
How will the Internet of Things be monetized?

RuggedRFID Houston, TX
How will the Internet of Things be monetized?

kristin_gist San Jose, CA
Have 15 minutes? Use these 5 steps for a quick home cleaning:

MwG64 Canada
@barrieadvance I keep my walk way clean of snow in hope my newspaper will be delivered one day...no luck...

My gift will be a Toaster. Discover which will be your #Christmas gift! START QUIZ:

parrillabruh americas next top noodle
i will never be able to turn her acc into a sq one now i have too muCH GUILT

If the mighty reds drop points against West Ham I will have to do the unimaginable; #klopout

Me: my first kid will be named yuengling @Official_AGmann "second one name yuengling light and you won't like it as much" @Yuengling_Beer

Add a Guided Tour

breazi32 somewhere in a happy place
My husband and kids will eat good I can guarantee that 😉

Our Savior will always be in our favor.

ERN_Malleyscrub Australia
Australia nothing much - maybe odd dozen as gifts to ships captains perhaps. 1899

Amoriall Louisiana, USA
My gift will be a Toaster. Discover which will be your #Christmas gift! START QUIZ:

jesswoonee Cruel Yet Beautiful World
Don't let your emotions consume you. It will kill you.

The1EssenceRdio Miami, FL
#NowPlaying The Three Degrees - When Will I See You Again :: Tune In:

Have 15 minutes? Use these 5 steps for a quick home cleaning:

Created: 9 Dec 2016