Amazing Highlights from around the World.

Cape Kiti Lighthouse, lighthouse in Cyprus.

Make an Highlights Map

The world's 175 are the place where 3 of different countries meet

Punta Curaumilla lighthouse, lighthouse in Chile.

The 15th-Century Monk Who Crowdsourced A Map Of The World - Fra Mauro Was The Google Earth Of The 1450s
<-- shared technical article

Mooi op tijd voor onder de kerstboom! Het nieuwe nummer van 'Caert-Thresoor' is verschenen. Ditmaal met o.a. de volgende bijdragen:
- Een van het grensgebied tussen en het
- encounters tijdens de voetreis van Jacob van Lennep en Dirk van Hogendorp in 1823
- Was de kritiek terecht Von Derfelden van Hinderstein versus Melvill van Carnbe
Opgelet: je kunt een abonnement op 'Caert-Thresoor' ook cadeau geven: zie

, la per a zero

Surveillance under Surveillance Surveillance Camera Map base sur les donnes openstreetmap

Je commence mettre les noms dans cette partie (mme s'il y a sans doute quelques autres ajustements faire).

Starting the labelling on this part.

A cookie map!!

In a major milestone, I now have easy-to-read black & white versions of ALL 3 of my primary maps.

It wasn't as simple as removing the color. Not one bit.

Doing that caused the labeling to blend into the background. It was actually more complex than that, though I was able to do each one in about a day.

So, now, each map has an artistic & a functional version. I'm content.

Punta Spadillo lighthouse, lighthouse in Italy.

3D map of internet cables

Nicely crafted interactive map of Iceland volcanoes:

Catalogue of Icelandic Volcanoes

Stubben Lighthouse, lighthouse in Finland.

Cove Point Light, lighthouse in Maryland, United States.

Late that night, a traveller arrived in the snow covered hamlet. They were offered a hot meal, and a place by the fire.

Creating a 3D of Drill Holes Using

Panul Lighthouse, lighthouse in Chile.

Oxcars Lighthouse, lighthouse in Fife, Scotland, UK.

In the depths of this cave is part of a great underground lake. This cave is located high up in the mountains, a dry and desolate place. The water contained in the bowels of this place makes it a sought after area. Many lives have been taken in defence of this network of caves... but none will, perhaps ever, survive against that which dwells deep under the surface of the sacred waters.

Should there be any reason to venture its depths

Though is where vast majority of fighting and deaths are happening in the current /#Israel war, the conflict also involves the border region and, increasingly, the (especially -governed city of ).

Want to learn more about Elyden Become a patron and gain access to over 100 high-res maps, as well as the Encyclopaedia Elyden and the Atlas Elyden PDFs, which collectively clock in at over 1,000 pages, all for as little as $51 a year.

A hand drawn, old school map time lapse video - check out part 15 of the unplanned Lost Kingdom


Ekren lighthouse, lighthouse in sterker Municipality, Baltic coast, Sweden.

Dear Friends of the other side,

As we may know traffic wardens/cops are human . but . Yesterday I came across one of these lost . They are employed by Wandsworth council. Yes it really is named Wands but that is another story. Ahem
back to the traffic warden who was issuing a violation ticket to a petrol death dealer (or Kar as I believe call them). The offending kar was on double yellow line on a busy . I the traffic warden and pointed out the vehicle also had one on the pavement/sidewalk. Also naughty. I think his work was appreciated and made him happy. On previous occasions I have suggested to traffic wardens:

I have other for traffic wardens

Hope this is :byebrows:

2/2 Some particularly interesting inventions of these Mercator maps :
- an underwater corridor exists between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean (foreshadowing the possibilities offered by the Suez Canal, which is nearing completion in the story).
- Antarctica doesn't exist, and only discovered points of the continent are shown (such as Graham Land), and Captain Nemo manages to reach the South Pole with his submersible, consisting of a single island surrounded by a wall of ice.

1/2 Maps depicting the journey of Captain Nemo and his passengers aboard the Nautilus in Jules Verne's novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Created by Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville and douard Riou, these maps were originally included in Hetzel's 1870 edition.

Daugavgrva lighthouse, lighthouse in Latvia.

Some file addition is a frontend optimization , is it :D

Sunday evening, great time for a relaxing viewing point.

We're different then corporate maps. In our Quick menu we have theme suggestions, like 'Sight Seeing', where you can click Viewing Point, and it shows you all the hills and high spots where to have amazing views.

Example: Budapest

Green Island Leading Light, lighthouse in Northern Ireland.

Existe-t-il libre quelle est la position de l' sur l'incompatibilit des applications de navigation n'appartenant pas ( ) avec ce systme Je pense notamment ou .

Faro de Lastres, lighthouse in Spain.

Are you ready for tomorrow

Ok, pour celui-l vous allez avoir envie/besoin dun peu de contexte :
La semaine dernire, peu prs au mme moment o un ministre examinait les tests PISA et concluait que les jeunes sont pas des lumires, chez nous une lve snervait car sa feuille dexercices mentionnait un pays quelle connaissait pas : le Goland (prononcez  Golande )
Loin de se laisser abattre, le prof ma demand une carte de cette terre mystrieuse.
La voici donc :

"BirdWeather is a visualization platform that... is continuously listening to over 200 active audio stations around the world and is actively plotting their results in a user-friendly map interface..." jessamyn posted about the birbs, and it is super cool.

Working on another map tonight because I don't have the energy for much else right now.

I think I'm getting better at stylizing the lighting now, using it to highlight important parts, and give off the idea of brightness without washing out the scene.

Still a long way to go, though!

Someone's map from ToughSF inspired me to try my hand at making something in a similar style.

All the names are merely references to an old Star Ruler 2 playthrough, unfortunately any sort of my own setting is still in very deep snippet and idea stage. Good practice nontheless.

Svjetionik Rt Lovie, lighthouse in Croatia.
