Edinburgh general atlas ... The maps drawn and engraved by W. & D. Lizars.


From Avenza:

The Conference is coming up quickly! Don't forget to register ahead to secure your spot.

Register now:


Le Phare de Nice, lighthouse in Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France.

My old friend Jim Akerman looking at some of the Coronelli globe gores - large celestial globe 1693 - at the Newberry Library, Chicago

Township 27 South Range 4 West.

The color pink was introduced in the vocabulary late, like orange and violet. In many languages, it was taken from the French word rose, which appeared around the 12th century. The color in Welsh and English, pink, is named after the flower Dianthus plumarius.

Bel tower on Lycabettus hill, Athens

An old photo from last year. This is 300 S. Wacker Drive in the Loop. It was a pretty nondescript building up until about 2014 when they decided to put a striking mural map of the Chicago River.
For more info, check out this:
Photo taken on 16 October 2023.
For more photos from Chicago in 2023, please check out this collection:

I drew a layout of a small inn. No name for it yet. I just kinda go bored of drawing a cave each week. It isn't to scale or anything but idk it looks okay I think.

Alderney Lighthouse, lighthouse in Alderney, Guernsey.

Where can you find support with research integrity

Use our map to understand the complex research integrity landscape in the UK.

Click the link below

Normal people: using one app.

Me: using up to five apps:

1. MapFactor Navigator with offline maps based on .

2. Geo Tracker track recording with online satellite map.

3. mBDL polish National Forest Administration online forest maps.

4. Mapa turystyczna online tourist trail map.

5. Occasionally OSM in browser if I need to check recent changes.

I especially recommend mBDL. Besides being able to suggest roads that aren't on any other map, it's got forest sector numbers when GPS isn't working, you can reference them to the poles in the woods to check where you are.

Not saying these are the best apps. Rather the first ones that worked for me at some point.


Not a map designed for the challenge: it was a pre-project hastily drawn for future production. But I think it's perfectly suited to today's theme : "worst hand-drawn challenge"

Gorleston Lighthouse, lighthouse in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England.

New Jersey. Kneass Sc. Drawn & Published by F. Lucas Jr. Baltimore.

the Ecstasy of St. Malichar

After so many good critiques of my map from the community, I've decided to make some changes.
(thanks )

I've received some questions so, for those who wondered, The map is hand-drawn in Photoshop (but I've made a couple of custom brushes to speed up the process and don't draw every tree separately :)


Hymettus mountain, random photos

Revision made Easy!