Amazing Highlights from around the World.

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 14/08/23.


On the southern front, Ukraine has advanced further into Urozhaine, clashes continue on the southern edge of the settlement.

another xkcd work! Bad map projection all longitudes are positive.

Original work :

Michael Barry has created a vector map to display the datasets released by the Overture Maps Foundation.

This is the first time I've seen the ways in the dataset - great to see cycleways are in there! Also interesting to see how Microsoft and OSM buildings are interleaved - OSM buildings have the priority where I've checked.

119 Hall of Alcoves

The 4 hobgoblin spearmen in 117 should rather be stationed here. Two watch from the west balcony.

Das Lagerhaus / Safe House, wo sich die Spieler treffen, ist endlich fertig. Noch nie so viel mit fremden Assets gebastelt. Vielleicht hab ich's etwas bertrieben aber es hat Spass gemacht.

How to run a human spectrogram map that allows participants to quickly discover others who live or work near them plus some new ideas I haven't tried yet!

The mulberry in different languages and their etymologies: Romance languages have borrowed the term morum from Latin, signifying both and mulberry

Close-ups from across the frontline of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 13/08/23.

There have been no confirmed notable changes to control since the last update.

Make an Highlights Map

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 12/08/23.


Ukraine has advanced further around and into Urozhaine.

: Assyrian Empire 824 B.C.E. to 671 B.C.E.

Attribution: Ningyou, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Image:

: provinces of the , 117 A.D.

Attribution: Andrei nacu at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

lien #histoiresbelges #choupi #map #bd

The final map for Eurofurence's Dealer's Den was posted, so here's this, so you know where to find me!
See you in Hamburg!

The full map will be in the first reply.

118 Secret Balcony

1/4 The ghost of a dwarven hero laments the loss of his sword. Hardby lost the sword in a fight with a dragon, in which he was gravely injured. Without it, he failed his mission to bring peace to the dwarf clans. When the discussion became heated, Hardby was pushed from the balcony and fell to his death. More of the story in comments.

Through my life I have visited around 20 countries and I dream someday to write down my trips somewhere.

One of the tools I found for this matter is this nice FOSS web frontend on top of OpenStreetMaps:

It doesn't mean I will go crafting some travel blog now, I just like to share cool FLOSS projects and technologies.

Posted by

Cleaning out mother in law's house and making my inner map nerd worm happy.

The 40th small batch cloth TTRPG map of our Folded Lands Patreon features art by the phenomenal

We're doing something fun and experimental with this one -- join now to make sure you get one for your very own

Plus discounts on everything Inkling
discounts on custom prints
and some other rad perks!

XKCD Bad Projection with

Goedemorgen en een fijne dag gewenst. Voor wie het nodig heeft: beterschap, voor wie jarig is: gefeliciteerd.
Guten Morgen und ich wnsche Ihnen einen schnen Tag. Fr diejenigen die es brauchen: Gute Besserung und falls man Geburtstag hat: Alles gute zum Geburtstag.
Good morning and I wish you a nice day. For those who need it: get well soon and when you're having your birthday, happy birthday.

Shandong Province

Heute gibts ein kleines Update von meinem Projekt Neues Banner. Die Konturen des Farbfleckes sowie die ersten Hausdcher habe ich gestern Abend im Stream gemacht. Weiter gehts erstmal offline. Bin gespannt wie es sich entwickelt Und ob es am Ende berhaupt als Werbebanner taugt. Wenn nicht, finde ich sicher eine andere Verwendung.

lien #map #drg

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 11/08/23.


Ukrainian forces have captured Russian positions east of Robotyne.

I had the privilege to visit Maui once. A magical place.
1955 Aloha Airlines Route Map Postcard

Thinking about Lahaina Printsellers in Maui, now more than ever. It's a pretty small world of map dealers, everyone knows each other, and we enjoyed visiting them years back. But, I can't imagine what they are going through now.
Friends in the area lost their car to the fire, but still have home. They said it was fast and brutal. I fear the worst for Lahaina Printsellers.

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 10/08/23.


Russia has retaken positions south of Berkhivka near Bakhmut.

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 09/08/23.


Ukraine has attacked and entered the north of Urozhaine. The settlement is now contested.

Ukraine carried out a raid across the river in the Kherson region, west of the town of Kozachi Laheri.

Notes and maps work very well together. In today's video, you'll learn how to see your next trip notes on a map, plan your driving to meet with clients, find a better way to organize your partnerships all over the world, and much more with the View .

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Heute Abend ab 19:30 Uhr gibts einen neuen Art Stream. Ich arbeite weiter an dem zuknftigen Banner fr meinen Con Stand. Wenn ihr Zeit und Lust habt, schaut doch gerne mal vorbei. Link zum Twitchkanal findet ihr in meinem Profil.

It's a from the Internet, of course it's Google Maps!


people, - Vinny Byrne talks about a laneway running from Upper Mount Street towards an area where it would be possible to fire on Clanwilliam House (Mount Street Bridge) in 1916 - does this laneway still exist

All the fire stations in on a

Twin Peaks Loop Five mile loop hike from West Portal up Ulloa and Portola to the 922 foot summits of Twin Peaks and then back down Clarendon and Forest Hill.


Link in bio

I am looking for a FOSS solution to create a map of my last holidays with different type of customizable markers, a route and if possible the option to highlight certain areas of the map (e.g. opacity).
Does anyone have suggestions
Something similar to but for free and without tracking etc.

Please repost!

117 Loggia

4 Hobgoblin archers observe area 12 Storeroom. 4 hobgoblin spearmen guard the spirit nagas lair (115).

tomorrow, to , hope to have time to post 118 Secret Balcony. Also hope to come up with room contents on the way. the next day with my .

Le Varja's Caf, un caf d'une franchise que l'on trouve dans ma cit d'Argona. Celui-ci se trouve dans le Hangar arien n3.

Varja's Caf. You can find this one in an airship hangar (n3) of my flying city of Argona.

Make an Australian will online.