135 Troll Bazaar
7 Hobgoblin guards stand in a rank along the road. Behind them a number of merchants of diverse humanoids hawk their wares to potential clientele.
Sneaking amidst the crowd is an imp, which may also appear as a large spider or, most often, a raven. Familiar to a nearby magic-user, the imp watches comers and goers. Between investigations into crates, barrels, and backpacks, its favorite watch point is atop the monument.
Cabra Island lighthouse, lighthouse in Lubang, Philippines.
Nassau Nature Park, nature park in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
World where the size of each country is proportional to size
Our Homelands: British Isles & their People (1935)
Worlds Newest Countries Since 1990
Chinese map of Ireland in 19th century
Map of Sunken Battleships. Purple spots are sunken battleships that were converted to carriers.
Landkrtchen / Map / Carte gographique
The Tri-State Tornado of 1925. The deadliest tornado in American History
Seven Deadly Sins as US Maps
Warder Park, park located in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S..
Ras Nungwi Lighthouse, lighthouse in Tanzania.
US States by Murder Rate
Create your own Highlights MapCOVID Death Rate After Vaccines Became Available
Map of US counties based on how far they are from a navigable waterway
Une petite carte de science-fiction pour changer (faite pour challenge sur cartographers guild).
A little sf map for a change (done for a cartographers guild challenge).
Made an ink map of Bryce Canyon National Park
Next leg of the trip, taking the fancy Alfa Pendular all the way to the south with change in Tunes. Everything went smooth, let the beach commence.
Map of Drug Cartels in Mexico 2024
Southwark Park, park in the London Borough of Southwark.
Vermilion Light, lighthouse in Ohio, United States.
50% of Canadians live below the red line
Sharing etymological roots in pairs is particularly true when it comes to the word for "raspberry": For example, Lithuanian aviet & Latvian avene. it comes from Proto-Balto-Slavic *wis "sheep", because to them, raspberries resembled sheep.
Raspberry (rubus idaeus)
Read more about this map here:
AI laws & regulations around the world
Tenochtitlan, The Capitol of the Aztec Empire
Churchill Park, park in Glendowie, suburb of Auckland, New Zealand.
Anacapa Island Light, lighthouse in California, United States.
The size of the UK compared to the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania)
Tap water quality by country: EPI score.
shows Europe is divided into 4 regions based on origins of the word . Source: buff.ly/3JTk43k
134 Monument to a King Redux
Thinking about what the ceiling looks like, I had an idea: the Old Dwarf Highway runs through a previously existing vaulted chamber. Modifications ensued
Monument is inscribed with the deeds of Njordr IX, King of Old Stonefast.
Size of Europe compared to China
Cool map of the bottom of the Missouri River
Irish Population in 1841 vs. Present
Legality of assisted suicide in Europe (as of May 2024)
Forsyth Park, in Savannah, Georgia, USA.
Mystic Seaport Light, lighthouse in Connecticut, United States.
Shaded Relief map of the Peninsula Iberica from a 1956 atlas